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TMZ: Clippers owner Donald Sterling says don't bring black people to my games


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Not saying he is not a racist, but the quote in the OP, the tweet is slightly out of context if you listen to the audio.

I listened to it... & idk...

The only thing clear is that the chick was recording him in an extortion attempt. Before he said anything remotely racist he told her to shut up and he didn't wanna talk. She just kept badgering him and passive aggressively baiting him. Everything he said that could be considered racism was literally just repeating what she said in a question form. What are California wire tapping laws? I bet there are laws and the NBA can't do anything about it.

Mountain out of a molehill.

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Sounds like the guys just isn't a fan of instagram. Probably more of an Exchangagram fan.

His argument was very confusing. Feel bad for the girl, she seems like a sweetheart.


She recorded him without his knowledge and passive aggressively baited and badgered him into saying exactly what she wanted.

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Half Mexican/Half Black girlfriend of rich old owner of LA clippers posts a picture of herself with Magic Johnson (who is a LAKER) on Instagram.  Rich old mans buddies make fun of him because his girlfriend is posting photo's of her with a Laker.   Then she tapes an argument where she is obviously trying to make him say racist things.

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This is nothing new for Sterling.  His racist ways have been going on for DECADES.  Let that sink in.  That being said, why is there outrage now?  Sterling's racist ways didn't stop Blake Griffin from re-upping w/ the team. Sterling's racist ways didn't stop CP3 for accepting a trade to the Clippers. Sterling's racist ways didn't stop DeAndre Jordan from getting his $. It goes on and on. These guys know EXACTLY who is signing their checks. If it was as big of an issue as people are making it seem, some sort of stand would have been made YEARS ago. It's a ******* shame.  At the end of the day the all-mightly dollar reigns supreme, and MANY of these guys who have played, or currently play for the Clippers, don't want food taken off their table based off of principle. 

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With Sterling's prior history, he should be Schott-ed out of ownership of his team.  


Miss me with that 'poor senile old man' defense.  This is the same guy that had to dish out an almost $3 million fine for discriminatory rent practices against blacks, Hispanics, and tenants with children (WHILE he was owner of the Clippers).  He'd bring women to the lockerroom after games to watch his players take showers. 


Had this been about homosexuals, or other groups, there'd be infinitely more pressure on him.  As it is, it took ESPN 12 hours to report the story, with SportsCenter running nonstop in that timeframe. 


I'm interested to see if & how the players and Doc Rivers respond. 

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Half Mexican/Half Black girlfriend of rich old owner of LA clippers posts a picture of herself with Magic Johnson (who is a LAKER) on Instagram. Rich old mans buddies make fun of him because his girlfriend is posting photo's of her with a Laker. Then she tapes an argument where she is obviously trying to make him say racist things.


Sterling should've been forced out of the league after his lawsuits for rent discrimination and blatantly throwing away pretty much every season. But not for this.

Al Sharpton is already running his jaw saying they will march to the NBA headquarters and protest if the NBA does not remove Donald immediately. I wish that old racist bag would die already. All he does is make **** worse.

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I think its possible that the girl set him up (shout out to Marion Barry) but that in no way excuses what Sterling said. Like many have noted, this guy has a history of racism, so it's not like he's being made out to be something other than what he is. Hope you've been enjoying your new job Mr. Silver because your league just caught on fire during the playoffs.

How colorful and energetic do you guys think Adam Silvers response was when he first learned of this?

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She recorded him without his knowledge and passive aggressively baited and badgered him into saying exactly what she wanted.


I listened to it... & idk...

The only thing clear is that the chick was recording him in an extortion attempt. Before he said anything remotely racist he told her to shut up and he didn't wanna talk. She just kept badgering him and passive aggressively baiting him. Everything he said that could be considered racism was literally just repeating what she said in a question form. What are California wire tapping laws? I bet there are laws and the NBA can't do anything about it.

Mountain out of a molehill.


The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games"


Who gives a **** if she coerced him (if you want to call it that, not like she had a gun to his head), that's as damning a statement as it gets.

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The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games"

Who gives a **** if she coerced him (if you want to call it that, not like she had a gun to his head), that's as damning a statement as it gets.

Yeah, he said that when he was talking specifically about Magic Johnson. He even repeatedly said he liked Magic and would hang out with him privately.

Could it be blatant racism? Yeah, but that would be making assumptions about the context. There's as good a chance that the context was not to bring Lakers guys to his games and hang out with them in public because his friends are giving him a hard time about it. Because, you know, that's a huge rivalry within LA and his friends would certainly give him a hard time over his girl being out and about with Lakers greats.

I'm not defending him or saying he isn't racist, just that nobody knows what he meant. That audio clip is very vague.

Blatant racism would be the video Snoop Dogg posted...

"This is a message to Donald Sterling. You b*tch ass, redneck, white bread, chicken sh*t, cracker looking motherf*cker. F*ck you, your mama and everything associated with you. Stupid racist piece of sh*t. F*ck you."

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Accusations of racism and discrimination


In November 2005, ESPN reported that Donald Sterling agreed to pay a fine of $2.73 million to settle claims brought by the Justice Department and Davin Day of Newport Beach that he engaged in disciminatory rental practices against Hispanics, blacks, and families with children. In addition, Sterling was also ordered to pay attorneys' fees and costs in that action of $4,923,554.75. [Order Granting Motion for Prevailing Party's Attorneys' Fees and Costs, dated November 2, 2005, C.D. Cal. Case No. 2:03-cv-00859-DSF-E Dkt No. 454]. In granting the attorney's fees and costs Judge Dale S. Fischer noted "Sterling's' scorched earth' litigation tactics, some of which are described by the Plaintiffs' counsel and some of which were observed by the Court. The Court has no difficulty accepting Plaintiffs' counsel's representations that the time required to be spent on this case was increased by defendant's counsel's often unacceptable, and sometimes outrageous conduct." 


In February 2009, Sterling was sued by former longtime Clippers executive Elgin Baylor for employment discrimination on the basis of age and race. The lawsuit alleges Sterling told Baylor that he wanted to fill his team with "poor black boys from the South and a white head coach". The suit alleges that during negotiations for Danny Manning, Sterling said "I'm offering a lot of money for a poor black kid. "The suit noted those comments while alleging "the Caucasian head coach was given a four-year, $22-million contract", but Baylor's salary had "been frozen at a comparatively paltry $350,000 since 2003".


On August 8, 2009, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Sterling for housing discrimination in using race as a factor in filling some of his apartment buildings. The government's ongoing case alleges Sterling refused to rent to non-Koreans in the Koreatown neighborhood and to African Americans in Beverly Hills.[7] The suit alleges Sterling once said he did not like to rent to Hispanics because they "smoke, drink and just hang around the building," and that "Black tenants smell and attract vermin."


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Not even sure why Snoop is being mentioned.  Does what he said deflect any blame from Sterling?  He's not even affiliated with the NBA.  


And unless 'minorities' is a term used for Lakers, I don't think you're being intellectually honest right now.   

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