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Man, I'm torn on watch dogs, I like GTA, but it does get old to me. My son on the other hand has had a blast with it and loves playing online.


I'll probably end up getting it just for my son to play.

I've been dedicating all my game time to BF4 (Naval Strike) and The Show.

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Regarding Fez, a lot of people were slamming me back last year when i was making a big deal about indie games and how PS4 was very open to them and XBONE was not.... but there are some really REALLY solid indie games out there which are throwbacks to the SNES days (Funny enough Fez was an xbox 360 exclusive at first lol). I have more fun with indie games these days than the full on AAA titles. Too many AAA titles play it way to safe to appeal to as many people as possible to cover dev costs while indie games can do whatever they want and appeal to niche crowds. The result is you get stale franchises on their 6th sequel with dumbed downed gameplay for the masses but nice shiny graphics.


Quite boring really give me an HD side scroller or a game that isn't current gen graphics but has amazing gameplay any day over the majority of the current AAA titles. So glad i grew up in the age of Atari and early consoles so graphics dont really mean much to me. Back in the NES days, Devs had to nail gameplay because they weren't working with much when it came to graphics.


I couldn't agree more.  Some of the best games in a long time have been Indie titles.  Journey, Don't Starve, Stick it to the Man, Fez, Thomas Was Alone, Super Stardust HD, Resogun, Lone Survivor............all fantastic games with more content and replayability than your typical AAA title.


If you ask me, Journey and Fez are both worth playing for the OST alone:



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I loved La-Mulana. Was originally a Wii-Ware title and eventually made it to PC. Easily one of the beat sidescrolling metroidvania games ever created with a dark souls 2 difficulty. Only problem i had with it is some of the puzzles are super cryptic and i just dont have the time to spend hours or days even on the same spot like i did during my youth. Other than that minor gripe one of my favorite games of all time and has an amazing OST as well. A sequel is on the way.

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What is Watch Dogs Multiplayer like?  How many people can you interact with online, etc.?  


As mentioned in yesterday’s first impressions, online multiplayer in Watch Dogs is easily one of the game’s stand-out features. It’s a secret weapon that will no doubt take many by surprise, despite being oft-touted by publisher, Ubisoft. However, it’s also something that feels shrouded in mystery as to how it actually works.


Intrusion is perhaps the one game mode Ubisoft has publicised most, and with good reason. It’s a unique approach to adversarial multiplayer and one that focuses on more than just sharp reflexes.


When circulating between missions, players will often find themselves invaded by other fixers looking to bag some Notoriety. When such instances occur it’s up to your to find who’s hacking your data and put them down for good. Each of these encounters starts with the invading player getting a bead on their target.


Tailing adopts a similar premise, though requires more legwork of the invading player. Instead of simply tracing your target and hiding, you will need to keep them in your line of sight as a observation gage starts to fill.


With the option to simply run or drive away from your invader, Tailing relieves some of the pressure found in Watch Dogs’ flagship game mode. However, this also works in favour of the other player, giving them more freedom to move without being traced on the mini-map.


Decryption is only other game mode in Watch Dogs’ arsenal which has something unique up its sleeve. Hosting up to eight players, Decryption can be played with two teams or in free-for-all, both as hectic as the other.


The main objective here is to locate a file and then keep hold of it until it can be decrypted. Imagine it as a game of hot potato with the winner being the player(s) with the file as the decryption gauge hits one hundred percent. It’s a smart game mode and one that makes sense considering how poorly capture the flag would suit such big, diverse environments.


One of the great things about Decryption, and all of Watch Dogs’ online modes, is that they take place in the same open world, populated with pedestrians and motorists. Similar to what’s already been said about Intrusion and Tailing, this means that no two rounds are ever likely to be the same. Players will constantly be on the move, either on-foot or in a vehicle, occasionally switching things up with heated gunfights.


Online Races, they are almost exactly what you’d expect. Instead of being as free-form as the likes of Need for Speed: Rivals, they are structured with predefined routes.


