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Aaron Hernandez questioned, home searched in possible homicide probe

Son of Gadsden

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Jury selection starts today: 


"Jury selection was set to begin in the murder trial of former NFL player AAron Hernandez, accused of killing a man in June 2013, when Hernandez had a $40 million contract as a tight end with the New England Patriots." 


"More than 1,000 potential jurors are expected to report to Bristol County Superior Court in Fall River on Friday, Monday and Tuesday for the first phase of jury selection, filling out written questionnaires. Later next week, Bristol County Superior Court Judge Susan Garsh will conduct individual questioning of jurors. Eighteen jurors will be selected. The entire process is expected to last at least through next week, and it could take longer."



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Here's a link to the juror questions for the trial. Some of the comments are hilarious:


37. Are you a fan of the New England Patriots?   Yes___  No ___

      If Yes, for how long have you been a fan? ___________________________________________




Prosecutors remain baffled at the fact that of all the people surveyed, they can't seem to find a Patriots fan who began following the team before 2001.


It's funny to talk to fellow Pats "fans" who have no idea that the team was in the Super Bowl in 1997. My saddest Pats fan memory was having to stand outside of a bar down the street when I was 13 to watch the games through the window because they were blacked out on TV and somehow this goomba was able to get a closed circuit connection.

"Marc Wilson hands off to John Stephens..........."



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The trial has been delayed, first because of the snow and now because of problems with the jury:


"Jury issues delayed opening statements on Thursday in the murder trial of Aaron Hernandez, the former New England Patriots star tight end.

One juror failed to show up on time, and another sent a note to the judge. It was not clear what the note was about, but the judge began questioning other potential jurors. "




I missed this earlier this month. If the prosecutors have a deal in place with Hernandez-ex, this trial is going to be over quickly.


"As the first murder case against former Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez moves toward the selection of a jury and, eventually, the taking of testimony, one fairly significant chunk of testimony could come from Hernandez’s fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins.

Charged with perjury, Jenkins possibly has a deal that would include resolving the charges in exchange for testimony against Hernandez.  According to Martin Finucane of the Boston Globe, Hernandez’s lawyers want to know if such a deal exists.

The fact that Hernandez’s lawyers had to file a motion to find out whether Jenkins has a deal with prosecutors suggests that the relationship between Hernandez and Jenkins has changed in a significant and fundamental way.  Hernandez fears that she’ll be showing up to testify against him at trial, and Hernandez’s lawyers want to know if the mother of his child is about to send him up the river."



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Did anyone else catch the judge tell Lloyd's mom, "you are not to cry" before she took the stand?

I have never heard of such a thing. I swear, I would have told that judge to go to hell. This woman just lost her son and the judge tells her not to get emotional? But it's OK for Hernandez to sit there and smirk. Unreal.

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The trial has been delayed, first because of the snow and now because of problems with the jury:


"Jury issues delayed opening statements on Thursday in the murder trial of Aaron Hernandez, the former New England Patriots star tight end.

One juror failed to show up on time, and another sent a note to the judge. It was not clear what the note was about, but the judge began questioning other potential jurors. "



This is one of those cases where if Odin (great name, btw) Lloyd's family wants justice, they may need to become the monster to do so.  I don't like this talk about the jury already and wonder about threats to their safety.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That video shows her carrying something in a large black trash bag, but it looks like some kind of box. It's not totally clear there's a gun in there...


In case you're not getting good coverage of the trial down in the DC area, there's this which makes him look really cold:


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I think it will be extremely hard to do that. They have video to support what she says she did for AH (i.e., carry the gun out of the house in a trash bag).

I think most of the evidence is circumstial. I'm pretty sure he'll be convicted considering he's shown zero remorse for the death of a supposed close friend. It's obvious he did it but it also needs to be proven in the court of law which is easier said than done.

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I think most of the evidence is circumstial. I'm pretty sure he'll be convicted considering he's shown zero remorse for the death of a supposed close friend. It's obvious he did it but it also needs to be proven in the court of law which is easier said than done.


Yeah, most of it is circumstantial. But with shells found at the scene match shells found in the car (and house, I believe) that are both owned by AH, it doesn't look good. 


I'm still surprised the other 2 co-defendants haven't flipped yet. Maybe they're counting on no one person being convicted of the actual shooting (because no one tells who did it) so they all get lesser than 1st degree. 


