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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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As much of a coward move as this is to me personally, the whole jersey burning and SHOOTING (seriously) stuff is absurd. Just don't wear it anymore. Pouring gasoline and lighting it on fire is ridiculous. It's just a game.

Its just an excuse to show off their inner narcissistic jackass. As if people needed the Decision (or this) to actually do that. Called that bs for what it was the day it happened.

"Oh cool, let me burn an expensive jersey and film myself doing it to show how in the right I am! Oh, and I'll post it to MoronTube so other morons can pump their moron fists and agree with me!"

Get a life.

Or lose the one you have. The world would probably be better for it.

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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probably because im an adult and you look up to me?

There is nothing spineless about this at all. He is trying to win a title and he waited 9 years for his front office to get it right. THey never did. They traded a guy who is a top 5 offensive player in the NBA and that probably could have helped OKC over the last 4 years since they have only two guys who can score.

They made a lot of suspect trades too over the last few years. Durant waited, and played and almost got back to the finals but it never happened. He honored his contract, became a free agent and signed elsehwere.

Whats spineless and loser like is for you to say this to him from the safety of your keyboard.


That is some revisionist history. If Durant has a great game the way Curry or Thompson did in any of the final three games, they are in the finals. OKC had everything in place to beat GS but it's on Durant as to them not getting it done. So to turn around and say the FO didn't get it right just isn't accurate at all.

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Sam Presti is good at what he does, but this might've been it for OKC basketball as anything but an also-ran for a good long while. Can he produce another Westbrook, Harden, and/or Durant?

Presti is good at drafting.

Not good at trading, the orlando robbery included.

They probably wont be able too recreate it but outside of Durant, neither Harden or Westbrook were seen as franchise players when they entered the draft.


That is some revisionist history. If Durant has a great game the way Curry or Thompson did in any of the final three games, they are in the finals. OKC had everything in place to beat GS but it's on Durant as to them not getting it done. So to turn around and say the FO didn't get it right just isn't accurate at all.

i didnt revise anything? I said they got close. That close was this season.

BUt one season out of the last 5 and pretending that this one meant more than the prior 5 is revisionism. (prior 4, I will not include Durant breaking his foot last season)

Edited by BenningRoadSkin
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That is some revisionist history. If Durant has a great game the way Curry or Thompson did in any of the final three games, they are in the finals. OKC had everything in place to beat GS but it's on Durant as to them not getting it done. So to turn around and say the FO didn't get it right just isn't accurate at all.


OKC's roster was absolutely good enough to win a title. Maybe it would've helped if Durant hadn't shot 36% combined in Games 6 and 7.

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For Durant, even if he felt the OKC FO did enough, and they might have, Durant's choice was easy.


Stay in OKC, battling with Golden State most years trying to reach the finals and maybe reaching it several times, OR destroy OKC and join their rival, simultaneously putting you on a Finals caliber team and clearing your path to the finals in one move.


It'd be like Curry joining OKC, he'd ruin GS and make OKC the obvious favorite to be in the finals.


But Curry obviously is locked in to GS atm, while Durant was free.  He wants a ring, this is the obvious way to do it.



*when I say "ruin" I don't mean the team loses ALL its good players, obviously each team is way more than just Curry and Durant, but it's taking a finals caliber team and probably making them a "playoff but not finals" caliber team

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Guy, people are allowed to have opinions. We are the same people who pay for tickets and merchandise and seats and NBATV and pay the owners that pay his salary. Nobody here is planning on flying to OKC to vandalize his home, we are allowed to voice an opinion. \Nobody said they were going to jump off a cliff, we just said we think it was a weak move, that's it.


I'm sure he doesn't give a ****. I'm not trying to make him care about my individual opinion.


First, I never said to riot or that anyone was going to be violent.  Nor did I not say that everyone wasn't entitled to their own opinion.  But all the hate spewed towards KD is ridiculous, IMO.  


And it was a general response to all the negative responses I've read in this thread and in the Wiz thread.  I've seen a lot make comments about not watching the NBA, how it's ruined cause of things like this, etc.


So basically telling those that hate the move and are passionate about their opinion of KD being a sell-out to go ahead and keep hating and boycott the NBA (quit watching it at all) if they want to cause it won't matter at the end of the day.  



I know right. How dare people voice their opinion about sports on a sports message board.


How dare someone with a different opinion voice theirs against others and debate a topic on a sports message board.............So because I don't agree with someone, I can't respond/debate the topic?  I've never said people can't have a different opinion about what KD did than mine.  Nor have I ever said they can't voice it on here.  

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This is so hilarious. Everybody is acting like GS will automatically win the title. So people are mad at KD for something that hasn't even happened yet.

thats the other thing.

Golden State is a problem, but they have not won the title yet. Nothing at all is guaranteed. Everyone angry about stuff as if they just swept the season and playoffs lol.

