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WP: Will Robert Griffin help or hurt the next Washington Head Coach?


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Contrary to popular belief, Sally Jenkins isn't local nor is she a Redskins beat reporter. Jenkins is a syndicated columnist based out of NYC.

We also know that Mike Shanahan has his usual players in the media; Schefter, Gaziano, and Jenkins -- all national writers.

I have no doubt someone from Mike's camp or Mike himself is leaking this trash. He is doing anything and everything to deflect blame.

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Sally Jenkins hate for Snyder and the Skins is unnatural. Even in the rare good times I'm pretty sure she has never written anything remotely good about the Skins. Has she ever explained her hate for Snyder? Is it because he's a...you know....short guy?



So far I can't recall anything she's ever said to turn out to be true so....0 credibility. 

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@Russellmania980: I can say this about Robert Griffin III and I feel I am qualified. He's made some mistakes & he knows it, but learning & will be better.


Don't care much for Russel, but I really loved reading this. Hope it's true. 


As for Sally, lol, come on fellas she's been doing this kind of crap since before Shanahan. I know it feels nice to have the evil villain to point to so that we can cling to the hope that he alone was the source of all problems, but seriously? 


I vividly remember her defending Zorn as well and destroying Snyder as well as everyone else. I guess her source must've been Zorn.  



Liked Kevin Sheehan's blog entry this morning on the one-year anniversary of the Seattle loss:





Just finished reading that, thanks for the link. 


Wow, Sheehan really put it EXACTLY how I'm looking at it. And I don't listen to sports radio, so it's not because I've been influenced one way or another.  

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I hope most of what she said is wrong but I have heard that most of the guys do not really like Robert all that much. I heard Pierre cannot stand Robert. And basically, Robert is not "one of the guys". Hopefully, this season has taught the team that they need each other. I hope Robert learns how to relate to his teammates, so they can turn this thing around.

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I hope most of what she said is wrong but I have heard that most of the guys do not really like Robert all that much. I heard Pierre cannot stand Robert. And basically, Robert is not "one of the guys". Hopefully, this season has taught the team that they need each other. I hope Robert learns how to relate to his teammates, so they can turn this thing around.

If Pierre can not stand Robert then he is a good actor. There was plenty of sideline shots with them talking and laughing on the sidelines and Pierre even went on NFL Total Access the day after he said the passing game sucks and described his and Robert's relationship.  Who is your source?


As far as this SJ article, I'm not going to click and read.  The season is over, the soap opera articles are old, and these writers are so desperate that they are willing to twist a little comment by Kirk Cousins for clicks!?. smh!

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Contrary to popular belief, Sally Jenkins isn't local nor is she a Redskins beat reporter. Jenkins is a syndicated columnist based out of NYC.

We also know that Mike Shanahan has his usual players in the media; Schefter, Gaziano, and Jenkins -- all national writers.

I have no doubt someone from Mike's camp or Mike himself is leaking this trash. He is doing anything and everything to deflect blame.



Sally is best known as an author. She wrote Lance Armstrong's book about how he never cheated or used performance enhancing drugs.


She is a propaganda mercenary for hire. She got paid by Lance to spread his lies and continues to do so for the Washington Post in their feud with Snyder. Her proven track record in lacking integrity is without question. The fact that a publication like the Post, despite the feud with the Redskins would continue to pay and publish a writer whose previous work is solely based on lies and fabrication is baffling.

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Surely you jest. Your post is "not even remotely believable". Here's a short list of rocket scientists employed by the NFL: Aaron Hernandez, Michael Vick, Ben Roethlisburger, Terry Bradshaw, Adam Jones,..... By the way RG3 III had the lowest Wonderlic score in the 2012 QB class.

Referencing Wonderlic scores to support your argument? Surely you jest.



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@Russellmania980: I can say this about Robert Griffin III and I feel I am qualified. He's made some mistakes & he knows it, but learning & will be better.

I could be wrong, but this is how I've felt about all of it.  Griff's a bright kid, there's no way he doesn't realize that he "left the door open" for criticism a few times this year.  I expect he'll learn from it, and he'll go on to be the loved and successful QB we all want him to be.


And for the Jenkins "rant", don't ever let a woman get you down.  Ever.  

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Those looking for truth in a Sally Jenkins article need to stop reading after "Sally Jenkins" because that is probably the only fact she has ever bothered checking in her life ...


Jenkins always writes articles like this and it kind of undermines any of the sentiment within in it . In fact I cannot even bring myself to read it because I know it is going to be rehashed and reaching trash ...


