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#redskins - 8 Penalties - 63 Yards.vikings - 1 Penalty - 7 Yards.


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I don't care that, according to NFLshop.com, Colin Kapernick's jersey is the most popluar among fans.


It is crystal clear to me that among NFL Offensive Linemen, Ryan Carrigan's uniform is clearly the MOST popluar.


BTW, complaining about Refs isnt' the same as saying they are the reason the Skins lost.  This game just showed that there were many times a call wasn't made that easily should have been made.

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Robert made a mistake when he stated he wanted defenders to hit him.  Now they are letting them do it pretty much at will.  I love Robert I really do, and I want him to succeed but the kid flat out talks to much.  Somebody he trusts needs to tell him this.  Some things are just better left unsaid.  

totally agree,, last night in particular I was left wondering if his comments have not put it in the ref's head to let him get clobbered a bit.

He did take some really bad hits, which is part of the game of course, but several of them should  have drawn flags.



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totally agree,, last night in particular I was left wondering if his comments have not put it in the ref's head to let him get clobbered a bit.

He did take some really bad hits, which is part of the game of course, but several of them should  have drawn flags.



Many of those hits, like Allen's lunge at the knees, would have been 15 yarders if targeting almost any other QB in the league.


Certainly didn't lose the game for us, but still...

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Yeah, not the same at all. You did, however, wrap three argument fallacies up into one super fallacy. That, at the very least, deserves some applause ;)


Our Defense lost this game for us. Good well-rounded teams find ways to win. Let us not forget the bone-headed personal foul that Young perpetrated. It set the Vikings up for +7 points. 


The point is: Yes, there were horrible penalties called and some that were missed all together. It's not something we can worry about. Shanahan will submit those plays to the league. Internally, Ref Teams DO get reamed and challenged by the league office. We don't get to see it. 


While I'm remember it. Did anyone see the delay of game penalty that was called on Griffin? You could clearly see another Ref coming up and mouth the words "there was 1 second left" after Hoculi announced the penalty. It was crazy.

I didn't notice that with the delay,, i was too busy pounding my forehead and wondering how the hell you can get a delay after clocking the ball.


And I do agree that you have to find a way to overcome..  and frankly, our pass rush not being able to bother two bad quarterbacks through an offensive line with injuries..   it's so bad i am wondering who our DL coach is.

I'm not seeing tremendous double teams, i'm not seeing max-protects,, I watch our defensive linemen do the same dance with the same guy play after play after play.

I am sure i am missing some nuance that explains it.. but holy crap,, we make Philip rivers look like a graceful ballet dancer,, we let Christian Ponder resurrect his dead career... We simply do NOT get to the quarterback, and it's extremely frustrating.


On the other side, our right side OL is terrible. Montgomery looks like he's barely aware of what's going on at center, Chester can't cover for it, and Palumbus is the epitome of meatbag.

They should have warning labels on their helmets that say they're hazardous to Robert's health.



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Even though I totally agree with the ineptness of our D and Haz, but one question remain for me. How can we stop the team whom got all the helps from the Refs? As a poster mentioned they just bad and did not know all the rules, then how come they calling everything on us and none on the Vikes (well, one to be fair)? I smell something here or it just me? :(

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Even though I totally agree with the ineptness of our D and Haz, but one question remain for me. How can we stop the team whom got all the helps from the Refs? As a poster mentioned they just bad and did not know all the rules, then how come they calling everything on us and none on the Vikes (well, one to be fair)? I smell something here or it just me? :(


SImple, before they took the lead and even after they extended it to 31 and then 34 we had them on multiple 3rd and long plays and gave them away without any help from the refs. Stop those and its a different outcome. 

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To me the worst were the 2-step planting of Robert on the safety blitz.. that was a flag ten years ago, and has always been called, and last night they could hit the QB like it was 1974 again.


WORST non-call...  Jared Allen straight LAUNCHED himself from the ground at Robert's knee.

This is illegal, and is easily seen,, he isn't blocked into anyone, and even if he IS, thast is specifically stated in the rules to NOT BE AN EXCUSE.

The BRADY rule.. the CARSON PALMER rule, ..  you cannot launch at or HIT the QB below the waist.


