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ESPN.com- Dan Graziano: Owner-QB link disillusioned coach


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Well Shanahan-Allen was a joint hire by Snyder. It was never Allen's 'say' to give Shanahan full control of personnel.


I'd also add that it seems like Allen has extremely strong connections throughout the league. I'd trust him way way more than Snyder to find the best GM candidates in the league.

After reading your edit, I realized that I read your original post wrong.  I thought you were saying that you wanted Allen to pick the next "coach".  I'd be fine with him picking the GM for the reasons you said.

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If Briles shows up as coach then that would validate everything from Shanahan's camp and prove that Danny and RG III were/are too close.  Chip Kelly will be figured out next year.  Just as Robert's zone read package was over the off season last year.  Spread offenses get QB's killed when defensive linemen run sub 5.0 fortys. 


Us old timers, who remember when the Redskins was a grown up organization, just need to pray that danny goes bankrupt and has to sell the team. 

Unbelievably awesome comment...... :)

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There's nothing to be "figured out" about Chip Kelly. He's a good offensive mind who adapts to his personnel. Nothing about his offense is gimmicky. You can't figure that out.


Coach of the year candidate IMO. I'd say he's a brilliant offensive mind (just watch how many of his plays are run throughout the league next year) and he's found and surrounded himself with out superb defensive coaches - what Billy Davis has done with that defense has been extremely impressive.


And of course, Howie Roseman's given him a lot of interesting talent.


In a division with Eli Manning, Tony Romo sits to pee and RGIII, it's been Nick Foles who's looked the best in the past month+. Chip Kelly deserves that credit.


A lot of near-brilliant offensive minds were hired as head coaches in the offseason - Arians, McCoy, Trestman - but Kelly's had the most success among all the 1st-year head coaches. I'd be pretty shocked if he turns out to be a 'fluke.'.. I simply don't see the similarities with something like Josh McDaniels' 1st year in Denver

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Perception is everything.  Shanahan is third on that list.


List looks good to me. It supports some of my favorite images this year. The "everyone" gif, and the "fire everything" picture. There's plenty of blame to throw around. No need for anyone to hog it all.


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Us old timers, who remember when the Redskins was a grown up organization, just need to pray that danny goes bankrupt and has to sell the team. 



You know, I've never been a Danny hater (although I did despise me some Vinny!) but I AM getting pretty sick of


"Well. Here we are AGAIN!"


The "Old Squire" must have hated us after all for some reason.

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However, by playing favorites again, Snyder has once again created dysfunction.


The owner being buddy buddy with a passive agressive young star QB is a formula for failure. 

This team is like a scratched record that keeps skipping back through the most annoying part of an annoying song.  The only amusement or enjoyment I get from this team is reading the banter of homers vs realist posted here.  

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Uh, but that doesn't explain the wanting to quit LAST YEAR after a division title and a winnable playoff game that was LOST due to a poor coaching choice by Mike Shanahan (keeping Griffin in.)



Yeah. Despite some of my previous posts throwing in the towel on Mike after today's craptastic performance, something STILL doesn't smell right about this story!

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Except Briles is A)58 B)Has zero NFL experience. 


He also has a contract through 2023.  That's a lot of guaranteed money to walk away from and it has a 5 million dollar buy out.  Snyder would have to really open up the check book to lure him here.  Shanahan signed a 5 year 35 million dollar deal.  Would that be enough to get Briles here?  I'm not sure that it is.    

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Well we know based on RG3's press conference that he is part of the problem.

It's obvious. He doesn't take responsibility for anything. He's going to have to figure this NFL QB leadership thing pretty quick or else. Griffin is losing respect in he locker room, the fan base and the media.

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He also has a contract through 2023.  That's a lot of guaranteed money to walk away from and it has a 5 million dollar buy out.  Snyder would have to really open up the check book to lure him here.  Shanahan signed a 5 year 35 million dollar deal.  Would that be enough to get Briles here?  I'm not sure that it is.    


I don't think it is. I dont see him leaving the state. The only thing I think he would take is Texas. Maybe Jerry could lure him away with a boat load a money but I dont think he is coming here ever.

