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Pat White or Rex Grossman at 3# qb?


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I Know its early and we really haven't heard much but what is everyone's thoughts on who will end up at #3 qb?

I think it will be White with Grossman moving to coaching in some fashion.

I just can't see Grossman suiting up anymore!!!!

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Le me ask you this - one of RGIII or Cousins gets hurt early in the year and in the next game the starter goes down as well. Who would you rather see trotting out a guy who started in a Super Bowl or a guy who has yet to complete a single pass in a regular season NFL game?


Pat White is here as a camp arm and to run some read option looks while RGIII gets up to speed. The clue to Pat Whites status on this team was his comment a week or so ago that he would be open to a position change to make the team. If we keep 3 QBs (which I think we will given RGIII is coming off the surgery) the 3rd guy will be Rex.

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In a few years, we WILL need a new #2. Kirk will eventually move on. At that time, Rex will be way too old (and hopefully rusty) to play. So if White can learn and perform well, this would be the time to trade Rexy for a conditional 6th round pick

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I believe that White is truly being brought in to replace Rex.  White will be used for the following, again, this is just my bold prediction/s.


1. To mimic RGIII and other elusive QB's, as the Giants wanted him to do.

2. An emergency QB.  Rex will not be activated during game days, just Kirk and Rob.  If the worst happened, he'd step in.

3. I believe Kyle has something up his sleeve.  Due to our salary punishment, he's our poor-mans Percy Harvin.  Not that their skillsets are similar but that he'll be our gadget guy.  Replacing Brandon Banks in a way.  I think White is more like Randel-El.  Average WR.  Average throwing ability.  Average running ability.  I think in certain situations/packages, he'll be lined up in the backfield with RGIII and Alfred.  If RGIII options it to White, he will still have the ability/option to run or pass.  Essentially, we could be introducing (in limited quantities) a 2 QB package next year.  Some colleges do this.


Like I said, that's just my bold prediction.  Knowing how secretive Mike is, I can't see us allowing White to mimic Robert and then release him...

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In a few years, we WILL need a new #2. Kirk will eventually move on. At that time, Rex will be way too old (and hopefully rusty) to play. So if White can learn and perform well, this would be the time to trade Rexy for a conditional 6th round pick

Trade Rex for a 6th round pick? 


Very few things in life are really certain, but that Rex has zero trade value is one of them.

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I don't think he makes the 53. I'm not sure they want to use a roster spot on another Banks type player when we have other playmakers returning on offense. He's just the 4th arm in camp, just like Jonathan Crompton and others were in the past. Most teams carry 4 or 5 QBs in the preaseason. I wouldn't hold out hope that he makes the roster.

In a few years, we WILL need a new #2. Kirk will eventually move on. At that time, Rex will be way too old (and hopefully rusty) to play. So if White can learn and perform well, this would be the time to trade Rexy for a conditional 6th round pick

Trade Rex for a 6th round pick?

Very few things in life are really certain, but that Rex has zero trade value is one of them.

Our fanbase consistently overate our players.

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Well it seems the thoughts so far is White making the team in some fashion...

Do we really want turnoversuarus Rex playing again, he gave heart failure everytime he threw the ball!!!

but as a coach he might do all right he does have the nfl experience to pass along.

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Waaaaay too early to be giving an opinion.


Remember in 2006 when this board was on fire with how completely horrible we felt Todd Collins was as the #3 QB? Blamed Saunders for convincing Gibbs to let him bring along this no-talent scrub with him? Should have kept Ramsey instead? Etc, etc...


As is my position every offseason, I hope Pat White gives Shanahan every reason in the book to want to keep him on the roster. Has nothing to do with how I feel about Rex (love the guy, for the record) or how I feel White will do as a pro. It has everything to do with wanting every single player Shanahan and Allen bring into camp to show themselves to be capable of helping the team win.

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Depends.  We play the Iggs twice and whiners once, if we don't want RG3 running those scout teams, can Pat White run the scout team better than Rex or Cousins?  Are these three games enough to justify that investment?  Is there anything else PW can do (such as a gadget guy)?  Shanahan does not really run many gadget plays (only 2-3 were run last year).  Pat White WILL be the best option to run the scout teams for our opposition (except for Philly, SFO and Oakland, maybe Greenbay and KC) and may have better knowledge of how RG3 operates, do we want to keep him away from them?  Is that enough?  If Rex goes through TC, will someone pick him up or would he give us a sort of a 4th string QB?

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In a few years, we WILL need a new #2. Kirk will eventually move on. At that time, Rex will be way too old (and hopefully rusty) to play. So if White can learn and perform well, this would be the time to trade Rexy for a conditional 6th round pick

Trade Rex for a 6th round pick? 


