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#redskins - 8 Penalties - 63 Yards.vikings - 1 Penalty - 7 Yards.


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Call me a whiner. Point the finger at our staff or team or whoever the prognosticators tell you to.

The reality is that there was a screwjob tonight in Minneapolis, MN. We were on the bad end of it. Hopefully the next time there is such an imbalance in penalties (not that we didnt commit them but the uncalled ones on MN) and strange spots, we are on the good side of it. Let me know if you are in agreement.

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Didn't even feel like 63 yards.  Don't blame the refs, they didn't give the Vikings the last 20 points of the game; that was our defense that did that one...

Yea they did. They allowed them to hold and gave them generous spots on critical downs. They took points from us in the end and gave points to the Vikings. I am not stupid and I refuse to buy what is being sold here.

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Yea they did. They allowed them to hold and gave them generous spots on critical downs. They took points from us in the end and gave points to the Vikings. I am not stupid and I refuse to buy what is being sold here.

So what, you think the refs got a phone call from the commish to do us in?  Take the tin foil hat off, man, we didn't stop them when we needed to, and that's why we lost.  I saw us twice lose our cool and go after another player on defense, we brought that on ourselves, and it was frustration from not being able to get off the damn field at all...

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So what, you think the refs got a phone call from the commish to do us in?  Take the tin foil hat off, man, we didn't stop them when we needed to, and that's why we lost.  I saw us twice lose our cool and go after another player on defense, we brought that on ourselves, and it was frustration from not being able to get off the damn field at all...

Alright so you don't agree. Noted. If the mods leave this thread open we will see if I am alone with my "tinfoil hat" Good night to you either way.

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Officiating is bad and affects every team. But the bad teams are affected more by it because they tend to play closer games where one or two plays can matter. The good teams win enough to where it ends up not mattering.


We're also poorly coached and have always under Shanahan been a heavily penalized team.

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Even after giving up on the holding thing, that whole defending Orakpo thing...like far after giving up on it, there was one on Kerrigan that was really like "COME ON OMG", especially the way the ref is point blank looking at it.  Then they end up calling us for a pretty 'meh' hold and that felt ****ty.  There was a feeling of home team a bit.


Never determines an entire football game, but I'll raise my hand.  I thought it was pretty ****ty on us overall.

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Even after giving up on the holding thing, that whole defending Orakpo thing...like far after giving up on it, there was one on Kerrigan that was really like "COME ON OMG", especially the way the ref is point blank looking at it.  Then they end up calling us for a pretty 'meh' hold and that felt ****ty.  There was a feeling of home team a bit.


Never determines an entire football game, but I'll raise my hand.  I thought it was pretty ****ty on us overall.

I remember that one on Kerrigan. It was ridiculous. Seemed like the guy had hold of him the whole time, then Kerrigan spun out of it and then the guy grabbed him more blatantly.

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I will say this much, the officiating was atrocious....BUT...the team should start fining people that get 15 yarders.  I am absolutely sick and tired of watching these dumb asses consistently lose their cool.  


Perry Riley's was the absolute worst I've seen all year.  His tonight was the equivalent of Morgan's last year.  It wasn't even a heat of the moment thing.  He marched back over to the guy after the play was over and shoved him down.  

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I remember that one on Kerrigan. It was ridiculous. Seemed like the guy had hold of him the whole time, then Kerrigan spun out of it and then the guy grabbed him more blatantly.

I saw at least 3 of those against Kerrigan. The Tackle would literally have his arm all the way around him across his neck the whole time. Orakpo got the short end of the stick a few times as well. The worst missed holding was AP vs Josh Wilson and it came on a huge 3rd down. He blitzed and AP went to pick it up but had a bad angle and Wilson was going to get through so AP grabbed his jersey (actually turning Wilson's shoulder in the process) and then right after that, for good measure I guess, did a completely obvious block in the back...resulting in a 3rd down conversion. Ref was standing right there watching.


The ball spot thing was absolutely bizzare. It was already a stupidly generous spot but might have still been a tad short. Ref puts the ball down, glances over at the chains, then moves it up for an easy 1st down. Seriously? 


Then there was the holding/PI on Reed at the end...Mayock was even like "uh yeah that was a pretty blatant hold or PI there". Again, ref was staring at it the whole time.

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There is no doubt the refs were horribly inconsistent and it hurts us. However, I don't think it was a conspiracy thing, I think it was just plain incompetence. I think they re just that stupid. I am not sure they know the rules well enough. It was almost like having the replacement refs out there. 