Free Roam, again, does what it says on the tin. A maximum of eight players can jump into a server and cause all sorts of shenanigans as they tear up Chicago. An adversarial mode can be toggled to enable player versus player encounters, though most will likely just want to mess around in the world






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Also the price tag on Indie games is normally $5-$20 and even cheaper during steam sales. Only drawback is you don't have a physical copy of the game, but steam is going to implement a digital trade in system at some point in the near future. Im done trading in my games though, when i was a kid and teenager, i started trading in a bunch of my games and i really regret it now. I would of had an amazing collection that im very sad about not having now.


The online aspect of Watch Dogs i saw during the stream yesterday did look pretty cool. I just don't see it being a must have game at the moment for full retail price. Again, Id rather wait for the steam Fall or Christmas sale where it will be heavily discounted. Im sure even the summer sale will have it 25% off.

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When you invade a game you hack the person?  That's it?  And do they have a choice or not (like flagging for PvP in some MMORPGs), like can they toggle if they want to participate in that aspect of the game.

From the ones i saw you open your cellphone then go to some contacts option. After that you can choose which online section you want to do. The ones i saw was one was hacking another player and the other was tailing another player. They were both similiar in that you spawned into their world and saw them on the mini map. You had to get close enough to them to start either the hacking or tailing timer and then stay out of their sight. If they see you they then come and try to kill you. Both of the missions the guy i was watching stream, he got spotted and shot to death. The other one i saw him do was an online race with 2-8 players. They looked cool, but not sure how long you could do each one for before losing interest. They were also a couple more of them that i didn't see him try.

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Evidently, you can turn off multiplayer and don't gain notoriety and there is some option you can turn off called "adversarial free roam ".  Says that most of the time you have to have permission to invade.  Sounds lame, I want to invade and hack/kill other players and them have zero say so about it.  


This game is probably not for me lol.

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Evidently, you can turn off multiplayer and don't gain notoriety and there is some option you can turn off called "adversarial free roam ". Says that most of the time you have to have permission to invade. Sounds lame, I want to invade and hack/kill other players and them have zero say so about it.

This game is probably not for me lol.

I think having permission to invade means that the person just has the option turned on. If you want to invade I'm sure there will be plenty of players where you can pop into their games.

My only concern was griefers. I know you lose notoriety and skills if you just go off and start killing people but I'm sure people will be mowing down their hacked person for fun before long.

There is also a tablet app where the person on the tablet is sending police after the console player and trying to use hacks to disable his vehicle while the console player tries to escape. Looked pretty cool as well.

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Yeah I had a lot of fun with it tonight. I couldn't get into the multilayer hacking it said I had to complete the Online Contracts Something before I could get to two of the modes. I think there is a a tutorial or something I need to find. I had access to racing, free roam and decryption but couldn't connect to those either. I think servers were slammed tonight

But overall the game is a lot of fun. Graphics are fine to meet during the day and look fantastic at night.

I think the cars handle fine too though there is a bit of a learning curve to them. Handbrake is your friend.

Ar first I hated how much stuff was on the screen and just walking down the road I kept having hacking information about NPCs popping up over subtitles and mission goals and then I figured out that you can turn that on and off which made it a lot easier.

I love the city too it feels great and the police do a great job coming at you when you get your wanted level up. I was playing around with the wanted system earlier. I whipped into a plaza area and quickly hit the spikes to stop them from following me and they immediately circled around to the other entrances and were swarming me in no time.

I also did this beast spin move into an alley and backed up into the alley facing the police and watched while they smashed into the poles I had just raised. Before I could even stop laughing two other cops had it blocked off the back end of the alley and I was trapped. It was really cool, I was shot to pieces.

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I finally got to play last night and overall, I like the game a lot.  It is very similar to GTA, but different in a good way. GTA is very "cartoonish" to me and I don't mean that in a negative way.  I was expecting to hate the driving because of the reviews, but I did not. I had no issues with it at all.  


