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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Successful businessman vs. Democratic politician -- doesn't this seem like 2012 redux?  I mean, we already went through and had this argument and the country voted against the successful businessman.  Now we have (less?) successful BUSINESSMAN and (more) SHOWMAN and not a politician vs. Democratic politician.  Trump debates the same way that people "debate" on this thread.

"That's not true", "It's smart to make money", "I'm smart for not paying my share of taxes" -- I think I saw maybe parts of the first 40 minutes, but I for sure did catch his "I don't pay Federal taxes" and "the housing crash was really good for Donald Trump" and "I got Obama to release his birth certificate" all the while he ignored Lester Holt saying "well, even after his birth certificate was released you continued to say he was not an American citizen, like in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014..."

And there are still many of my fellow-country men and women that think Trump is doing better?  Or is it just like the 35% of Trump supporters?  Sorry, I listened to local right wing talk radio in Los Angeles and they acted like, "Trump did not do bad, he made his points -- he won."   "No one expects Trump to do anything."  "People don't watch debates for policy, they watch them for zingers and one liners" 

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20 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

Successful businessman vs. Democratic politician -- doesn't this seem like 2012 redux?  I mean, we already went through and had this argument and the country voted against the successful businessman.  Now we have (less?) successful BUSINESSMAN and (more) SHOWMAN and not a politician vs. Democratic politician.  Trump debates the same way that people "debate" on this thread.

"That's not true", "It's smart to make money", "I'm smart for not paying my share of taxes" -- I think I saw maybe parts of the first 40 minutes, but I for sure did catch his "I don't pay Federal taxes" and "the housing crash was really good for Donald Trump" and "I got Obama to release his birth certificate" all the while he ignored Lester Holt saying "well, even after his birth certificate was released you continued to say he was not an American citizen, like in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014..."

And there are still many of my fellow-country men and women that think Trump is doing better?  Or is it just like the 35% of Trump supporters?  Sorry, I listened to local right wing talk radio in Los Angeles and they acted like, "Trump did not do bad, he made his points -- he won."   "No one expects Trump to do anything."  "People don't watch debates for policy, they watch them for zingers and one liners" 


Not exactly. RMoney and Trump are polar opposites. Yes, they're both in business, if I use the term loosely where it concerns Trump. However, RMoney's rep and to some degree his problem was that he was seen as a coldly and brutally efficient capitalist who cared little for American workers. No matter your opinions about the outcomes, I don't think anyone could argue the fact that RMoney is a damn smart, successful businessman who, like almost any successful businessperson today uses statistical analysis and facts to make decisions. Trump OTOH simply goes with his gut. Were it not for his big mouth being an excellent fit for reality TV, Trump would have nowhere near as much money as he has. I'm not saying he'd be poor, just that he wouldn't have nearly as many assets or earnings as he does now.

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Hillary won this debate easily.  No, the Trumpsters and the idiot GOPers voting for him; aren't changing their minds about Trump. In their minds, Trump won easily.

This was America's look at them; side by side. Hillary looked and sounded Presidential.  Trump looked & sounded like an incompetent fool. She clearly got under his skin often.  Hillary won the debate and in my mind the Presidency, within the first 45 minutes.

Trump isn't going to expand his support. Hillary did well enough that she will get the votes she needs to win. I think she opens up a nice lead again.  The Presidential electorate that gave Obama his 2 wins; will give her a win.  Gary & Jill will get votes but probably half of what they are polling now. Hillary will get enough people to win.

If there is a second debate; my guess it will be the final one.  I don't see a third one.

Lester Holt sucks as a moderator.

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I think Clinton did about as well as she could. She sounded informed. She sounded personable. She was affable. One of the big complaints about her is that she is not "likable." On that score, she should have gone along way to erase that characterization. She did not yell. She was not the interrupter. She smiled and laughed and joked at reasonable times. In the split screen, Donald was caught nodding to her points and plans a whole lot. She even laid out relatively specific plans.


Trump, on the other hand, as a showman failed to land many blows or get a rise out of Clinton. There were no memorable zingers that I heard. Nothing that made me laugh or be impressed with his wit. He sounded repetitive, vague, and defensive. We heard that he likes the idea of not paying his taxes, not paying his contractors, and profiteering off others misery. We heard almost nothing on how Donald will make America Great Again except by cutting taxes an idea which I think Clinton took on well... I personally think Trumped Up Trickle Down was a good line... Not sure how that will play with the public.


In the aftermath, what was most interesting to me (even if it was too small a sample size to be meaningful) was that among independent focus groups watching the debate 18/20 went for Clinton one one channel and 16/22 went for Clinton on another.


What America will really say about this first debate and how it will be digested I don't know, but Clinton did well and Trump actually did much worse than I thought he would. I thought Trump's charisma and his ability to insult would at least partly negate her wonkish knowledge. That didn't happen... at least not from my perspective.

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Are any of the talking heads who cover the debate going to mention the fact that Trump spent a third of his time incoherently babbling and another third trying to promote his real estate business?  Will they realize he doesn't have a ****ing clue about a single in depth policy question and so he just defaults to talking about the only thing he can carry on about when he gets nervous or confused--promoting the Trump brand?

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Wow.........and on a side note, I am WAY over my allotted quotas of wows for the year..................

I'm not sure which one- Katrina Pierson or Kellyanne Conway- I find more reprehensible. Both are unmitigated liars of a degree I cannot ever remember seeing.


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