In the end though, good teams should be able to overcome bad officiating. We lost not because RK and Rak got held all night long, or none of the taunting penalties got called, or due to the phantom helmet to helmet call on Baker. We lost because we are not a very good football team. 


Our Def is atrocious, and this after 3.5 yrs. We had a safety problem 4 yrs ago and it's not been fixed. We had pass rush problems 4 yrs ago and we still do. Our players lack poise and control leading to stupid retaliation penalties (rileys was the worst, what a colossally stupid penalty!). Our STs is worse than I have ever seen it in 40+ years of watching them. All those that wanted to Danny Smith gone hang your head in shame!!  Finally, the off does periodic disappearing acts when it's needed most! 


The refereeing did not make it any easier but make no mistake, we lost because we are just plain not very good. 

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Look now! The Refs did loose the game for us.... The Vikings were holding for MOST of the game and pushing in the back. There were a few PIs as well. Im starting to think that the NFL games are rigged! RG3 was hit LATE many times and PHANTOM holding call on 82. Like WTF !!!! REALLY !!! They gave the Viking the 1st down when they were a good yard away.I could keep going on and on but I have to head to work this morning -_- 

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I saw at least 3 would be sacks if Kerrigan was not in an obvious sleeper hold waving his arms 4 yards from a ref and two of them were back to back and might have got us the ball back. Plays like this lead to us letting rg3 get pounded yet they constantly illegally stop our pass rush with no penalty. The helmet to helmet was the dumbest thing ever. Both lead to Tds for them. Riley chest bumped someone in front of a ref which was stupid but ive seen much much worse not get called. Then two of their players shove one of our linemen to the ground 2 feet from a ref and nothing was called. The holding call on Paulsen was infuriating as well. This play would have given us a first down.

In my entire nfl watching life I never felt the game was so one sided. I push myself to see this many blown calls in other games and can't do it. I went to bed early knowing my team would not win. I'm one game away from saying f the nfl and cheering on the penguins for the year. Our team is not that great but throw that in and it is completely impossible for my favorite team to win. They influenced that game majorly last night that's for sure.

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I want to blame the refs too. In fact I did last night. But after some reflection, I just can't. Sure, that blatant hold on Reed at the goal line at the end of the game was seemingly ignored. Yet, following that up with a fade route on 4th down to the shortest WR on the team does not a good team make. We just flat out blew the game in the second half. If you ask me, I blame Kyle for abandoning the run in the second half. No, I don't think we should've been less aggressive with the pass, but, damn, did he learn nothing from the Denver game?

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Stop blaming the Refs for our poor play and play calling. It makes our fan base look idiotic.

Stop blaming the Refs for our poor play and play calling. It makes our fan base look idiotic.


So even when its on video proof that they  called a horrible game in the Vikings favor, we are the ones that look like idiots for calling it out?


Most people in here are not saying we lost purely because of the refs.  Most (at least me) are saying that we are admittedly a bad team but when you get the shaft by the refs as well, its an extremely low success rate.  We also got some weird calls in our favor but unfortunately none were momentum changing key calls.  2 of their TD's came were given to them on a silver platter.  Combine that with "poor play" from us and we don't stand a chance. 


I refuse to sit here and say we should grow a pair and win anyways after all those bad calls, the goofy fine, and all of our suspensions.  You're darn right it would be awesome if we could become a super team and trump teams regardless of calls and penalties but in the real world, it sucks the life out the team and causes them to struggle just like we see now.  It definitely does not help us overcome our "poor play" at all.

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Sorry, when a ref is standing there staring right at some of the most blatant holding all game long I have ever witnessed and we don't get a single flag for 2 weeks now?  We get one late hands to the face penalty but the flag is only thrown AFTER the pass is incomplete and it is useless to us?


And Reed on the goal line?  Please.  He held Reed twice and interfered with him, no call.


And why do you think the Vikings were holding so blatantly?  Almost like they knew they had a free pass.


When you complain about how bad our defense is, think about how many of those miracle scrambles by MN that extended drives were the direct result of uncalled holding.

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Stop blaming the Refs for our poor play and play calling. It makes our fan base look idiotic.

Stop blaming the Refs for our poor play and play calling. It makes our fan base look idiotic.


