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Aaron Hernandez questioned, home searched in possible homicide probe

Son of Gadsden

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So they're still building a case against him on circumstantial evidence? Seriously I know he did it, you know he did it but they have absolutely no hard evidence and their witnesses are not credible to say the least. When his million dollar defense attorney shreds this case to pieces he's going to walk.


You might be right about his lawyers.


What I think will be the difference is his co-conspirators can't afford million dollar lawyers. One of them will flip to get a shorter sentence.

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You might be right about his lawyers.


What I think will be the difference is his co-conspirators can't afford million dollar lawyers. One of them will flip to get a shorter sentence.

I thought they already flipped on him? The one guy did it almost immediately and then kept changing up his story. I think the defense will shred that guy once he goes on the stand. Just my opinion but I don't think he ends up guilty of murder...

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I thought they already flipped on him? The one guy did it almost immediately and then kept changing up his story. I think the defense will shred that guy once he goes on the stand. Just my opinion but I don't think he ends up guilty of murder...


I think you're right. The guy definately talked, but I'm not sure he's been given an official "deal". Once that happens, I don't see him getting off for the Lloyd murder. Maybe not 1st degree murder, but he'll be showering in a group for a lot of years.


I remember watching the Rae Carruth trial thinking how freaking stupid the guy was to do what he did. The key witness in that trial was the guy who actually pulled the trigger. A bad, bad dude who turned on Carruth and testified against him. He (Watkins) was sentenced to 40+ years with Carruth getting 18-24 years.


Here's an interesting take on the AH case by Carruth's attorney David Rudolf:


"The prosecution has a circumstantial case (against Hernandez), but it's a strong circumstantial case. Sometimes those are stronger than eyewitness cases, because evidence doesn't lie."........"One of the questions is, have the other two already flipped on Hernandez?" Rudolf said. "You never know what happened before (prosecutors) ever served them. There were probably discussions about testifying against Hernandez. Maybe that's why they were hit with lesser charges."




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  • 3 weeks later...

I also saw where one of the guys shot (supposed) by AH was shot again.(no link) Sounds like they should just put them all in a big valley with loaded guns and whoever comes out alive gets set free.

I'm going to repeat it.  This crap has mob prints all over it.  First of all CT is very connected and so is NJ NY, those three states are the "DC of the MOB".  Second of all he's a pretty high profile guy with money, obviously he'd be useful for the MOB, just in terms of having legit reasons and cash to travel to certain countries as a cover.  Finally there are so many related murders and mysterious deaths going on.  Whats the count 4 or 5 different people connected to him have mysteriously died in the last few months?


Of course this is connected I don't see how anyone who knows the area would suggest that because it happened in CT its not MOB related lol.  I don't think its italian though, those guys seem like they are above this crap. 

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So they're still building a case against him on circumstantial evidence? Seriously I know he did it, you know he did it but they have absolutely no hard evidence and their witnesses are not credible to say the least. When his million dollar defense attorney shreds this case to pieces he's going to walk.

I don't think he walks.  I don't want to suggest what my background is but lets just say I have a good grasp of the law, and he doesn't walk.  This isn't Simpson 2.0 or Trayvon Martin.  This is we have so many digital fingerprints he is going to not have a chance.  I don't think any of the searches are considered illegal so all the evidence we are hearing about is going to stand in court.  Theres also not any chance of reasonable doubt here or self defense or even manslaughter, this is a straight multiple murder 1 in a few different cases.  I don't think he gets lucky in like 3 or 4 different cases.  I bet the first one puts him away and he will plead out to stay in a state without the death penalty when he realizes other states are going to try to put him down.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So now there's a report that the guy Hernandez beat up in jail was actually in handcuffs during the altercation, so he was hardly able to defend himself or fight back during the altercation.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Aaron and the other inmate ended up crossing paths in that hallway. Seems like that was planned.

AH is going to be in a world of trouble when he gets to the big house. Guys are going to be lining up to take him down.

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  • 2 months later...

He's been charged in that 2012 double homicide:


Former New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez was indicted today on two counts of first-degree murder for the killings of two men in Boston’s South End in 2012 who were shot to death after allegedly encountering Hernandez in a nightclub, two officials briefed on the case said.


Hernandez is accused of murdering Daniel Abreu and Safiro Furtado. The two men were shot to death on July 16, 2012, while stopped at a traffic light by someone who drove up alongside them in an SUV with Rhode Island plates and opened fire.

Hernandez already faced charges in the murder of Odin L. Lloyd of Boston, who was found slain in a North Attleborough industrial park near his home.


The new charges raise the disturbing possibility that Hernandez played games during the 2012-2013 season after murdering two men.



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This guy is done donedy. What a fool, a waste a talent and society is better for him being off the streets for the rest of his life. Normally i would reserve judgement until he was convicted but the evidence in this case is overwhelming. In 2012, the car reported at that drive by was ditched in his Uncles garage for over a year. Classic mobster type stuff there. That doesnt even get into the Odin Llyodd case.

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It was just a matter of time for him to be charged in these murders. He's going to enjoy sitting on death row when these cases go to Federal court.


Not to make light of the situation, but the first comment on the ESPN story from a Jets fan: "You think the Patriots would have caught all of these murders on camera"

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AH is going to be in a world of trouble when he gets to the big house. Guys are going to be lining up to take him down.


I wouldn't be so sure.  The prison population probably isn't much different from the general population in that they're probably willing to give far too much of a free pass to star athletes.  I'm sure there are plenty of Patriot fans in prison. 

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I wouldn't be so sure. The prison population probably isn't much different from the general population in that they're probably willing to give far too much of a free pass to star athletes. I'm sure there are plenty of Patriot fans in prison.

I was referring to the incident where he beat up a defenseless inmate. That won't go unchecked, once he gets to the big house.
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this is crazy because he was actually looking good on the Lloyd case.

But damn, he may really be a serial killer. He had a great 2012 season too.

If you consider a sixty-something old woman with vaginal discharge running down her leg while walking down the street in her ripped fishnets and smoking through her tracheotomy wound in her throat looking good, than I guess AH's situation with the Lloyd case would be looking good to you.

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