That was blatant, and is exactly the situation that that call was invented for, and is a hallmark penalty in this new era of "protect the QB at all costs".




But  it's not... the RGIII rule...in their book

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SImple, before they took the lead and even after they extended it to 31 and then 34 we had them on multiple 3rd and long plays and gave them away without any help from the refs. Stop those and its a different outcome. 

I agree. But how about all the drives before that? The "generous" spot, the holding on Kerrigan on third down...etc...then we didn't have to face the 31 or 34, you think?

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There were some pretty obvious jersey stretching holds and blocks in the back that kept the Viiking drives alive. It was almost like they had a free down every series in the third and fourth quarter until they took the lead.

Look at the stats, we straight outplayed them, we had FIVE consecutive scoring drives, ZERO turnovers, cut through them like a knife through butter on the last drive. Don't tell me we didn't play good enough to win, because there's no way we lose without ref interference at decisive points in the game.

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This is one of the silliest posts I've read on ES in a long line of silly post-game threads.


You can complain about the bad officiating in the NFL, sure. I won't argue with you.


However, to say there were bad calls (or non-calls) in last night's game because Goodell and the NFL is waging some covert campaign against the Redskins using the officials to get the team to change their name is just plain nonsense.


The NFL Network is OWNED and RUN by the NFL. During the pre-game, game-time, and post-game airtime, the Network constantly used the word "Redskins" in their coverage. In fact, I barely remember them using the word "Washington". Just "Redskins".


When they were hyping the game with ads all week, the NFL Network used the word "Redskins" vs. Vikings, not Washington vs. Minnesota.


I agree there were some bad calls, but it isn't because of our nickname.


Posts like yours are why folks can't take these kind of threads seriously much of the time.


Goodell wants the Redskins to change the name, but he can't force anything. You think he wants to entire world looking at the NFL and seeing a "racist" team succeed? Yeah, right. 

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I haven't read everyone's posts, but I totally agree with the creator of this topic.  I fumed all night and still can't stop.  This was not the worst officiating I have every seen (by far), but it was the most 1 sided I have ever seen.  Here are the big ones:


1) The 15 yarder for hit to the head of their QB - they scored about 2 plays later

2) We blitz a CB and Safety.  QB breaks outside and AP (right in front of a ref) knocks the safety to the ground by hitting him in the back (on the numbers).  A VERY CLEAR block in the back penalty should have been called.  Instead, QB completes a pass inside the 15 - they score about 2 plays later

3) 3rd down pass comes up about 1/2 yard short of the first.  Linesman seems to give a little extra to the WR, but still short of the 1st.  The ref that places the ball sets it down and then moves it forward to the yard marker (about an extra balls worth).  Result is a 1st down,instead of a 4th down - they scored shortly afterward.


With us on offense, 2 plays were obvious to me.

1) Robert gets hit in the knees - flag thrown and then "picked up" because the player was blocked into our QB.  I am a homer, but to me it looked like the player tripped over our lineman (not blocked by him) and then while falling launched into Roberts knees.  Exactly the type of play that knocked Brady out for a year and the reason the rule was added.

2) holding call on Logan.  I could not see a hold at all watching the play multiple times, but the ref that threw the flag was 15 yards down field and could not even see Logan's hands.  No way he should make that call.  There was a ref at the line of scrimmage on the sideline and he didn't see a hold.  Instead of having 2nd and very short, we had 1st and 20.

3) At the end of the game, the Minn. LB CLEARLY grabbed Reed while the ball was in the air as Reed made his cut.  The dude has barely dropped a ball all year and if not for the interference, would have had two hands on the ball as he crossed the goal line.  That pass interference would be called 9 out of 10 times and would have been called if it was Minn trying to tie the score with us last night.

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I was watching it with a friend, who is a College fan, doesn't really have a horse in the NFL race and he was laughing at some of the calls and how bad they were.


That 3rd Down one on Kerrigan where the guy literally grabbed the front and back of his Jersey was horrible. He was also blatantly held the 2nd down before that. The Baker Helmet to Helmet was bad as well... and even Mayock who is an NFL Talking head pointed out how Reed was held on the pass at the goal-line to him. 


I'm not here to think that refs are purposely screwing us, but I have been seeing a lot more of the "we'll let the team who's almost out of this game to get away with more" recently which I may have a tinfoil hat over for NFL ratings.

