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TMZ: Clippers owner Donald Sterling says don't bring black people to my games


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Wait...black people go to basketball games ? When did this start ?




Seriously, what an idiot this man is. Dating a Bi-Racial woman who is clearly a gold digger...and then he makes these ignorant statements.

Baited or not, he's a fool.


And not for nothing, there is a defender in this thread that is pushing an equal line of..."oh, that's nothing"...that is a mind ****.

I'm with ya, I am slightly shocked people are actually defending the guy.  Like I said, he shouldn't have been recorded against his knowledge, but if he wasn't a racist prick, it wouldn't matter.  Karma is a **** and it just bit Sterling on the ass.

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because to some people, anytime a minority person says anything against a white person, they are deemed racist.In fact, if you make any comment about race as a minority, you are seen as racist, race-baiter, or playing the "Race-card."

Dead serious? You really think a white dude could get away with the stuff Paul Mooney does? Barkley has made racist comments himself, I still think the guy is awesome.

I won't make excuses for Sterling because he's a piece of crap but you have reality quite skewed.

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I agree that she is quite possibly a POS herself who recorded this and dropped it now for very specific reasons, but that doesn't change him being a racist prick. Not sure what to make of some people in here seemingly twisting themselves into pretzels to deflect it or claim it was without context...or bring up Snoop Dog. 

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I'm with ya, I am slightly shocked people are actually defending the guy.  Like I said, he shouldn't have been recorded against his knowledge, but if he wasn't a racist prick, it wouldn't matter.  Karma is a **** and it just bit Sterling on the ass.


I simply don't get the whole scenario where those statements are made.


She set him up perhaps... but he went full on to express his point. Don't post yourself with black people and don't bring them to the games.

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I agree that she is quite possibly a POS herself who recorded this and dropped it now for very specific reasons, but that doesn't change him being a racist prick. Not sure what to make of some people in here seemingly twisting themselves into pretzels to deflect it or claim it was without context...or bring up Snoop Dog. 


It's obvious blackmail (no pun), but I'm sure he laughed at her extortion attempt.  Sterling probaly thinks he's the teflon don.  What are the additional tapes going to prove?  A racist is a racist?  

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I simply don't get the whole scenario where those statements are made.


She set him up perhaps... but he went full on to express his point. Don't post yourself with black people and don't bring them to the games.

Yeah man, he pulled no punches.  The article should be about "former LA Clippers owner Sterling at it again, this time recorded making racist comments....." cause with his known past stance/comments, he should have already lost the team.  Maybe now, justice will be served.  

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I agree that she is quite possibly a POS herself who recorded this and dropped it now for very specific reasons, but that doesn't change him being a racist prick. Not sure what to make of some people in here seemingly twisting themselves into pretzels to deflect it or claim it was without context...or bring up Snoop Dog. 


Snoop made stupid comments as well. Let's not glaze over that.


But it was in response and directed to an individual.


Side note: I get he is an older guy...but if not for the Black people he wouldn't have a team. His wifey is bi-racial...What ??? It doesn't make any sense. He would still be rich however. But the NBA is that extra vacation money for some of these owners.

Yeah man, he pulled no punches.  The article should be about "former LA Clippers owner Sterling at it again, this time recorded making racist comments....." cause with his known past stance/comments, he should have already lost the team.  Maybe now, justice will be served.  


The former stuff is what really bothers me.


I know that their former GM was horrible, that does not excuse his pay or stance  to these guys. They need a new owner or they will never have players sign there again. Even other races.


His comments that his GF is supposed to look latina or white ...that says it all. What a tool.

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Dead serious? You really think a white dude could get away with the stuff Paul Mooney does? Barkley has made racist comments himself, I still think the guy is awesome.

I won't make excuses for Sterling because he's a piece of crap but you have reality quite skewed.

why the hell is Paul Mooney even being discussed in this thread?



Why the hell are we even debating what Snoop said? He's a ****ing rapper

Sterling is a known racist

because when stuff like this come up, its easier for some people to distract or conflate issues instead of looking at what is what. IT happens a lot.

