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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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A lot of teams fortunes would be different with the Brow. Too bad the Wizards ended up with Bradley Beal. Brow and Wall would be amazing right now.

That draft was probably the worst for the Nets. 6th overall pick for the corpse of Gerald Wallace. They are such a badly run organization.

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What you are saying is "He does not appear to be an asshat."


That works except...Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, and Isiah Thomas were all complete asshats.


I think it's pretty obvious that Boogie Cousins is going to half a renaissance where he becomes Zbo. And we are all going to pretend that he "matured" and "figured it out" and start loving the guy.

I've been a Cousins fan since he was at Kentucky. He's one of my favorite personalities in the league. And I've gotten into pitched arguments with sabremetric nerds on RealGM defending him against slanderous claims like Andre Drummond and Omer Asik (of all people) are better than him. Teaming Cousins up with Wall in D.C. has been a my Wizards fan wet dream since I watched Wall get 57 assists passing to Cousins in the Rookie-Sophomore game their rookie year.

All that said, there is no way I would want to build a team around him like the Wizards did around Wall or the Pelicans did around Davis. He just isn't the personality for it. He's a sidekick.

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Going to state the painfully obvious and say I like Golden State. If it's anyone but them or the Spurs, I'll be surprised. But the Clippers seem frisky too. And Dallas plays SA tough if each make it out of the first. Predicting the first round in the West is brutal this year.


The West is a total crapshoot. The only team I'd be surprised if they won the West would be the Pelicans and maybe the Mavs (just never know with Dirk).

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I think it's funny how the nba owners are so worried about the salary cap increases, starting next year. They acting like they won't have the money to pay these salaries, completely ignoring the only reason the cap is going up is due to the big TV deal.

I only bring this up because I keep getting these notifications on my phone about the league warning the teams of what the cap may look like in 2018, 2020, etc,. I'm so glad the players didn't bite on that stupid proposal to hold back the salary cap increase a couple of years. For what? So the owners can enjoy spending money that isn't theirs?

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NBA Projects Salary Cap To Reach $108M For 17-18 Season



The NBA has sent a new set of salary cap projections to all 30 teams.


For the 2015-16 season, the cap is projected at $67.1 million with the tax at $81.6 million.


For the 2016-17 season, the cap is projected at $89 million with the tax at $108 million.


For the 2017-18 season, the cap is projected to reach $108 million with the tax at $127 million.


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I think owners are more worried that the current balance of power in the league is doomed because every team is suddenly getting the cap room to sign a max player or two in two offseasons.  Star and fringe-star players are going to have more freedom to choose their destinations than in any other offseason I can think of.  Money won't be a factor for them.  I think it's as much leverage as two classes of free agents have ever had.


One thing I know is that there are a lot of big men about to get paid the summer of 2016.  The past several years the big man tax has been about 18-20% of your total cap.  That's been around 10-13 million per year.  That percentage is going to stay the same, but the actual money is about to skyrocket.  18 million + per year is going to be the new normal for a seven footers that are solid starters and the sub seven foot bigs that are pretty good.


Kevin Love is going to pick up his option this summer and then sign a 30% max deal which will start around 27 million per year.  


If he signs a one year deal this summer and holds out for a long contract in 2016, Paul Millsap will double his current salary, easily.


Brook Lopez, Al Horford, and Joakim Noah will all probably make over 20 million per year with their next deal.


Roy Hibbert and Jonas Valanciunas will probably approach that.  Ditto for Al Jefferson.


I can see more marginal guys like Jordan Hill and Meyers Leonard making 12-15 million per year.


And the older, serviceable guys on the edge of retirement like Nene, David Lee, and David West are going to be able to sign short term deals in that range too.  They will have plenty of teams with big openings in their rotations and the money to pay them.


Anthony Davis will qualify for the Rose Rule I bet and start out at about 27 million.


Detroit wants to lock Andre Drummond up to a max deal ASAP.  But because the first year of the deal wouldn't kick in until '16/'17, he'll get 25% of the 90 million dollar salary cap so he's going to start out at like 22 million in the first year.  Compare that to the first year of the max deals for Wall and Paul George and Cousins at like 14-15 and Irving at a little more than that.  He's nowhere near as good a bet as they were!


And all of those names except for Millsap are just the guys who are already scheduled for free agency that summer.  There will be in-demand free agents this summer that put off signing deals longer than a year or two so they can hit free agency in '16 or '17 to take advantage of the cap increase.


Everyone is going to spend without conscience because the cap is set to jump another 18 million the next summer.  Another 19-20% increase.  It's going to be an absolute bonanza--players taking huge deals and switching teams all over the place.  That's what scares the teams IMO.

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From what I read the "smoothing" the owners wanted didn't keep any money from the players. The remaining money would be given to the players and evenly distributed. They just wanted to control the cap increases so that a bunch of horrible contracts didn't happen in just one offseason. Lebron James however has planned his entire contract around that big increase, so you know he wasn't about to let that happen.

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I honestly think this GS team might be better than the 07-08 Celtics and 08-09 Lakers were. Not even they steamrolled people the way the Warriors do. They didn't have the same top to bottom excellence and balane this GS team has. Beautiful, excellent motion offense plus dominant defense. The only thing that can stop them is injury.

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I love seeing Davis kill it in the playoffs though. I was pretty confident he would. He has the spark of true greatness in him. But it's reassuring to see it anyway. There are a lot of great regular season players that don't bring the same caliber of play in the playoffs. Getting kind of worried that might be the case with John Wall.

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My favorite part of the GS game was early when Davis switched onto Curry behind the arc. Mark Jackson says something like "oh you don't want to see this, Davis on Curry outside. Time to dance!" Right as he says it Curry effortlessly get Davis to lean forward and then smoothly goes to the rim for an easy layup.

Curry is ruthless when he sees a mismatch and not many people, even guards, see Anthony Davis as a laughable mismatch.

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