Maybe one of the ES law experts can explain: if all 3 aren't convicted of actually pulling the trigger, what's the highest charge they can be convicted of committing? 2nd degree murder? 

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I think most of the evidence is circumstial. I'm pretty sure he'll be convicted considering he's shown zero remorse for the death of a supposed close friend. It's obvious he did it but it also needs to be proven in the court of law which is easier said than done.

I would have asked for a different venue. IMHO There's enough digital evidence to show premeditation.





Maybe one of the ES law experts can explain: if all 3 aren't convicted of actually pulling the trigger, what's the highest charge they can be convicted of committing? 2nd degree murder? 


I don't think they need to show that AH pulled the trigger.  They need to show that he premeditated the act with the intent of killing BL and that would be first degree. 

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I don't think they need to show that AH pulled the trigger.  They need to show that he premeditated the act with the intent of killing BL and that would be first degree. 


BL? Is your Freudian slip showing that you have an issue with Brandon Lloyd?  ;-)


I'm still waiting for his fiancee to take the stand, with her immunity deal. That should be very enlightening.


One question I have is what if she is called to the stand and asked what she did with the box she threw away, and tells the court the location? Do they suspend the trial while police investigate? That could be the key to finding the murder weapon.

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Very interesting twist yesterday, and a good move by the prosecution if the judge rules in their favor.

In pretrial filings, the defense was able to ban as prejudicial any mention of "prior bad acts" including previous shootings Hernandez committed. Then, during the trial, a big part of their strategy has been to characterize Lloyd Olin as a "friend" of Hernandez. They used the term "friend" over a dozen times in their opening argument.. A big part of their defense is lack of motive - Why would Hernandez just shoot a friend and possible future brother-in-law over a minor disagreement?

Now the prosecution has filed a motion seeking to admit evidence that Hernandez would, and in fact did, shoot a friend for little or no reason. On February 13, 2013, only four months before the Olin murder, after a minor dispute about the tab at strip club in Miami, Hernandez stopped his car in an isolated industrial area, shot his friend Alexander Bradley in the face, and dumped his body on the ground before fleeing. Bradley was blinded in one eye but survived. However, he refused to cooperate against Hernandez in that case, so no criminal charges were filed. Bradley later sued.


The prosecution wants to introduce this incident into the murder trial to directly rebut a central argument of the defense's case - that there is no way Hernandez would shoot a friend for little reason. The prosecution contends that is a direct falsehood being claimed by the defense, so they should have the right to introduce evidence contradicting the defense claims.

Judge E. Susan Garsh won't make a ruling on the prosecution filing until the defense makes their counter-argument. But it could be a slam dunk for the prosecution if allowed. I mean, only four months before, an eerily similar incident occurred, showing Hernandez' quick-trigger temper, extreme violence toward a "friend" and savage barbarity.

I summarized Dan Wetzel's excellent account of the strategy here:

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Here's the crux of the prosecution's argument regarding the above, as summarized by Yahoo's Dan Wetzel:


You can't continue to claim Hernandez wouldn't shoot a friend, the prosecution is arguing, when it's alleged that he has, indeed, shot a friend. That isn't just some random "prior bad act." It's the rebuttal of a direct argument at the center of the defense. In this case, it's a known "falsehood," the state is claiming.


"The defendant himself has 'opened the door' to this topic," the filing from deputy district attorney William McCauley reads.



"[The defense] has repeatedly emphasized to the jury that [Hernandez] could not have been the person who murdered Lloyd because [Hernandez] and Lloyd were 'friends.' …Indeed, [the defense] made this argument one of the cornerstones ... and has cross examined witnesses suggesting that the two were friends."


The prosecution argues that this defense strategy was enacted because they knew the Bradley incident, which would make a mockery of it, was inadmissible.


"The [defense] apparently believed that [it] could purvey what [it] knew to be a falsehood to the jury – i.e. that the defendant would never harm his friends – with complete impunity."



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Anyone find it a bit curious that this case is getting ZERO coverage? 


Think about it...networks like ESPN spend upwards of 2 weeks talking about a deflated ball, continuiously talking about Ray Rice....meanwhile, you have one of the youngest stars in the league on trial for murder and there's nothing but crickets.  There has to be some hush money involved.  This SHOULD be one of the biggest stories in sports, but it's almost like nothing happened. 

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