Elaborate on the "comments" made about race as a minority.  I would think that certain comments could be seen as racist, etc. depending on the actual comment made.


I don't think anytime a minority says anything against a white person, they are deemed racist, unless they actually made it about race.  Sure, I'm sure there are idiots/racists that will try to turn it around, but thats not everyone that is white Joe.

if you speak out on race as a minority, it quickly turns into "race-baiting" or "racist" or you get people trying to shut down or conflate an issue because race was mentioned. It happens a lot in society, and it happens in this forum, and its even happening in this thread by folks attempting to make superfluous topics the key point in the thread.

And yes, often times when a black person says something against a white person they are deemed racist. Snoop Dog's comment were equated to what Donald Sterling just said.

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Why the hell are we even debating what Snoop said? He's a ****ing rapper

Sterling is a known racist

Because his comments were pointed out. If Lebron James was recorded making racist comments and James Hetfield put out a video responding using racial slurs I doubt very much that people would simply excuse it as ok or write it off as being nothing more than him being a ****ing rocker. Why can't people just be consistent? Racism is bad. Slurs are bad. People should stop using them, even famous rappers. Why is that hard? The only reason that springs to mind is that on some level one thinks racist language against whites is appropriate or acceptable? Are their any other minorities that it's ok to slur? If Sterling had been Hispanic would snoop be justified in calling him a wetback in his video retaliation?

Yeah man, he pulled no punches. The article should be about "former LA Clippers owner Sterling at it again, this time recorded making racist comments....." cause with his known past stance/comments, he should have already lost the team. Maybe now, justice will be served.

Let's just hope the clippers don't win the title. The trophy is typically handed to the owner and that would demand a riot in whatever arena in which it took place.

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Why am I shocked that people are defending this POS?



Maybe we should wait until we know the truth of this tape before we condemn Mr. Sterling. Boy we are sure quick to judge.


Yeah, this behavior is really new with him let's wait on those wonderful facts to come to the surface.



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why the hell is Paul Mooney even being discussed in this thread?



Because it's easier to name every black person that fits their profile of 'racist' in order to deflect blame and say 'See?!  AAs do it as well!'  I think the only person that hasn't been mentioned yet is Jesse Jackson


It ignores the fact that Snoop is pretty much an LA institution in of himself, has probably spent a pretty penny at both Lakers and Clippers games, and may even personally have interacted with Sterling over the years.  The logic also doesn't account for the fact that Snoop has NEVER been accused of mistreating white fans, let alone actively oppressing other ethnicities.


The problem with this situation is that Sterling has been enabled by the NBA, even the Federal Government for decades.  He became a billionaire with this mindset and these beliefs...so what exactly is going to be his motivation to change?  It's still up in the air, what if anything the NBA can and will do.  More interestingly, I wonder what the sponsors will do...as quick as they are to drop athletes, I'd think there's an ethical conflict with an owner (that's still married) flaunting his mixed girlfriend at games while not wanting her to associate with blacks.  Not exactly family values...

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She recorded him without his knowledge and passive aggressively baited and badgered him into saying exactly what she wanted.

Dude, she was actually repeating the things he was already saying. He supplied the statements not her, what are you listening to?

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Half Mexican/Half Black girlfriend of rich old owner of LA clippers posts a picture of herself with Magic Johnson (who is a LAKER) on Instagram.  Rich old mans buddies make fun of him because his girlfriend is posting photo's of her with a Laker.   Then she tapes an argument where she is obviously trying to make him say racist things.

Nothing he said made any indication that his problem with Magic was about him being a Laker. He said numerous times he would like her associations with African Americans to be private and not public. Stop making stuff up to defend him.

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Why am I shocked that people are defending this POS?


Yeah, this behavior is really new with him let's wait on those wonderful facts to come to the surface.



Let's wait until we know the truth about that article. Maybe he said, "What make you think you can coach these FIGURES?" and the guy misheard him. Huh?

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Known racist gets caught on tape being racist. Not surprising. Glad he finally got caught. Hopefully this POS is forced to sell.


League will Marge Schott him. This was the final straw, and I'm glad he's about to get the boot out of the league. It's been a long time coming. 

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