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Finally got to play and finish the King Washington DLC for Assassins Creed III. Finally decided to move on from the game breaking Chapter I glitch that after THREE YEARS, still has not been fixed. Pretty fun changeup from the single player story. Gonna pick up Rogue and Unity on Friday. I wanna see where the story goes before Syndicate drops

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It's way more of a Baldurs Gate/Planescape Torment/Icewind Dale than it is Torchlight 2. It's a super RPG like Witcher 3 just from a top down perspective. I'd say the closest to it in terms of games today is Pillars of Eternity. It's just a super nerdy RPG the likes of which we hadn't seen in a decade. The tactical turn base combat can be a but grindy, but all RPGs are grindy. What was cool about it was the strategy and spell synergy that went into it. You could blow up barrels of oil and then have your Mage cast a fire spell of that area to burn foes for extra damage. Or have one of your mages cast a rain spell, then your next Mage a lightning spell. It was just a great turn based RPG. Now that they got the first one out of the way, I completely expect them to already have nailed down what worked and fix up the little stuff that didn't. Seems they already are doing that too with the enhanced edition seeing how they are tweaking the original, rewriting dialogue, rewriting the ending and voicing all of it.

I have played... none of those. Granted, RPGs aren't a genre of which I have played a great deal, especially the computer variant. From the video I saw, I hadn't gotten that it was turn-based, so that certainly does make a difference. Are there any console RPGs it would be comparable to? (even if I haven't played many of them, I think I have a better concept of how they play).

I've also had my eye on Wasteland 2 since it's by the original Fallout people and I'd heard from some folks that the pre-Bethesda Fallout games were better, but like Divinity, it's a bit pricy to take a shot-in-the-dark on.

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Stick with it, just takes a bit to adjust to the feel of the game but once you do, it's pretty badass. 


I played Tomb Raider for another hour+ and I'm amazed at how current the game feels even if it was originally designed for the last gen and it's 2 or so years old. They did a good job remastering it for the One. 


I just feel bad that I've killed off Lara a dozen plus times already. Gruesomely, I might add. 

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I like RPGs generally but the over the top D&D types kinda bore me after a while. I need something a little more fast paced in the combat department while also having a good story. Witcher 3 fit this beautifully, although I think Dragon Age: Origins was the best example(3 wasn't bad but eventually gets easy enough that you can just button mash your way through).


Thinking of replaying Fallout 3 in preparation for Fallout 4. Don't have my old Xbox anymore though, so will probably have to play it on PC. I think my potato should be able to run it though.

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I like RPGs generally but the over the top D&D types kinda bore me after a while. I need something a little more fast paced in the combat department while also having a good story. Witcher 3 fit this beautifully, although I think Dragon Age: Origins was the best example(3 wasn't bad but eventually gets easy enough that you can just button mash your way through).


Thinking of replaying Fallout 3 in preparation for Fallout 4. Don't have my old Xbox anymore though, so will probably have to play it on PC. I think my potato should be able to run it though.


Have you played any of the Souls games?  

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Been watching a lot of the Blops 3 gameplay the last few days.  Not impressed.  For the first time, Treyarch is caving to the tweens and adding jetpacks and wall-running.  But apparently now you can swim and shoot under water?  come on, dawg.  SMFH.  


Is it safe to assume that, from now on, we will NEVER get a "pure" shooter again?  One without jumping 20 feet onto a roof and running up walls?  I guess Battlefield is the only pure, "feet on the ground" shooter these days?!  :(  I'd take a glitchy/laggy MW2 over this new age COD crap any day.  


And after all that crying, I guess I'd better mention that I'm still going to buy Black Ops 3 LOL.  All my bros are going to play it, so I'll need some friends to run with when taking a break from Fallout 4 and SW:BF  :)

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Naw. Everyone that plays them says theyre SUPER hard and that kind of difficulty would just annoy/anger me then entertain me.


The difficulty is a bit overstated.  They are hard but fair.  They also offer, arguably, the best combat you'll get in an action RPG.

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I don't know if I'm going to get BO3. I haven't played AW in ages and I've heard nothing but bad things about BO3 so far. I just don't have the time any longer.

We will see. This forum has always been fairly harsh towards recent COD when I liked them. Hard to say I guess.

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I don't know if I'm going to get BO3. I haven't played AW in ages and I've heard nothing but bad things about BO3 so far. I just don't have the time any longer.

We will see. This forum has always been fairly harsh towards recent COD when I liked them. Hard to say I guess.

Bo3 is a kids game.

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Anything new/upcoming on the Rockstar Games front?

Not that I've heard. Still holding out hope for a spiritual successor to Red Dead Redemption. Don't want a story continuation but just another western. Probably my favorite game last gen

I played Tomb Raider for another hour+ and I'm amazed at how current the game feels even if it was originally designed for the last gen and it's 2 or so years old. They did a good job remastering it for the One.

