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Xbox One Vs Ps4


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I feel the same way man....its depressing. 


I usually get hooked on like 3-4 games a year now. Once im bored with those its difficult for me to find anything i really like to play. 

Yeah man. Even with Madden and NBA 2K, I seem to get exhausted playing those games quicker than usual. I only played COD like 5 times. I said I wasn't going to buy it, but got suckered in. And will probably buy it this year too if my cousin gets a PS4 :(


But, I just can go like I used to. Some say it's because I am growing up. I don't think that's it though. I am still as immature as ever. lol



I was getting ready to flip out at first and virtually backhand you...until I read the second part.  ;)

Naw man. Watch Dogs is mine. I gotta pre-order it so it can get here on Tuesday. 

I think it's still fair to backhand him.

What the heck man? lol

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I agree, though I dont think the graphical difference is very much at all, I spent a lot of time comparing the two and havent noticed a huge difference. If I could I would like to own a PS4 for their exclusives, but cant right now. I think the only people that care either way are Xbox One or PS4 fanboys. Otherwise its not a big deal, just different consoles that are both great. Win win.

To be honest, I think it's way too early to start comparing graphics since most of the games out so far are only slightly upgraded from least gen. In my opinion, you have to wait a year or two before things start really picking up speed.

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So my xbox turned itself on about 5 times through out the night lol. Everytime I'd get up and turn it off and then wake back up and my tv and Xbox would be back on again.


Might wanna burn some sage, bro.

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I'm genuinely curious of the viewing distance and display size (and last vision test ) :D being used by those that can't see any difference between 720p and 1080p native resolutions.  I find it interesting that people spent an entire console generation arguing negligible differences in resolution (540 vs 600) but now they can't tell the difference between 720p vs 1080p.  That's over a million more pixels being rendered:




Resolution certainly isn't everything but it is a big factor in gaming.  

The kinect picking up a ghost or something??? lol



Reminds me of this:



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I WAS.. Until I saw that it wasn't multiplayer


true, but the campaign looks pretty damn awesome.  I agree that, after a few playthroughs, it would probably get sold.  But the story looks worth it.  Maybe not $59.99 worth it, but I'll pay 30 for it in a few months

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I think I am only person not pumped for GTA VI (I mean Watch Dogs). I guess it just looks to me like they added hacking tools. 




honestly they do look pretty similar.  slightly better graphics, and hacks.  LOL.  I'll stil get it though, if for nothing else because all my friends will be playing it LOL

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I never played GTA V, so I'm good...


Meth is disappointed.




GTA V wasn't as good as the hype that surrounded it, but it was a really fun game.  Campaign was fun as hell, and online was super fun....for like a week LOL

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