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Griffin Points Blame At Coaching (Postgame-Eagles)


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Oh he would, and the Griffin Fan Club would back him too; he's simply the best thing since sliced bread, and his overthrows are because the receivers shrunk. If the guy came out and said 'you know, I thought I was ready this season but its obvious that I wasn't', i'd give him the benefit of a doubt; but he seems to be developing an arrogance and denial mentality that its everyone elses fault except his. That's what turns me off about the guy


Tell us how you really feel.

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Everyone knows the success of this team rides on the shoulders of RGIII and the offense.  The special teams stinks this year and the defense has been consistently poor since Haslett took over.


For all the struggles of the team in all phases the last two weeks, consider this ---


In both the Minnesota and Philly games, despite all the struggles as a team, RGIII and the offense had the ball with the game's final drive and a chance to tie the game and send it to OT.  And in both games RGIII and the offense came up short when it mattered most.


Not saying it's all RGIII's fault that the Skins continue to lose as it's painfully obvious this entire team and coaching staff has serious flaws that have proven too much to overcome...


But any current and future success of the Skins hinges largely on RGIII being an elite, franchise leading player at QB.  When the game is on the line, the organization and fans want the ball in his hands. 


Fair or not, that is the level of expectation put on RGIII when the Skins gave up so much to get him. RGIII has been vocal about wanting the ball in crunch time with the game on the line.


These last two games were must win games to keep the season alive and in BOTH situations where RGIII and the offense had the chanhce to extend the game and give this struggling team a shot for a huge victory they failed in both key situations...

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It's not blame; it's the truth. He answered the questions honestly. His reputation is the one going down with this weak *** offense he's stuck in. He's the scapegoat every week. Fans are turning on him. We're literally stacking the odds against him, and blaming him for not overcoming it all. You don't develop an elite QB like this.

Thank you, everything I'm about to say is directed at most of the ES community, not you.

Everything would be fine and I'd be completely okay with the terrible losses if he just said the things I want to hear in the post-game press conferences!

Why can't he just repeat the phrases "One game at a time" and "100%" after every question.

Gibbs called Brunell super-smart! It didn't get us anything but beat by the Seahawks in the playoffs in the years we weren't completely terrible, but it made me feel good inside that he was such an admirable guy willing to fall on the sword!

So glad I don't live in the DC media bubble anymore where I have to hear microanalysis of ever word that comes out of a player or coaches mouth. Don't people have things more important to worry about then the way people answer questions about a game they just played?

If our QB giving generic empty non-answers that he repeats over and over is the only thing that will help some of you sleep soundly at night, then I don't know what advice to give you other than maybe it's time to take up some hobbies that don't involve parsing sentences.

Actually his passing is in the middle of the pack this year. For example, the great Andrew Luck, ya know the top 5 QB that people can't get enough of can't even complete 60% of his passes thus far.

Don't even bother trying to get them to look at Tom Brady's stats this year... *COUGH* 57% *COUGH* 

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There's no way he could possibly put that game on the coaches after missing so many passes. 

Robert was 4/7 26 yards during the first half, you can't win a game with these kind of stats. I would like to hear Kyle has to say about that.

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Why do I see opposing teams throwing quick passes, yet we only try 1 or 2 a game?


Gimpy Peyton drops back 2 steps and 20 yards later the ball is on Thomas's finger tips running down the sideline at full speed. We run these long slow developing vertical plays where 3 seconds later, we are only 5 yards downfield. We throw one slant to Garcon, an easy completion. Pitch and catch. Where are the simple plays?  Even on our final play, RG3 has to hold the ball, the rush is in his face, he can't ground it confined to the pocket or bust; back peddling gets nothing on it, INT. Game over.


Kyle looses sight of the basics. Dare I think a 2nd year QB expected to open up our offense running a play that the league has largely solved, expected to pocket pass behind our atrocious interior, can make for comments like this. You wonder why he missed that pass? He probably thought he was going to get clobbered; no confidence in his line nor OC, that is why.


If RG3 is not being used to his strengths, I trust him to know. I am frustrated at Kyle so can see a world where he is too.

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Robert was 4/7 26 yards during the first half, you can't win a game with these kind of stats. I would like to hear Kyle has to say about that.


You have to be ****ing kidding me.


All that this fanbase did was **** that Morris wasn't getting enough carries.  We run the ball down their throats in the first half, which means that we ran instead of passed, and now you're going to ****ing complain about Griffin not getting enough passes?!?!?!