I was just posting in another thread about the Santana Moss questions RGIIIs leadership - if you remember the facts about that incident - it came after the late int that seeled another loss ... it was third down and RGIII threw an interception in the redzone and in a post game interviee Moss was told essentially RGIII said " no one was open" and that was span as the reason for the loss ... everyone jumped on the quote including Moss and people were saying he needs to take the blame himself - but in the complete quote that was exactly what he did . Moss kind of embarressed himself by being played by reporters backed away from the comments and they really were a heat of the moment situation - to think they could indicate vitriol by the players to RGIII is crazy thinking ..


the problem with the idea where there is smoke there is fire, i have to say as someone who studied fires extensively i can tell you where there is smoke, sometimes it is just smoke .. 

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I still can't believe anyone will use the excuse "The WashingtonPost hates Dan Snyder". I know journalism now a days isn't what it use to be but that's a discussion for the tailgate. I agree that they do hate Snyder but you can't just discount STORY after Story after story after story.  There has to be some shred of truth to what they are reporting.

Tell a lie.  Make it big.  Repeat it over and over, and people will believe it.


Just because they say it frequently doesn't mean it's founded on anything.

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I'm sorry but not sorry here guys. I HOPE to be proven wrong but this coaching change is the worst case scenario why? If I look to well the last eight or so coaches who have taken over this franchise since Snyder took over we are in a viscous cycle.

The new coach coming in will install his play book right there is at least a season of excuse because "players" aren't familiar with game plans.

The new coach will want "his" players. So at least two seasons of swapping out.

By that time we will know if RG3 is our guy and since this is at least for today a pessimistic thread say he isn't. That's two more season of first finding them developing a new QB. By that time four more years have past and Trent Williams will be in the twilight of his career, Orakpo will have moved on or is not as good as the seven year deal will say so now we have to find a franchise left tackle and at least one top rate bookend DE.

The cycle than repeats itself. I for one loved what RG3 did last year and what he could become. I also say this seasons circus was one for the ages. but! To really complete to exhaustion the rg3 Shanahan tenure we should of let him back the one more year despite the nonsense. He would of gotten all the cap money back an offseason with RG3 to do offseason type workouts. Minus a d coordinator change and special tema coach change.

We would than know beyond a doubt that we exercised all options until their completion right wrong or indifferent. Instead of pulling the trigger like we did yet again and have done at least six times over in this fashion.

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What if there was an internal email that some reporters were on and someone got a hold of it. What if this email talked about the general hatred for the Redskins owner and the feeling that the team name should change. What if this email had talking points for an anti Redskins message. Instead of attacking the name, the email discussed attacking the individual team personal with a goal of destroying the foundation.

What if this email could not be shared because of a confidentially agreement.

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Not saying some of this stuff may not be true, but why isn't stuff like this coming from Kiem, Maske, Paulsen, or Russell? Aren't they with the team everyday? Are they seeing these same things? I'd put a bit more stock into it if it was one of those guys reporting it.


Also, where was all this last season? Oh, we were winning that's right and no one needed to drum up a story to get interest in the team.

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Ouch. Sally is gunning for RGIII, this won't be her last I think

One thing is clear, Jenkins has absolutely no interest in getting any kind of favors from Griffin or his camp in the future. She must also feel pretty strongly about her sources to put some of this stuff in print

I am thinking her source is Mike Shan. still. Can anyone tell me why & when the WaPo decided to go after the Redskins so vehemently? 

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I don't really think she's too off base.


I'd have to agree.  She rehashes on a lot of what's already been reported but if that and what she's saying is anywhere close the truth the next HC will have his work cut out for him. 


All great players have egos -- I think the issue with Robert at this point isn't that he has a big ego, it's that his ego sabotages is ability to listen and learn.  He's stubborn and hard headed, and thinks he knows more than he actually does.  I think the right coach can minimizes that and help him to listen, learn and realize that he has a ways to go before he's an elite QB in the league.


I hope it happens.

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Let me say this.  There isn't a coach worth spit who hasn't dealt with today's modern spoiled athlete.  Almost all of them are pampered and put on a pedestal since middle school.  Therefore, if they are scared off by Griffin possibly being a diva they can't cope in modern athletics.  Griffin is hyper competitive, driven, needs to be loved, smart, and physically gifted... that means he has the psychological and physical make-up to be molded into a winner.  He's not about the nightlife and the goodies.  He has no history with excess or drugs or speeding cars 100 mph while drunk.


If he has drama it's about winning.  A coach can work with that.

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