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Mom buys all of PacSun's 'pornographic' t-shirts

PF Chang

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A Utah mother was so disgusted by a PacSun t-shirt window display she passed, calling it “pornography,” that she purchased every one of the offensive t-shirts they had in stock.


Judy Cox was shopping with her 19-year-old son in the University Mall in Orem, Utah when they walked by a window display featuring t-shirts printed with photographs of scantily clad women. The mom told KTVX ABC 4 Utah, "On our way to another store we passed the PacSun store and I just stopped dead in my tracks." The display had four VISUAL by Van Styles tees that Cox believes were not only inappropriate, but could also be in violation of state and city decency codes.


More at link. My takeaway: If I'm this lady's son, I'm going to attend college on the moon. 

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Ah yes. I had a feeling as soon as I read the title that this may have happened near my old stomping grounds. No surprise this takes place in Orem. Now if this was in Park City,then the title would be "Mom buys t-shirts FOR son."  ;) 

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I hope Pac Sun refuses to refund her.


Or, in the very least, bans her from future purchases/returns (which they can legally do with chronic returners).


I don't know if this applies here, but she has basically admitted to dealing in bad faith. I also hope she's stuck with the bill, which I'd consider to be some sort of Stupid Tax. 


I mean we're talking bra and panties here, right?  


Yeah -- but according to Mrs. Cox the pose is particularly "provocative." As an aside, this lady looks exactly like what you'd expect. 

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Ah yes. I had a feeling as soon as I read the title that this may have happened near my old stomping grounds. No surprise this takes place in Orem. Now if this was in Park City,then the title would be "Mom buys t-shirts FOR son."   ;)


And with some of the homes in Park City, more like, "Mom buys lingerie models for son".

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Jokes from the facebook commentators on articles are the worst. That's why I come here for my one liners about articles about stupid things.


Sometimes I can't help myself and I delve into the local newspaper comments on these "family values" articles. I read one by a supporter of this lady's crusade, who said he was "tired of other people's 1st amendment rights infringing on my 1st amendment rights."


In this case, I guess, his 1st amendment rights include the right to remove anything he deems inappropriate from public consumption. 

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In this case, I guess, his 1st amendment rights include the right to remove anything he deems inappropriate from public consumption.

Haven't you heard? The constitution clearly establishes the rights to censorship. And to discrimination. By the government.

IF someone (falsely) claims that their religion tells them to do it.

(And if their religion is Christianity.)

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