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Super Bowl XLVIII Thread (Post Mortem )

Mr. Sinister

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Now we're at the score of the Giants vs Skins game in the Meadowlands in 2005.


Is this the worst Super Bowl ever?  I mean, there have been plenty of blowouts, at least until about 15 years ago, but has Denver EVER been in this game?

in terms of a team having 0 points during the superbowl, that has never happened.

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Kearse TD on 4th down?

Baldwin bomb after a scramble on 3rd down?


Back shoulder throw to Baldwin on 3rd down

Come on

Those were good, but mostly jump balls/room for error. That deep cross, DRC had great coverage, ball right where it had to be. Those may have been more clutch, but to me that deep cross was the most technically qb efficient.
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im not a seahawk fan


im an RG3 fan... im looking at the bigger picture.... Wilson winning this game only benefits RG3, for reasons i wont mention now


a giant myth was destroyed tonight


Dude, anyone who looks at this game and thinks that some supposed bias against running QB has been destroyed (which btw, Wilson is not.  He's a QB who throws well and also runs well.  Running QB would be Vince Young, Kordell Stewart, etc), is either 1) not watching the game, 2) has an agenda, 3) or has no clue what they are talking about.  As I said before, no matter how anyone tries to shoehorn Russell Wilson into the discussion tonight, of all the important things that happened tonight, he isn't anywhere near the top of the list.  The story is Seattle defense (probably like 1 to 10).  There is not a single QB in the NFL who could not win this game as Seattle's QB the way that defense is dominating Denver.  Not a single one.  In fact, I think half of division 1 college QBs could win.  Essentially, the only thing the Seattle's QB in tonight's game has to do is not turn the ball over.  

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