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Nfl.com: Brandon Meriweather Suspended For 2 Games


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The other point I was bringing up is that it is not just BM that is getting fined and you are seeing many players being fined for the same things.  The Marshall hit, haven't seen a replay but will take what the majority have said, is the only true hit that should have been fined.  Lacy was off balance and falling over, Starks clearly lowered himself into Meriweather (not sure which one he was fined for or if both).

I won't quote the whole post because of its length, but I agree that a lot of players are fighting their instincts, and that's difficult in a game played at the speed of football.  However, its pretty safe bet that every player in the league is being shown these plays so they don't make the same mistake, and everyone knows that Meriweather's been warned.  As I said in a previous post, players will protect their teammates.  And they won't cheap shot Meriweather in retaliation, they'll cheap shot RG3 or Garcon.


You can see the Marshall hit here.

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He should be kicked out of the NFL!!! What's a 2-game suspension to this guy? I can't see him changing his reckless way of "tackling." He's going to kill somebody or himself!!!

3 years ago these hits would have been featured on "jacked up". amazing how fast things change. I guess when seau killed himself it really impacted the way we view things

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I understand why they are doing it and think it's great for player safety, however, that doesn't mean it's great for the game.  I don't like how it limits what defenses are allowed to do  to stop the offense.  The defender has to literally let the receiver catch the ball, make a football move and then HOPE he doesn't get flagged for laying a lick on the guy.  I know, it's now the rule so players have to go by it.  There hasn't been this big of an impacted change to any other sport in regards to rules.  Just look at the numbers I posted above, it's not a Meriweather problem, fines and penalties, to the amount of players, are close to a 1:1 ratio league wide for safeties.  If the receiver doesn't want to get laid out then let them pull a Todd Pinkston or Terry Glenn.  Leave it up to the WR as to whether or not they want to get laid out.  If they don't want to then don't catch or attempt to catch the ball.


1. Shot clock in basketball


2. Post lockout hockey rule changes on D. Hell, hockey's hit system is even worse than the NFL's


3. Post-steroid baseball


Drastic changes happen to sports often. In 5-10 years when the NFL is still making billions AND NOT nearly being outlawed, a vast majority of America will be grateful.


If they kept hockey and football like they were, both sports would die in 20 years because parents would stop letting their kids play

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Not specific to BM but I always thought its short sighted to think a player can lead with his shoulder, yet not use his helmet at all. Last I checked the helmet is literally a few inches away, if not  touching the players shoulder pads during contact.


The modern day helmets are so big, it doesn't surprise me that there are so many concussions. The bigger ones head, the more likely you get hit in the head. Don't over think it. Its the jerking of ones head sloshing up against the skull that causes many concussions. Its why boxers wearing head gear is counter productive. Your head is simply more likely to get hit.


We have built in helmets. They are called skulls.


Bring back the leather helmets.


They should provide basic protections, not give one a feeling of invincibility.


The Don Beebe jumbo helmet was laughable

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he's obviously being sarcastic but does have a point in the sarcasm.  They talked about it pre-game yesterday on NFL Countdown that they are focusing too much on concussion safety which is causing so many ACL and lower body injuries this year.  They kept saying 1 concussion will keep you out a game but 1 knee injury can ruin a career.  Regardless of either injury, your future is at risk.  They know what they are getting into when they put the pads on and get into this career - it comes with the territory.  You don't see cops filing law suits on injuries - they know the risk that comes with the badge.

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Yeah, what a freaking retard. I suppose there are only two places to tackle someone. Their keecaps or their foreheads. Its not like there is a huge space between them where players such as London Fletcher tackle people, you know, because he's a good football player with proper technique.


God, what a ****ing dumb idiot.

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Here's a simple way to look at the debate. If Merriweather was on an opposing team and hit two of our players like he did the Bears on Sunday what would your thought process be?


I ALWAYS take that approach when it comes to my team(s) now no matter the subject. Too many hypocrites amongst sports fans these days.


I honestly don't think I'd take issue with either of the hits against the Bears.  (Other than wanting the penalty called for the yardage of course) 


I do find it funny how concussions in the back field are so much more dangerous than those occurring at the line of scrimmage. I'd wager these rule changes are influenced more by lawyers than doctors.

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Yeah, what a freaking retard. I suppose there are only two places to tackle someone. Their keecaps or their foreheads. Its not like there is a huge space between them where players such as London Fletcher tackle people, you know, because he's a good football player with proper technique.


God, what a ****ing dumb idiot.


He's not entirely wrong.  Receivers duck after catching the ball covering the ball and much of their chest in the process.  If a safeties angle is straight on, what is he supposed to do?  Run chest first into the helmet?  Maybe he should try circling around the gut and attacking from a different angle?  Other than that every angle is to the legs and helmet, which is to say a potential knee injury or a fine and penalty.  


The defenseless receiver rule is  absurd because it does not account for the offensive players movement.  All it takes is the right situation and there isn't a damn thing the defender can do but willingly try to chest tackle a helmet.  

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What I don't like is that the article [in order to increase people viewing it, I guess] decides to be controversial by playing it as if the context was, "I hate people, I'm going to intentionally aim for the legs to destroy their ACL because I don't care."


The actual context is, "I'm frustrated that you're constantly fining me for hitting their head, so, what are you trying to tell me?  Hit their legs instead when that will destroy their ACLs instead?".


