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Terminator Fans: Prepare to Puke


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Crazy thing about that teaser is that it doesn't even feel like T2 the movie. Like a hybrid between 1 & 2. Synthesizer music, T1-ish sound effects, visual effects are a few steps behind. They really stepped it up between that teaser and the movie.



Teasers are normally filmed at the same time as principal photography is going on, but they're a completely separate project: different director, different crew, obviously a much smaller budget, and they have to get to distribution in a hurry. 



I think T2 was a more enjoyable ride, but I'm not sure that means it's a better movie. They both have their strengths.

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I think they could;ve written a great movie. Alas, they didn't.   Poor Mattt Smith; this was going to be his big post Doctor Who role.  Skynet was going to have a big role in the 2  sequals.  This average at best movie, will not be spinning off any sequals.



Terminator 2 is best one.

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So am I the only one in this thread who saw the original inspiration for these movies (Westworld and Futureworld)?

Pops got me Westworld when I was a youngster, freshly inspired from the Terminators. Yul Brynner made for a really good cyborg. Definitely a lot of Terminator feels in that movie.

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I have the T2 ultimate edition on DVD. It comes with 3 versions of the movie. Theatrical, Director's Cut, and Extended Cut.  The Extended Cut was a hidden easter egg on the DVD where I believe you had to enter in the year that judgement day took place and then it unlocked a door on the menu screen to the extended cut.


Cameron used to go all out on his DVD easter eggs. I remember the special edition of The Abyss had all sorts of hidden gems on the DVD menu.

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Oh, that would be awesome!


Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood, Ed Harris and James Marsden will take leading roles in Westworld. The premiere date of the new series, which has veterans Jonathan Nolan and J.J. Abrams as executive producers, is to be confirmed.



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I think they could;ve written a great movie. Alas, they didn't.   Poor Mattt Smith; this was going to be his big post Doctor Who role.  Skynet was going to have a big role in the 2  sequals.  This average at best movie, will not be spinning off any sequals.




The movie has already made $130 mil worldwide, and it hasn't opened in China or Japan.  Arnold may have lost his appeal in the US, but he's still loved internationally.  I would put good money on the sequels being made....


Terminator Genisys opened at #1 in Russia ($12.5M at 1,150 locations), Korea ($11.1M from 1,275 venues), Mexico ($6.2M from 670 locations), India ($2.8M from 600 venues), Malaysia ($2.3M at 131 sites), Taiwan ($2.1M at 80 locations), Hong Kong ($1.9M from 44 venues), and Ukraine ($666K from 235 locations). Though not landing at the #1 spot it has also opened in the UK ($5.6M from 536 sites), France ($3.8M at 680 locations), Brazil ($4M from 549 cinemas), Australia ($4.7M at 258 cinemas), the Philippines ($1.4M at 149 sites), and Venezuela ($2.4M at 75 venues).

It has yet to open in Germany and Italy, which it does on July 9th and the next day in Spain and Japan. A release date has yet to be chosen for China.

At Genisys's reported pre-advertising cost of $155M it will be the international markets that dictate whether we will be hearing of Skynet and Judgment Day in the near future. Given that Paramount has two more Terminator films slated to go, in 2016 and 2017, all eyes will be on those rollouts.




As of this morning’s overseas resultsTerminator has gunned down $85.5M bringing its global take to close to $130M (the sequel’s reported cost is $155M).......  Paramount is so over the moon with foreign on Terminator Genisys, that they expect it to rank as Arnie’s highest grossing film of all-time (worldwide, that is), beating his No. 1 champ Terminator 2: Judgement Day ($519.8M worldwide).



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How do you go from the awesomeness of T2 back to absolute crap in T3?

Terrible, TERRIBLE film.

Yeah, if Cameron's name ISN'T on it, SWERVE it.

But the compulsion to see this through has me watching T4 tonight. Masochist that I am.


Yeah, there are specific problems I could go on about. For example, John pops out of the casket in the hearse as it's being riddled with bullets. He then starts conversing with Arnie as the car is being hit.

Okay, apparently hearses have armored bodies and bulletproof windows, but damn man don't you wanna just be sure and get your ****in head down?

T4, Salvation, to me, is cheese whiz. I don't want to give spoilers, it's halfway cool and halfway cheesy, but I prefer only a slight cheesiness to my Terminator movies. I'm not captivated by it, it comes off as silly.

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