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To me the worst were the 2-step planting of Robert on the safety blitz.. that was a flag ten years ago, and has always been called, and last night they could hit the QB like it was 1974 again.


WORST non-call...  Jared Allen straight LAUNCHED himself from the ground at Robert's knee.

This is illegal, and is easily seen,, he isn't blocked into anyone, and even if he IS, thast is specifically stated in the rules to NOT BE AN EXCUSE.

The BRADY rule.. the CARSON PALMER rule, ..  you cannot launch at or HIT the QB below the waist.


That was blatant, and is exactly the situation that that call was invented for, and is a hallmark penalty in this new era of "protect the QB at all costs".




That hit absolutely infuriated me. It was so blatant. And you're right, even if a guy is blocked into someone that doesn't give him an excuse to lunge right at his knees while falling forward. It is a penalty, plain and simple. It's one thing to not make calls on obvious holding or PI, etc...that is incredibly irritating but you move on. Its completely different to decide to not call blatantly dangerous hits on a QB. Hits which have specifically created rules to stop them from happening and keep the QB from getting his knee shredded. That just sends the message to players "hey, you can tee off on this guy pretty much however you want and if there is any chance at all that it didn't look 100% intentional, you'll get away with it".

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Like I said above, i can't recall who i heard talking,, might have been Cooley, actually..    the refs are so concerned about the big hit, the 15 yard personal foul that it's almost all they're looking for, and they throw that flag even if it LOOKS like it might be a foul, ie: the Baker hit.


if that's true then the officials are being directed to watch for plays that can be turned into FINES that goes into the league office's bank accounts.  As always, follow the money.


Did anyone already mention that obvious punt catch interference in the first half?  Morgan was hit in the legs before catching the ball and nearly fumbled.  No flag.  Thing is, this stuff has been happening all season.  Remember the Broncos game?  Block in the backs on screen plays to Moreno, both TDs, no calls.  Helmet to helmet on Cousins at the end.  No call but that Denver player was later fined for the hit.  Remember the Cowboys game?  BOTH Harris long returns, one for a TD, were both full of block in the backs and blind side blocks.  No call.  Butt punt fumble call that was the complete opposite of what the rule book says.  Etc etc etc etc.  Something is rotten in Denmark.  Fans will have various opinions of why we're getting shafted on calls so much this year but I think most people realize something isn't right here.

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Many of those hits, like Allen's lunge at the knees, would have been 15 yarders if targeting almost any other QB in the league.


Certainly didn't lose the game for us, but still...


It was dirty, they were doing it and being REWARDED for it.  THose are roughing calls even in an earlier era, like Bang said.  When have defenders been allowed to take 2 steps and then blast the QB?  Meanwhile, it is clear that Baker actually put himself under the QB while bringing him down and didn't even slam him and gets called.


IMO, it may be annoying but personal fouls should be reviewed in order to be upheld.

  Morgan was hit in the legs before catching the ball and nearly fumbled.  No flag. 

Yeah, people forget that while there is no "halo" like in college, that the returner is allowed to catch the ball first before hitting.  

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1 non call blew this game! The pass int in the end zone on Garcon that wasn't called cost us OT. There is no excuse for that not being called and referee's should be held accountable and fined like players, Only then will they take this serious. I am sick of watching bad play and bad coaching by our defense alone, but to see us get ****ed by bad calls and non calls is just a slap to the face. For once can we see this BS happen to a team we play instead of us all the damn time!

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The Hochuli crew has infamously not gotten along with Shanny. However, whining about penalties is loser talk.


The refs hooked us up, over and over again last week against the Chargers. If you don't think so, you're being a blind homer. 


As hard as it to admit, we got beat by an awful 1-7 team fair and square.

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I will say this much, the officiating was atrocious....BUT...the team should start fining people that get 15 yarders.  I am absolutely sick and tired of watching these dumb asses consistently lose their cool.  


Perry Riley's was the absolute worst I've seen all year.  His tonight was the equivalent of Morgan's last year.  It wasn't even a heat of the moment thing.  He marched back over to the guy after the play was over and shoved him down.

He walked past several people to shove the guy down. Just stupid. Almost premeditated. Smh
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