I concur with others that have posted that there is a lot going on in terms of crime alerts etc... its overwhelming at first.  Also, just like GTA, you have to get to know the city.  It will take time, but that's a good thing. 

Glad I got the game.  The graphics are amazing.  At least I only have 2.5 more weeks of school... More game time... :D

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Okay, so in a nutshell synopsis of the game, what is Watch Dogs?


I have some games I can trade in and I'd like to get it. But I only have the budget for about three new games a year right now. Madden is automatically penciled in as one. I'll probably get WWE because I'm a nerd. So I have room for one more this year (maybe two, cuz I'll ask the lady to get me Destiny for my birthday if it pans out lol).

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Basically, the main character is a hacker, he does a bank hacking job and something goes wrong.  His niece is killed and he basically goes out looking for revenge.  The game is very much like GTA except instead of just being a criminal (which you still can be), you can save other people as well as the main quest of getting revenge for your family.  You can hack into the city's operating system and do all kinds of things like use the city cameras, hack into people's bank accounts etc..

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Basically, the main character is a hacker, he does a bank hacking job and something goes wrong.  His niece is killed and he basically goes out looking for revenge.  The game is very much like GTA except instead of just being a criminal (which you still can be), you can save other people as well as the main quest of getting revenge for your family.  You can hack into the city's operating system and do all kinds of things like use the city cameras, hack into people's bank accounts etc..


GTA doesn't appeal to me anymore at an adult age because, quite frankly, being the criminal is cliché. I see kids who play it who can't separate fantasy from reality and get into trouble (that's NOT the game's fault, by the way, it's on the parents for not teaching the kids that its a game. I think parents can teach children the difference and have a kid play it and not be affected at all by it, but so many kids try to live that life). Used to love the series, too.


Stealing cars and getting stars and running from the police is repetitive and boring in my eyes as well.


Is that the premise of Watch Dogs?


I think the GTA genre is excellent. Red Dead Redemption was a lot of fun. You are a good guy, basically. That character was sympathetic and not really a criminal in the least. I just don't like being the criminal, for some reason. I don't mind the "Robin Hood" type characters, though.

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Kdawg, you can be a straight up criminal if you want, or, I think the game intends for you to be more of a "super hero" with no super powers other than "hacking".  Its very cool.

I'm with you on GTA, I don't care for all the drug stuff and so on.  My son plays but I'm with him, he gets it regarding gaming vs reality.  He's a great kid, honor roll, citizen of the month etc...but he likes doing the crazy stuff in GTA.

By contrast, when playing WD with him last night, I had to help him.  At first, he wanted to run around and steal cars like GTA, but then, after realizing that he could help NPC's with problems, protect them from violence (with violence...LOL), he liked that a lot.

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Okay, so in a nutshell synopsis of the game, what is Watch Dogs?


I have some games I can trade in and I'd like to get it. But I only have the budget for about three new games a year right now. Madden is automatically penciled in as one. I'll probably get WWE because I'm a nerd. So I have room for one more this year (maybe two, cuz I'll ask the lady to get me Destiny for my birthday if it pans out lol).


If youre only buying one other game all year i would wait. lol

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You are not a criminal in Watch Dogs you are a vigilante. You can absolutely play it straight if you want and the hacking allows for a lot of the missions to be completed non lethally.

You actually get bonuses for stopping random crimes that pop up without killing the person.

There is a skill tree for combat, hacking, driving skills that you can develop too.

Of course, most people just want to go around shooting everything and running from the cops because it's open world but the game is really not like GTA in that regard. And you are on the right side of the law.

The hacking is really what sets it apart though. It's a little overwhelming at first but it starts to make sense pretty quick.

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geez you guys...i was thinking about passing on this.  But I'm easily swayed by hype, and this thread is full of it LOL


hell, every other forum I frequent has folks raving about this game as well. 

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