This fanbase is out of its ****ing mind.  I hate this team sometimes for making us so stupid.

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To paraphrase, when asked about why they weren't able to execute the passing game, he responded: They did a great job of scheming us up. They knew exactly what was coming before it happened.

That's not word for word, but it's pretty close.


He is clearly saying we were out schemed.  Scheme is the responsibility of the coaching staff. By saying that he indirectly placed blame on the coaching staff.

I have to say that you're starting to seem to be on a witch hunt for RG3. Everything he does bad you seem to harp on. ANYTHING he does good you seem to minimize it. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that way. From the comments you make about Cousins needing to be the starter to clearly reaching that he "Pointed Blame at the coaches" in his presser!!! Which in my opinion he didn't. He only answered the question asked to him.


I mean man WE ALL want a winning team obviously. Most QB's struggle their second year in the league after EVERY  team have had the chance to properly scheme them. From Cam Newton on.........but when will some open their eyes and realize that RG3 is NOT God? He will make mistakes period!!! He fights his butt off for this franchise!! Does he make me angry for some of the bone head decisions he makes? YES!!! Cousins have as many mistakes per pass as RG3, look at his numbers. RG3 clearly is NOT the same coming off a MAJOR injury. That's NOT an excuse. It's the obvious truth that some in here choose to ignore the obvious facts!!! Do I want him to play better? YES!!! But reality is he's fighting to get back to form. Which could take this entire season to do!! Bottom Line.....



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RGIII has become a joke.. Three #1's and a #2 for what..  TV ad's.. Subway commercial's and blaming your Head Coach at every turn.

Hopefully Shanahan before he retires or gets fired, puts this QB in his place, and plays Cousins just to teach him a lesson. It's our only hope to turn this franchise around in the next 5 years.

We did not give up 3 1's and a 2........LOL It's funny to keep hearing people in here say that!! We only gave up 2 1's and a 2!!! We traded or rather swapped our 1 with SL for their position in the draft for their 1!!! So we swapped 1's...........

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The last drive, with about 40 seconds left   It was 3rd &1 with one time out remaining.  Why not try and run the ball, get the 1st down, call the  quick time out ( or spike) and you get 4 shots at the end zone?


 Instead they pass towards the end zone and game over. 

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Why do I see opposing teams throwing quick passes, yet we only try 1 or 2 a game?


Gimpy Peyton drops back 2 steps and 20 yards later the ball is on Thomas's finger tips running down the sideline at full speed. We run these long slow developing vertical plays where 3 seconds later, we are only 5 yards downfield. We throw one slant to Garcon, an easy completion. Pitch and catch. Where are the simple plays?  Even on our final play, RG3 has to hold the ball, the rush is in his face, he can't ground it confined to the pocket or bust; back peddling gets nothing on it, INT. Game over.


Kyle looses sight of the basics. Dare I think a 2nd year QB expected to open up our offense running a play that the league has largely solved, expected to pocket pass behind our atrocious interior, can make for comments like this. You wonder why he missed that pass? He probably thought he was going to get clobbered; no confidence in his line nor OC, that is why.


If RG3 is not being used to his strengths, I trust him to know. I am frustrated at Kyle so can see a world where he is too.



i agree with this. 


seriously, watching other teams games, its like we are JV compared to them. if its griff, fine, if its kyle, fine. i just want to know what it is. 


i still dont get why we do these straight drop back, long developing plays week after week when the interior of the pocket seems to not be able to hold up. is he supposed to get rid of it earlier? is his first read covered? could we roll out a little more?


why cant we hit a quick pass? i really dont know the answer. 


(and, yes, i wouldnt have confidence in this line, either)

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I mean man WE ALL want a winning team obviously. Most QB's struggle their second year in the league after EVERY  team have had the chance to properly scheme them. From Cam Newton on...

And his sophomore slump stills involves him on a pace to generate 4500-5000 total yards of offense and 20+ TDs coming off injury and in an offense that very rarely plays to the strengths of its personnel.

This fanbase...

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Yesterday, on many plays, he WAS looking first to the quick pass, but didn't pull the trigger.  Then it became a problem, because he found himself too close to the line of scrimmage with the pocket closing in on him.  The TV guys commented on this, though without acknowledging that the play was designed for a quick release.  And Griffin commented afterward that their linebackers were jumping those quick routes. 

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Which in return IS an indictment on our coaching staff and LACk of preparation.

Not necessarily, no.


It may be in actuality, but that's not necessarily what Griffin was saying.