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He also has a contract through 2023.  That's a lot of guaranteed money to walk away from and it has a 5 million dollar buy out.  Snyder would have to really open up the check book to lure him here.  Shanahan signed a 5 year 35 million dollar deal.  Would that be enough to get Briles here?  I'm not sure that it is.    

Honestly, since LaCanfora is the source, I'd have to question it and maybe he doesn't even know about Briles extension at Baylor.


Also being 58 is not my ideal age for a new hire to bring Griffin into the elite.  Maybe the OC for Baylor?

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I don't disagree with you on the GM part.  But don't act like Shanahan didn't want that authority and made his bed with it.  I'm just saying, the "relationship" between Snyder and Griffin, whatever its true nature, is not responsible for the hole this team is in.  


Arguably, we'd be OK if Shanahan ever had the balls to get rid of Haslett and take a hands-off approach on defense.



Agreed. I would be okay with year 5 (and possibly final) if Shanahan gave Haslett and Burns their walking papers this week! AND if he would get his son to stop making such nonsensical game plans like he has this season! To continue to allow Haslett to make this defense look as bad if not worse every week as it did against the E-gals in game one is just incompetence. And Burns' unit's performance today is definitely grounds for immediate dismissal! Both units are getting progressively worse each week, and it cannot be attributed to injuries, but just incompetent coaching!

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Perfect Coaching age. Old enough to understand and command and young enough to still do it. There is a reason most top coaches are in their 50s and 60s.



I don't disagree with you on the age issue, but I don't get why everyone wants Briles to be head coach! The ONLY reason we know about him is that he was successful for a couple of seasons coaching a young phenom who would have made ANY college coach look good! There is a REASON why he has never been an NFL head coach! I would certainly want him to be an assistant OC before I would give him the keys to the Ferrari!


Good grief, people! Today's Briles/Bevin could be TOMORROW'S Petrino/Zorn!  And the odds that any of these "up and comers" will be the next Pete Carroll (who at least had an opportunity to flame out in his first NFL job) are NOT in our favor. "Washed-Up"/"The-Game-Has-Just-Passed-Him-By" Andy Reid just brutally bludgeoned us with last year's 2-14 team in our own stadium! STOP IT. Just STOP IT!

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Perfect Coaching age. Old enough to understand and command and young enough to still do it. There is a reason most top coaches are in their 50s and 60s.


Perfect coaching age is in the 40s, in particular with the NFL


The NFL is a young man's game. Kelly and Harbaugh are both in their late 40s

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Perfect coaching age is in the 40s, in particular with the NFL The NFL is a young man's game. Kelly and Harbaugh are both in their late 40s

If you can coach, you can coach. How old is Pete Carroll? What about Tom Coughlin? Or Bill Belichick. Age is overrated when it comes to coaching.

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I don't disagree with you on the age issue, but I don't get why everyone wants Briles to be head coach! The ONLY reason we know about him is that he was successful for a couple of seasons coaching a young phenom who would have made ANY college coach look good! There is a REASON why he has never been an NFL head coach! I would certainly want him to be an assistant OC before I would give him the keys to the Ferrari!

That's not really fair. I'm not advocating Briles but he has been more successful without Griffin than with him. His offense has chugged along and he has changed it each and every season around the talents of his players, particularly his QBs. He is a great offensive mind. There are a host of other examples of guys with no NFL HC experience who succeeded in the NFL too.

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Mike Shanahan is taking the scorched earth approach.

No matter what the cost or risk it seems the leaks want you to believe the results here are everyone and anyone's fault except for him. Griffin's knee, Griffin's diva nature, Griffin's spread offense background, Snyder's relationship with Griffin, Salary Cap penalty

Doesn't matter whose fault even blaming the onwer or the franchise QB but its not the special teams coach or the defensive coordinator or his son Kyle or the personnel decisions.

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The fire everything pic came from me. I'm honored (tips cap)

It did? I thought I posted that on the "fire shanahan" thread.  Did you post it, too?  I missed it. lol  My bad.


Well, it's not my original meme pic anyway, since I got it from some online source. 

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