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ESPN.com- Dan Graziano: Owner-QB link disillusioned coach


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I am fine with framing this discussion from the standpoint of Dan Snyder being ultimately responsible for the on field failures of this regime and every other regime.  He makes the ultimate decisions, and when he chooses to delegate decision making authority to a HC, GM, whomever, he rightly can be held responsible for the short comings of those people he enable.


However, there is a pretty large disconnect between the blame he gets for short comings and the credit he receives for success.  When there is success, it is in spite of him, and when there is failure it is because of him.  If we are going to frame him as the responsible party today, make sure the same is done when there is success.  To be clear, we all knew in the back of our minds that the delegation of responsibility was a potential cause for concern, and lo it has come to pass that this was ultimately a bad hire on the part of Snyder.  He made a bad decision in hindsight (and foresight for some).


However, a vast majority of the problems that have lead us to this point have NOTHING to do with Snyder "creating an atmosphere that was not conducive to winning."  


Snyder did not whiff on 9 of 11 picks in 2011.  

Snyder had nothing to do with signing average, career rotation/backup players like Bowen, Cofield, Wilson (one of the worst CBs in the league and paid the 31st most for all CBs) and Chester (one of the worst guards in the league, and paid the 19th most for all guards) to starter money.

Snyder didn't think Josh Morgan was worth $6 million a year, making him the 25th highest paid WR/year in the league, more per year than Jordy Nelson got on his contract. 

Snyder didn't affect the multitude of horrible trades in 2010.  

Snyder did not hire Keith Burns.  

Snyder did not exhibit four years of clock management ineptitude and horrid challenging prowess.  

Snyder did not hand pick Jim Haslett and insist on a 3-4 defense.


These decision are all independent decisions, made by one man.  Now, the decision to empower that one man - yeah, that was a mistake.  But let's not pretend that the REASON these mistakes were made were because "Dan Snyder created an atmosphere that was not conducive to winning."  I have no love lost for Snyder, but it took YEARS of independent mistakes to get us to this point, mistakes that were made while we were busy lauding the owner for his hands-off approach.

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These decision are all independent decisions, made by one man.  Now, the decision to empower that one man - yeah, that was a mistake.  But let's not pretend that the REASON these mistakes were made were because "Dan Snyder created an atmosphere that was not conducive to winning."  I have no love lost for Snyder, but it took YEARS of independent mistakes to get us to this point, mistakes that were made while we were busy lauding the owner for his hands-off approach.




can i like you multiple times please


I'm btw saying this as the guy who thought Shanny was a genius. Wow, I got fooled.

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Shawn Springs saying Bob Kraft sat at Tom Brady's locker every week, and rode the treadmill next to him in the weight rooms. 


That's unpossible! All the people who hate Snyder have assured me that it is Dan and ONLY Dan who is responsible for our team's woes right now.

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It's weird to say, but I agree. A new staff and a decent defense, along with RG3 getting right (and I have no doubt that he will), and we'll be okay. FA $$, plus high picks in the 2nd round and beyond...this won't be your standard rebuild with the right GM/coaching staff.

thats all we can hope for unfortunately.

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Shawn Springs saying Bob Kraft sat at Tom Brady's locker every week, and rode the treadmill next to him in the weight rooms. 


And Irsay has reportedly been close with Luck. It's not an uncommon thing. JKC I believe was close with some players too.


This is something Shanny could have addressed with Snyder, not pulled an antic before the playoffs (if the story is true). If Shanny has quit already despite telling the team not to even if we're out of it, then bye-bye. Time to hit the reset button, promote Bruce, and let Morocco GM. At least this team has a better foundation for the enxt HC to work with than what Zorn left it as after '09.

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It's pure damage control. Shanahan knows that he has more NFL street cred than Danny. So he can spew this **** and come out looking like th victim. I want him fired after the game. **** it, before the game. Fire him at kickoff. Let him, his "legacy" and his shot at Canton, let it burn.

I have a feeling that our 7game run last year was like our 5 game run in 2001 - the coach quit on the players and the players set out to prove him wrong.

You know... if you want to go there.  You can easily make the argument that Shanny packed it in right before the seven game winning streak.  Remember, when he said it was now time to evaluate.  Then, the team surprised him and started winning.  Certainly, they had no fight whatsoever today.  From snap one I'm not sure if they were ever in this game.  Horribly embarrassing.


The stands were horrible too.  I don't really blame the fans for not showing up and then leaving early, but I've never seen them so empty.

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