You say this, but if the calls are this extreme week after week eventually it has to be more than paranoia, right?  To be honest, I was angrier at the reffing last week, but some of those spots were absolutely laughable.  Also, why's it cool for our guys to be hit late and not just the qb?

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I remember that one on Kerrigan. It was ridiculous. Seemed like the guy had hold of him the whole time, then Kerrigan spun out of it and then the guy grabbed him more blatantly.



Its Ed Hochuli's crew - they are the worst set of officials in the league. They are equal opportunities bad but last night they bit us hard.


The helmet to helmet against Baker early in the game was a terrible call. He hit him in the chest with his head up, used his arms and his helmet came nowhere close to Ponders helmet.


That call is made worse by two missed calls for low hits on RGIII - blocked into the QB my arse!


There were two blatant missed holding calls on Kerrigan. I mean blatant.


The missed holding call on Reed in the endzone on the last series is something that has to be called. You cant miss that one.


That said the Refs were not responsible for two stupid personal fouls we gave up which both played a big part in giving up points. Still the sooner Hochuli retires (or is retired) the better. 

Can't believe no mention of the helmet to helmet by Baker that extended the drive in the first half, It was obvious that his helmet drove into Ponder's chest. Face masks never met. 


Great minds. See my post right after yours. Terrible call.

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Can't believe no mention of the helmet to helmet by Baker that extended the drive in the first half, It was obvious that his helmet drove into Ponder's chest. Face masks never met. 


I did. i mentioned like 4 or 5 blown calls and one included this.  Shoot even the Orakpo sack came off of a hold.  He pulled the blockers arm out of a clothes line over his head.


 To be a pro that works your entire life, it has to be annoying to be shafted like this.  Which leads to our guys getting hot headed.

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Stop blaming the Refs for our poor play and play calling. It makes our fan base look idiotic.

Stop blaming the Refs for our poor play and play calling. It makes our fan base look idiotic.

Ignoring how bad the officiating is league wide makes you look like a bigger one.

The refs don't lose games. but damn, anyone is allowed to tee off on Robert these days.

Late hits on our Qb all night long.

I kept thinking "Shouldn't have told them you bait them for hits and flags" because they really are letting him get killed now.

 Ev en BEFORE the ticky tack rules you had to pull up once the ball is gone, and the Vikings would just steam into him, no flags.

They kept talking about the"mesh point".. and Robert was getting his clock cleaned well AFTER hand offs, right in front of refs. No flags.


the phantom hold on Paulsen was thrown by a ref 20 yards away.. the side judge way up the field.

The hit to the Helmet by Baker wasn't even close.


I was listening to some ex-player this week, can't recall who.. basically what he said was that the refs are SO concerned about nailing the big hit that they miss everything else.


So while refs don't lose you games, they are absolutely wrecking the sport. Games are mis-called BADLY, games are not called the same from week to week. Players have no idea how to avoid it.



Oh, and nevermind that it was Ed Hochuli's crew, the single most inconsistent crew out there. Week in and week out.

Play a little game next week.. find out whch teams have Hochuli's crew, and then go on their message board the next day, and you'll find this exact same thread.

And you can do it every single week.


the rulebook is out of control, the refs exert too much control, and they have the ability to change games, and they do on a more and more regular basis.

When you say "Refs don't lose games" but you see a play like Baker's who made a clean legal hit. you better be prepared to wonder how the hell to teach him what to do, because doing it right cost him. And when you see itg only being called one way like last night, you have to wonder what the hell is wrong with the system that creates such disparity.

Refs have too many subjective calls they can make, they can make a big one on any given down, for anything, legal or not.


Rules and the refs are affecting games, not just officiating them. Recognizing that isn't making an excuse for a win or a loss.


if you think that is not something to be concerned about, maybe you ought to check and see what ingredients are in that face paint of yours.



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Question.  Has anyone here ever in their lives seen a ref spot the ball obviously short of the first down, look over at the sticks then move the ball forward another foot?  Ever?  I have never seen that.


And why isn't our Coach raising holy hell on the sidelines with this crap?  He does nothing, just stands there and takes it quietly.  You think SF's coach wouldn't be causing a riot with this crap going on?


And another thing.  Even though the original placement was clearly short of the first, another ref IMMEDIATELY signaled a first down very enthusiastically with no measurement.  It was only after the ref made this premature call the other ref moved the ball forward.


I watch that and I am not supposed tl believe the fix is in?


And Shanny does not even challenge.  He burns timeouts for nothing then lets that go?

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