Very few things in life are really certain, but that Rex has zero trade value is one of them.

Rex sits at #3 behind possibly the greatest 1-2 punch of QBs on any NFL roster. He is an experienced QB with a SB under his belt. Our #3 QB could easily be a strong #2 on many rosters. Like him or not, he is worthy of a 6 round pick to many teams. I don't see the overvaluing on that statement.

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In a few years, we WILL need a new #2. Kirk will eventually move on. At that time, Rex will be way too old (and hopefully rusty) to play. So if White can learn and perform well, this would be the time to trade Rexy for a conditional 6th round pick


God, I love all of you on this board   :lol:

:D OK I get it, I guess that I'm an "over-valuer."

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White was brought in as a camp arm.

He has training camp & Pre Season to try to push Rex out. Best of luck to him on that as he'a going to need it. I don't really see him pushing Rex out at all.

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IF Griffin is healthy by the start of Camp, then I take Pat White IF I take a 3rd QB at all.


Here's why...


There are no teams knocking down the door for Rex Grossman. He's potentially gone into free agency for the past few years I believe, and he keeps coming back to us. He's essentially Kyle's "Todd Collins"...a guy who knows his playbook inside and out and can come in and execute it without much need for practice or getting the timing down for the offense.


If we cut him I have very little expectations that he'd be picked up by another team. Which means IF, god forbid, something happened to RG3 or Cousins I think we could go out and grab Rex out of his house with little to no problem.


On the flip side, there's upside with Pat White that isn't there for Grossman. He's younger, more mobile, and experienced in the read option allowing for development as well as the potential of being a "package" backup to RG3. The #3 QB is someone whose not going to be active on most game days and isn't doing a whole heck of a lot other than perhaps running scout team at times. I'd rather have someone who could benefit and grow from the experience in practice and on the sideline then someone whose mostly just going to be there because he's already at his peak.  


I also see value in having Pat White potentially as the scout team QB for instances where we may face Michael Vick, Kaepernick, Wilson, Cam, etc. As well as keeping him out of the hands of other teams, like the Giants who showed clear interest, that WANT to use him for that very purpose in terms of RG3.


IF I have to keep a 3rd QB, I'm going with Pat White. Not because I think right now he gives us a better chance to win than Rex Grossman, but because I think he provides more value given the general amount of usage a 3rd QB gets in a season.


Now all that said, if we keep a 3rd QB we're almost certainly keeping Rex. I think going with just two QB's is more likely than carrying Pat White.

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If we are down to our 3rd QB, we're not gonna win anyway, so I'd go with the most entertaining QB. At least that way the games would be watchable. Rex Grossman happens to be one of the most entertaining QBs in NFL history.

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Rex sits at #3 behind possibly the greatest 1-2 punch of QBs on any NFL roster. He is an experienced QB with a SB under his belt. Our #3 QB could easily be a strong #2 on many rosters. Like him or not, he is worthy of a 6 round pick to many teams. I don't see the overvaluing on that statement.




Grossman might not even make the roster. Why trade for someone who could just be released?


Also, he's only on a one year deal. Why would someone trade for him when they can just sign him in free agency?

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In a few years, we WILL need a new #2. Kirk will eventually move on. At that time, Rex will be way too old (and hopefully rusty) to play. So if White can learn and perform well, this would be the time to trade Rexy for a conditional 6th round pick

Trade Rex for a 6th round pick? 


Very few things in life are really certain, but that Rex has zero trade value is one of them.

How about a 6th round pick and a bag of M&M's.......come on..who doesn't like M&M's.

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I would take Rex in a heartbeat over White. Rex has proven he can win games, and win games in this system. Sure, he can turn the ball over. But on the outside chance our 3rd QB has to play, Grossman can win games, White has not shown any indication that he can. Grossman is an undervalued asset to this team.

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In a few years, we WILL need a new #2. Kirk will eventually move on. At that time, Rex will be way too old (and hopefully rusty) to play. So if White can learn and perform well, this would be the time to trade Rexy for a conditional 6th round pick

Trade Rex for a 6th round pick? 


Very few things in life are really certain, but that Rex has zero trade value is one of them.

How about a 6th round pick and a bag of M&M's.......come on..who doesn't like M&M's.

The M&Ms alone might be the best deal you got offered  :)

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I see a couple of reasons for White being on the roster that I don't understand.

1) he can run the scout team read option.

Well, one, our defense sees it every day in practice and two, no team in the NFL has run it as we'll as us.

2) we don't want the Giants to get him.

The Giants never could figure it out and I doubt a free agent QB that hasn't played in a couple of years will be able to help them solve it.

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