Let's look at Oregon (I realize it's college, but the approach is the same). Teams used to know exactly what play they were going to run based on alignment, and through the use of constraint plays (speed option, zone read, ect) they were able to slice through the defense. We do those things, quite a bit. We're just not good at them most of the time. That's why he also made the comment about execution, or whatever he said. It's on everyone. The whole team is accountable. The Eagles prepared for the Redskins, and through a mix of their solid defensive effort + our own execution issues, our scheme was exposed. That happens in football.


I don't think it points to a lack of preparation for the coaches as much as it does to 1) a lack of flexibility in our personnel, especially at wide receiver, 2) An inability to properly execute plays, whether it was an overthrow, poor blocking, poor routes or dropped passes. Up front they schemed our weaknesses.


Speaking on the Eagles preparation could mean many things. But when you say something like Griffin did, it could just mean they knew our personnel. Aside from Garcon, Griffin, Reed, and Morris, our personnel isn't very capable of doing a ton of stuff.


We lack total team talent. A lot of the pieces on our roster would fit quite well if we had a few more well rounded types to shift the focus off.

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I should've clarified my comment Dawg. I'm speaking in general when it comes to our staff and not Robert's comments. Considering we've been the healthiest team in the NFC East this year and coming off a division title one would think we would continue to grow, but we've regressed horribly and sooner or later one has to look at the coaching staff. It started week one when they had the WHOLE offseason to prepare for Kelly's scheme and he made Shanny look like the rookie HC.

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cooley just said on 980 that he would have liked to see more quick, easy passes and wasnt sure why they didnt call more to get griff in a rhythm. .


it definitely seems like kyle and griff arent on the same page.


man, our team is one big cluster****.

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I should've clarified my comment Dawg. I'm speaking in general when it comes to our staff and not Robert's comments. Considering we've been the healthiest team in the NFC East this year and coming off a division title one would think we would continue to grow, but we've regressed horribly and sooner or later one has to look at the coaching staff. It started week one when they had the WHOLE offseason to prepare for Kelly's scheme and he made Shanny look like the rookie HC.


Oh, that point I agree with. The staff hasn't put it all together.


And given the amount of collective football knowledge/experience they all have, one has to wonder if there are internal issues causing some of this. With good teams, there is rarely internal issues that are glaring. With poor teams, there usually is. Now, is that a symptom or a cause? I'd guess both.


Probably cause as it's unspoken tension amongst people, but it's the elephant in the room. You know its there, you just don't mention it. And once things get bad, the finger pointing begins and it comes out.


I have NO idea what's going on behind closed doors. I'll be the first to say it. This isn't hearsay, this isn't inside knowledge, this isn't ANYTHING but speculation. So it's only that. I don't want rumors to start. 100% opinion... But I'd guess there's something going on behind closed doors. And it probably started with the offseason Griffin saga.

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The amount of open receivers is being greatly exaggerated by this fanbase. Even the announcers were saying no one could get open and how tremendous the eagles game plan was.


Blame needs to be put on Kyle and Robert. Our WRs coul NOT get open, and its most likely because, other then Garcon, we had a bunch of freaking scrubs out there. Williams? Stone hands old man MosS? Paulsen? Hank, Morgan, and Reed all were no where to be found, and Robinson doesnt even get play time til the 3rd with all those others not playing? I dont get it. Griffin had a few bad throws, theres no doubt. But where the heck were all our WRs?? I know Hank got hurt, but I didnt see Reed or Morgan get hurt and they were MIA the whole game. One things for sure, this is bad news for our team, Shannys will most likely be fired now, and well, I can only hope Griffin can play well in a half normal offense, because part of me feels the only reason Kyle runs the Pistol 85% of the game is because of Griffins limitations. Then again, it seems like when we go in to the two minute drill is where Griffin does well.

Time will tell, get your popcorn ready.

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I have NO idea what's going on behind closed doors. I'll be the first to say it. This isn't hearsay, this isn't inside knowledge, this isn't ANYTHING but speculation. So it's only that. I don't want rumors to start. 100% opinion... But I'd guess there's something going on behind closed doors. And it probably started with the offseason Griffin saga.

I completely agree. It's a hard reality for some fans, but IMO it did start with the offseason saga. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Robert had one year (and it was great) of success and he let that success go to his head. Sometimes I look at him as arrogant and ****y and it seems to me from a distance that he has rubbed his teammates the wrong way. He is not the same humble guy he was last year and quite frankly if he were not a Redskins I would ask myself "Who the hell does this guy think he is?"

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