I do think Brandon does have to change if he wants to stay in the NFL... I don't see other players having the same problem he is.  I was very angry at his performance in the Bears game...

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Merriweathers comments are just pointing out the absurdness of the  rule about high hits . I understand people are trying to understand the impact on the long term health of types of impact in football but football is inherently a dangerous sport ... it doesn't help when player like Luck and Sherman admit they have been playing with concussion and not told anyone - and the league has done nothing about it ... at some point personal responsibility has to kick in ..


As for - hit between the head and the knees .... look at the picture of the WR in the SI article ... because he has ducked down unless you go low chances of hitting the head and shoulders is very high ... and given how big and strong someone like Megatron is - tackle round the thighs and you are going to bounce off and be the subject of mirth on endless highlight clips ( See Laron Landry - Branon Jacobs - Trucking) .


Finally players are told to play the ball not the man and see what you hit  . Where do players generally catch the ball (around the chest) so where are the DBs eyes going to be ... so saying you have to target lower (a target that is likley to change in the blink of an eye) you are giving the WR or whoever a free catch and to stop them and not draw a flag you are going to hit low  and around the lower legs ...


it is getting to be a joke...

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A lot of people don't watch football. I know the way that you are coached to tackle "Head up, hat on the target on the chest or lower chest area, wrap up and drive your legs" And being a HS coach I see a lot of football during the season at practice and at games. It is very rare that any football player tackles the fundamentally correct way.


It is very rare that at even the HS level the ball carrier will expose his chest area. It is also very rare that a defender will be able to take down a bigger RB or WR if they are going straight up with this technique. You hear coaches yelling all the time "go for the legs why are you trying to tackle him up high he is bigger than you!"


Im not advocating that you should spear someone head to head but really you should just bring someone down anyway you can. And that is how it happens people are always diving at each other or trying to gang tackle. some kids even over think it and they breakdown as if its practice and try to wrap up and then RB just side steps them and they whiff.


Tackling is complicated. Espeically when it is full speed and you have less then a second to even think about it and time everything up.

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He can deliver verbal blows as well-



“Everybody got their opinion,” Meriweather said. “He feel like, you know, that I need to be kicked out of the league. I feel like people who beat they girlfriends should be kicked out of the league, too. So you tell me who you would rather have: Somebody who play aggressive on the field or somebody who beat up they girlfriend?”




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Not a big fan of everyone piling on Merriweather. He has a point. If you aim for a receiver's midsection and he ducks his head at the last second (as happens so often) the defender ends up with a 15 yd penalty and a fine. Defenders almost HAVE to aim their tackles below the waist. Unfortunate side effect is that knees come into play more often.

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Some things are best left unsaid.  He could say what he wanted about Marshall's problems, but what is to be gained by saying you'll move the target of your cheap shots from the head to the knees?   Couldn't he have said "I'm going to work with my coaches to make sure I never get called for this again"?

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 know times change but when I played in the late 60's early 70's. We were taught to lock up the legs. If you got the legs they were not going to go anywhere. Never were we ever instructed to use our helmet or forearm. You hit with the pads and locked up the legs. I alos see the cbs throw their bodies at the receivers legs why dont they actually tackle them by grabbing a leg or two.  It seems they look for a big hit rather than a tackle

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he's obviously being sarcastic but does have a point in the sarcasm.  They talked about it pre-game yesterday on NFL Countdown that they are focusing too much on concussion safety which is causing so many ACL and lower body injuries this year.  They kept saying 1 concussion will keep you out a game but 1 knee injury can ruin a career.  Regardless of either injury, your future is at risk.  They know what they are getting into when they put the pads on and get into this career - it comes with the territory.  You don't see cops filing law suits on injuries - they know the risk that comes with the badge.


While I think some are using this sarcasm to highlight the inconsistency between a high hit (which can put one out for a game or two) vs. a low hit which could end a season or career, I think it FURTHER highlights an overall problem with outlawing any of it.  The fact of the matter is trying to make two humans running full speed into one another safe is a futile battle.  That is to say, football is inherently a dangerous sport.  I get that people want to make it SAFE-R, but really making it safer and safer seems to be leading us to changing the sport all together (can't hit high, can't hit low).  I suppose if an ideal target became the midsection or chest and people started hitting that consistently and a new career or season threatening injury to the torso became the flavor of the month, it feels like they would have to outlaw that too. 


Bottom line is, they should simply have everyone who wants to play the sport sign off on all the injuries and future medical conditions that could be related to playing football, known or unknown, before becoming a member of the NFL.  That way not only is it assumed that every player knew what they were signing up for, they themselves expressly assented to it.  Future law suits are barred, the NFL doesn't have to act like it cares about safety in order to protect their money, players can't complain about high or low hits, and no more flags on hard hits that are traditionally just a part of football (esp the ones that are miscalled and can change the outcome of a game).

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...what is to be gained by saying you'll move the target of your cheap shots from the head to the knees?   


Exposing the NFL for only caring about things that cost it money and not truly being concerned with player safety.  It's pretty obvious at this point that the whole concussions thing has been taken up by the league because of potential legal action in the future.  They haven't had doctors with research showing long term effects of ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL, or meniscus tears that would warrant a former player backlash against them.  But if they do, oh don't worry the NFL will suddenly care about low hits.  That's what Merriweather is essentially saying in a nutshell with his sarcasm.

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