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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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DC allows avoidance of DC (not a state!) income tax if the person makes their home elsewhere. Players like Scherzer (Florida) and Harper (Nevada) uses this to pay no local income tax. Lot of Nats (I assume Wizards too, the article I read was on the Nats) live in VA for this purpose as well. DC gov't has called for jock tax, but Congress hasn't cared enough to move on that.

Was gonna mention the DC tax loophole. I live in PG County but work in DC. I pay no DC taxes.
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Pardon my potential ignorance but isn't that the case... everywhere?

Certainly not VA. Va taxes income earned from Va sources unless applicable waiver reciprocity exists (which they have with like 4 or 5 states I think).

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You have to love the entitlement of sports fan, who in their own personal lives, would never ever sacrifice their personal wealth and career success for some amorphous sense of nobility attached to being "the hero".

I say that as a hypocrite who gave LeBron **** for leaving Cleveland. But really, if I had the choice to live out some faux honor code in Oklahoma City or Cleveland, vs. dominating in a quality organization and living in San Francisco or Miami, ugh yeah I think I know what I'll pick.

It's not even remotely the same thing. Stop making this ridiculous comparison.

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Pro sports can't be compared to regular jobs.

This is ridiculous and makes no sense to me. Just because the scales of money are different doesn't mean it isn't a job to these guys and they don't have the same considerations that us regular people do in our jobs.

They look out for city life, quality of living, coworkers, company/management fit, workplace etc just like we do. They hate going to work sometimes and putting up with certain people just like we do. They want to get paid more and have a a better work environment. How is t any different? Just because they are super rich they should shut the hell up and stay wherever they happen to have been drafted at?

You know KD got to boring ass OKC as a what, a 19yr old? Maybe he didn't want to spend every good year of his young life there and wanted to live in a bigger, busier, mkre exciting city? Similar to people that grow up and move away after college because they want a change of scenery. 9 years is a long time to be somewhere especially to a younger generation that, statistically, likes to move around

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Just pointing out that nobody here would ever face a decision of $22 million annual versus $23 million. More like $80k versus $60k

And, if the average person were presented with the dilemma of $23 million vs $22, I bet other preferences would come into play

On a side note, I wonder why cost of living isn't taken more into account by athletes. Golden State, where $4 million buys you a 3 bedroom row house, or OKC where $4 million gets you a mansion, boat, and taxes paid in advance for 99 years

Seriosuly, how does the San Fran 49ers attract quality assistant coaches? $300K annual and you have to live in the Oakland ghetto because it's all you can afford. Same job with the Titans and you are living in Brentwood next door to Garth brooks on your personal farm.



Kevin Durant is worth over 100 million dollars.   At some point (some point long before that) it doesn't matter how much it costs where you live - you can afford the best of everything.


also - some people don't want to live on a podunk farm an hour drive outside of nowhereseville, even if it is right next to a hillbilly country singer - they want a nice row house surrounded by the best of everything civilization has to offer.   :)  

There's nice areas by Oakland that aren't ghetto.



There's huge areas IN Oakland that are lovely.   This is in Oakland.


oaklandhills.jpgfree upload



It's like thinking that all of DC is like Anacostia.  

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i dont think their friendship is superficial.

But their on court relationship is probably tiring.

On top of that, the coaches never changed the offense.

Saying that, Durant shares blame as well.

Their on court relationshio is the only one I feeo confident commenting on. Durant seems like the tyoe of dude that will never put in house **** out in public, which is ever more telling by his refusal to even consider the Wizards despite all the good things he said publically about Brooks. I don't think he liked Brooks' offense.

But the Westbrook/Durant dynamic, early on, seemed very flammable, just by their mannerisms when I would watch them after a bad play or several.

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Of course they were a part of those titles. But they were not the leaders or essential player. They were sidekicks and role players. They are not mentioned in the same breath as Bird, who is one of the most celebrated legends in NBA history.