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This is so hilarious. Everybody is acting like GS will automatically win the title. So people are mad at KD for something that hasn't even happened yet.

They're mad because he didn't do something the way they wanted him to... Because thats what good athletes do... what the fans want.

Entitlement from fans who cry out that athletes are entitled because they don't actually have to work for a living...

I went from hating the hell out of the possibility of this happening to now wanting them to cut a black/white promo on Alcatraz or some **** just for the lulz, at the sheer amount of bat**** insanity that has overtaken this country.

Reality Check

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I think you guys are rushing to moral and character questions. Maybe too much sports media? Shameful habit.

Lebron built a super team and it beat the Warriors. His previous one beat the Thunder too. What is the reaction to that supposed to be? Draft better? Obviously not, other front offices and players are not going to stick to a romanticized "right way" honor code and grant Lebron a dynasty. They get paid to do a job and right now the job demands concentrating talent to an absurd extent. The Warriors succeeded in getting the big free agent but they weren't alone in trying. The Spurs and Clippers were eager to forge their own super teams.

Think of it as an arms race if you prefer to be dramatic.

There is also a great deal of money involved that doesn't come from the NBA. We've moved beyond the big market era. The global market is out their watching with unprecedented access and no one cares about the host city. The spotlight follows the expected champions. Last year Steph Curry was inescapable, until Lebron ate his heart. You know who was easier to miss? Kevin Durant. This isn't about ego, it's about brand and business. Curry started selling a lot of shoes and appearing on every other commercial that flashed by on tv. Lebron was holding steady. Durant tumbled down the list. Those side contracts are worth a staggering amount of money, and Durant's brand was sliding.

Consider that what you're seeing is business behaving predictably, that all parties are acting in their own interests and reacting to the market.

Or be like Cowherd and Stephen A and rage about the lack of purity in the hearts of sports icons. Your choice.

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Maybe that will be enough for Stephen A to drop whatever "damning info" he apparently has on KD. I mean, he did feel co fident enough to basically threaten a professional athlete on national television.

Its incredibly disgusting to see someone who fashions themselves a "journalist" act the way he does.

I credibly incendiary stuff to say, but I don't care one bit.

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When good/great players in other leagues (MLB, NFL, NHL, etc.) join winning teams in FA, the media/fans usually talk about how they just want to win a ring (and begrudgingly admit that its acceptable).

But in the NBA, those same players are called out. 


Not sure why that is. 

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When good/great players in other leagues (MLB, NFL, NHL, etc.) join winning teams in FA, the media/fans usually talk about how they just want to win a ring (and begrudgingly admit that its acceptable).

But in the NBA, those same players are called out.

Not sure why that is.

If you were to take an anonymous poll, I wpuld bet that 70% of those people root for dead ass franchises with no hope, and feel cold and lonely, and hating on another person/team is the only thing that makes them feel alive. Another 20% are probably just delusional about how modern pro sports work, and the rest probably just want to watch the world burn.

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Maybe that will be enough for Stephen A to drop whatever "damning info" he apparently has on KD. I mean, he did feel co fident enough to basically threaten a professional athlete on national television.

Its incredibly disgusting to see someone who fashions themselves a "journalist" act the way he does.

I credibly incendiary stuff to say, but I don't care one bit.


My wife loves sports, but she doesn't watch Sports Center ever, unless I turn it on.  I had it on waiting for the announcement and as soon as Stephen A got on his tirade about KD, she immediately says, "This guy is a ****ing idiot, you need to turn the channel."  


And she had never heard him before and didn't know who he was lol

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When good/great players in other leagues (MLB, NFL, NHL, etc.) join winning teams in FA, the media/fans usually talk about how they just want to win a ring (and begrudgingly admit that its acceptable).

But in the NBA, those same players are called out. 


Not sure why that is. 


Individual players hold the most sway on the court / ice / field in the NBA. That's why they get the most scrutiny. Legacy is also a word obsessed about in basketball. Crosby won the Cup this year for the second time with a Conn Smythe. Nobody is putting up polls about whether or not he is better than Mario Lemieux. 


This isn't directed at you:


I've said my piece here and stand by it. I don't think it's outlandish. I don't hate Durant for it and I'm not questioning his manhood or how he was raised like some crazy people. I just think it's cool when someone knocks you down and the next year you punch them in the mouth. That's just me and I'm sure a lot of other people. That's very different from "I hope he gets hurt" and I'm gonna shoot his jersey and put a sign in front of his home. That's ridiculous and should be separated from people who just would prefer to see these guys go at it instead of joining forces, no matter how unrealistic that is in 2016. 

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Stephen A is an idiot, that much is certain. But that doesnt make him wrong.


There is a difference between joining a team of losers and winning with them (Irving was so good they earned a 1st overall pick the year before Lebron's return), and joining the two time mvp, winningest team in history, and back to back finals contenders. Whats so hard about understanding that?

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