I just feel bad that I've killed off Lara a dozen plus times already. Gruesomely, I might add.

Yeah those deaths can be brutal.

I haven't played either of the definitive editions but will pick one up eventually to go with the new Rise coming out.

The Vader bundle is coming Nov 17th..if you can wait.

I love that, wish I could switch my plain old black one out for it.

And that really makes me want to play Super Star Wars. That game was so great.

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The New Hope one? I didn't play that one much, I really liked Super Empire Strikes Back. Tough as balls, that game was. (no Yoda intended)

Yeah New Hope. Never played any others, mom wouldn't buy them.

ANH was badass though. The last two levels were in X Wings similar to Star Fox SNES. Very fun. I need to play ESB somehow

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Yeah New Hope. Never played any others, mom wouldn't buy them.

ANH was badass though. The last two levels were in X Wings similar to Star Fox SNES. Very fun. I need to play ESB somehow

Woah, don't get too far ahead comparing it to Star Fox. The Star Wars games used sprites, Star Fox was full-blown 3D.

The ship battle levels were still pretty cool for their time, but they've since been done so much better. Shadows Of The Empire had some cool ship battles (and in debug mode, you could replace the outrider with an X-wing or a TIE fighter). And of course the Rogue Squadron series had some REALLY awesome levels. The battle over Endor? Speeder Bikes on Endor? Attacks on Death Star 1 & 2? Man, I just need to go back and play some of those good old Star Wars games (though I question how well Shadows' on-foot missions will hold up)

But yes, you do need to get your hands on ESB. Good luck trying to beat the game, though, it's SNES hard for sure.

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Woah, don't get too far ahead comparing it to Star Fox. The Star Wars games used sprites, Star Fox was full-blown 3D.

The ship battle levels were still pretty cool for their time, but they've since been done so much better. Shadows Of The Empire had some cool ship battles (and in debug mode, you could replace the outrider with an X-wing or a TIE fighter). And of course the Rogue Squadron series had some REALLY awesome levels. The battle over Endor? Speeder Bikes on Endor? Attacks on Death Star 1 & 2? Man, I just need to go back and play some of those good old Star Wars games (though I question how well Shadows' on-foot missions will hold up)

But yes, you do need to get your hands on ESB. Good luck trying to beat the game, though, it's SNES hard for sure.

Yeah I just meant it felt like Star Fox.

They really need to make a new Rogue Squadron game

I thought ANH was pretty hard too. One death and you lose all weapon upgrades. That was brutal, especially if you died on Mos Eisley. You weren't doing anything against that boss

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They really need to make a new Rogue Squadron game

Sadly, that ship has sailed. Factor5 decided to buddy up with Sony and made that giant flop that was Lair. After that they had cancelled project after cancelled project and now they're defunct and we're stuck with EA making Battlefront.

I thought ANH was pretty hard too. One death and you lose all weapon upgrades. That was brutal, especially if you died on Mos Eisley. You weren't doing anything against that boss

I don't doubt ANH's difficulty. Did you lose the Light Saber when you die, or is that one thing you get to keep? I also seem to recall ANH not allowing you to block with the saber nor allowing you to double-jump (instead you had to press up at the time you jumped in order to jump higher).
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Sadly, that ship has sailed. Factor5 decided to buddy up with Sony and made that giant flop that was Lair. After that they had cancelled project after cancelled project and now they're defunct and we're stuck with EA making Battlefront.

I don't doubt ANH's difficulty. Did you lose the Light Saber when you die, or is that one thing you get to keep? I also seem to recall ANH not allowing you to block with the saber nor allowing you to double-jump (instead you had to press up at the time you jumped in order to jump higher).

Didn't know that about RS. Beyond disappointing. Still,

I'm excited for Battlefront.

You didn't lose the Lightsaber once Obi Wan gives it to you in level 4 I think. But it wasn't very effective either so didn't really matter. You'd slice enemies and they'd run right through it and after you knocking out your heart meter anyway. There were definitely no blocks that I knew how to do.

I barely remember about the jumps. Pressing up seems right though.

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Didn't know that about RS. Beyond disappointing. Still,

I'm excited for Battlefront.

Yeah, it's too bad about Factor 5, because Rogue Squadron was a top notch series. Also a shame that LucasArts was closed, too. They made some pretty cool games back in the day including some original IPs.

You didn't lose the Lightsaber once Obi Wan gives it to you in level 4 I think. But it wasn't very effective either so didn't really matter. You'd slice enemies and they'd run right through it and after you knocking out your heart meter anyway. There were definitely no blocks that I knew how to do.

Yeah, I recall the saber being pretty hectic to control. I also recall the Seeker blaster being be best and you had to make a point of not upgrading (well, at least I recall that on the other two).

And in unrelated news, Pokken Tournament is coming to the Wii U next year.

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