And if Durant is now being compared to McHale and Parish to explain his new place, then it's a sign of how much he's forfeited by this move. This guy could and should have been a legend like Bird. I'll always believe he had the talent and potential to be a top five all time player. Now he is never going to reach it. You guys are saying that no one is going to care about him doing this in 10 years, and that's what is sad. He won't even come up when people are talking about the likes of Jordan and Magic and Bird and LeBron and Kobe and Duncan and Steph Curry himself. It's just going to be nerds and old heads who are like, "you know who was really good when he was with Buffalo was Bob McAdoo." It's depressing.

You make it sound like it was Bird and the Birdettes. Like all those HoFers were just along for the ride.

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I just don't understand you Wiz fans. You'll wouldn't care at all if he had come to DC because he wanted "different" players than he had in OKC which clearly translates to players he thinks would be "better"

Yet, you're upset he went to GS because their players are too good?

So basically you're mad, disappointed, depressed etc because he isnt a colossal dumbass and actually chose the best players to play with? I just don't get it.

It's ok and doesn't hurt his legacy for him to want and need better players either by staying in OKC and asking Presti to upgrade the team or even going to Miami, Boston, DC etc just as long as he is stupid enough to pick players that arent too good.


1. Nobody thought he was coming to D.C. except maybe last year for a couple months.


2. Nobody is attacking him for wanting to win a title, he should want to which is why coming to D.C. would've been dumb except for the fact that he automatically goes to the ECF. It's just a little weird (to some people) to not have the fire to kick the same team that stole a Finals trip from you in the mouth. Now, maybe he couldn't stand playing with Russ, and in that case, well I can't fault him for bolting. 


For him to win rings, he made the 100% right choice, for selfish fans who want to see a bunch of contenders duke it out each year, that's one less team to care about in April / May on top of the entire East outside of Cleveland.

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You make it sound like it was Bird and the Birdettes. Like all those HoFers were just along for the ride.

and thats what makes it funny

why are people saying "Well Magic didnt do it!" or "Bird didnt do it!"

Um, they were on the super team. Why go elsewhere?

Jordan didnt do it because a) free agency was different back then b)he was signed to a super contract that only expired in 1996.

Same with most of the other players in those eras. If you had todays free agency back then, you think a guy like Alex English wouldnt have bolted from Denver to a contender?

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It's not even remotely the same thing. Stop making this ridiculous comparison.


It really is.


I repeat, most of you if given the chance to improve your quality of life and work environment would not consciously choose to stick around your old place for some noble reason.


In fact, you may be right. It may not be the same thing. I picked a career as a scientist and I can do this till I'm 80. These guys have 10-15 years max in the league. Maybe less if they get injured. Why in the world would they not want to position themselves to achieve the ultimate goal of their profession?

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I don't mind Durant leaving, but I just don't think it looks good to go to the team that beat you.  People have made some good points in this thread about how Jordan, Bird, Magic, etc wouldn't switch teams because they couldn't....but I honestly don't think it'd occur to them to have done it even if they had the chance.  I can't imagine Jordan, at any point, going to Detroit to play with Isiah and Dumars and the rest.  


Durant wants to win, I get that....but he was damn close where he was.  They just got Oladipo who's a pretty good defender and decent scorer, Steven Adams developed pretty well in the playoffs and proved to be a pretty good player.  Dunno, I think he could have won in OKC eventually.  Wouldn't have been easy, but I think he could have done it.  



i am totally sympathetic to KDs desire to not have to spend his entire career with a ball-hog stat whore.


Ah, the ball-hog who somehow averaged 10.4 assists last year and averaged 11 in the playoffs.  

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"Its not the same as work"

Until a favorable argument comes along and we equate it with work...

The mere fact that now people are witchhunting cats who attempt to make it about work makes it all the more obvious


To be fair, people also love to go vice versa and wait until it's favorable to say it's the same as work. 

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Would the Knicks give up Porzingis to land Russ?

They already have Rose. Not sure how that works.

Plus the Knicks love Porzingis.

Minnesota makes more sense. Lavine and Rubio should do it.

To be fair, people also love to go vice versa and wait until it's favorable to say it's the same as work.

That too. Basically, it is/isn't like work until it is/isn't like work

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