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Jim Haslett : Time For Him To Show Something ?

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Player Notes on Defense




-We're starting Rambo too soon, Amerson is expected to make some mistakes, and I don't feel too bad about the situation with our rookies.


-We were almost rid of DeAngelo Hall, then when nobody else wanted him we decided to bring him back for some reason. We know what he is. He cannot play man, he's so-so in zone, he doesn't have his incredible speed anymore, and he talks **** and spreads his terrible attitude all over the field.


-Reed Doughty is an average at best football player, and more frequently than not he isn't at his best. He used to at least be a decent tackler, but he can't even do that well anymore. He's out of position on plays, which shouldn't happen at this point in his career, and I don't understand what the upside is which keeps him hanging around year after year, much less keeps him as a regular part of the defensive rotation. I'd rather throw a scarecrow with a redskins jersey onto the field and have him play safety for us than continue to put Reed Doughty out there.


Note: If I hear anybody tell me about how super-dy duper important it is to have great special teams players on the roster please spare me the bull****. That kind of crap is an excuse for keeping players like Doughty and Paul around when they really serve no useful purpose on our roster.




-Brian Orakpo is a defensive end. He should never have been made a linebacker. He's a defensive end.


-While Ryan Kerrigan is a good transition OLB, I cannot help but imagine how much better he would be at his natural DE position.


-Barry Cofield is a 4-3 DT playing NT for us. He's a big man, but he doesn't play like it inside against double teams. He gets sealed off of inside runs and misdirection painfully easily.




-London Fletcher is finished. He stayed around a year too long because he thought he smelled a superbowl ring. This isn't a knock on the man, but his body has reached the intersection point between rising age and diminishing ability. He had a great career, but he's starting to look like he's standing still and not being a factor in the run game.


-Perry Riley is a good football player. He would make a good 4-3 MLB.


-Rob Jackson needs his suspension to be over. He would make a good 4-3 OLB.




Everyone is accountable for this problem. We are 4 years into a 3-4 conversion and in year 4 of the same defensive coordinator. We have two 4-3 DE's playing out of position at OLB. We have a good 4-3 DT playing out of position at NT. We have decent 4-3 DT's playing DE. Why are we not a 4-3 again? What is the advantage we seem to be gaining from being a 3-4 defense? I'm not really sure what we're supposed to look like, but perhaps we wouldn't look like the team that gave up more yards to Aaron Rodgers than anyone ever, or like the first team in 45 games to allow a 100 yard rusher from Green Bay, or a team that let up 30+ points for the second straight week.


Jim Haslett cannot stop using the "Carlos Cushion". I will never understand this. Why the **** did we draft some 6'3 200+ pound cornerback if we're going to play him 10+ yards off the WR all game? Can we ever get a ****ing jam at the line of scrimmage? Can we disrupt a timing route for once? Can we not simply allow a minimum 5-8 yard completion as a given? I can only imagine that this problem includes Raheem Morris, and therefore I cannot see him as our savior. Amerson should be used physically, and so should Josh Wilson. What is wrong with bump and run? What is wrong with jamming and releasing to a short zone with cover 2 over the top? Why are we playing this **** secondary?


I'm not advocating a course of action, just that I'd rather watch this defense as a 4-3 with Kerrigan and Orakpo putting their hands in the dirt, and a secondary which is all over the WR all day long. Hell, Green Bay has played tight coverage ever since Charles Woodson went there, and they've kept it up now that he's left. All of our short stuff, quick throws, slants, etc. seemed to take a half a second longer to develop. All of our short throws were basically contested or broken up. Players got hit right away if they did get the ball, and guys like Josh Morgan ended up making a mistake like deflecting a perfect pass upwards for an interception.


I guess I'm just really pissed off that we're looking so terrible on defense, but I've seen this before. Maybe after we suck like this for 7-8 games Jim Haslett will figure something out which will allow us to limit the other team to 20 points per game instead of 30 and we'll start winning because our offense *usually* isn't totally crap if we're not playing in an instantaneous 14-0 hole, and people can come in here and comment on how much improved we are and how we'll probably look EVEN BETTER next year. He's been doing this for 4 years. I wanted him fired after the start to last season.


Ask yourselves if Jim Haslett seems like he'll ever coach a top 10 defense in Washington. If the answer is no, which it should be at this point, ask yourself what the point is to defending him or keeping him on as a coach.

The only reason I can remotely think of is that there is not another 3-4 coach available right now?   Who is available that we could sign? 

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Jim has lett us down. 


Down 3 scores 10 minutes left Mike calling timeouts - on 3rd and 6 or 8 he has the corners in the Carlos Cushion, yet has dialed up a blitz. At that point in the game, you need to make a play. Our corners in soft zone burned like they had been all day. That was the final nail in the coffin. 


Having Rambo lined up MEGA deep yet to cover a short flat route. TD them.


He is all over in his play calls. He seems far more concerned about changing his calls than he is about making the logical call. 


Either he does little, or does seemingly too much. They had our corners number all day yet press / tight man was almost no where to be seen.  Conversely, they were hounding our WR all day. 


The only adjustment I saw him make was easing off attacking Rodgers (think 3 sacks in the 1st qtr) and he burned us bad. 

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Unfortunately this entire discussion is all for naught.

Mike will not fire haslett, and we will be stuck watching this middling defense with talented guys all over the place be put in a position to fail instead of setup for success by our retarded D coordinator. We're [****]ed :(

If you want to swear, just swear. Trust me.

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 Maybe its the puke yellow pants !


 I have faith that this problem will be resolved after the season is over, but i'm an impatient guy, and i'll bet that there's a short but wealthy team owner who is not thrilled about this either.

Its not an individual player problem, its an individual coach's problem, and i'm curious as to when the line actually gets drawn; I mean, when does Mike or Snyder or Allen reach the point where they have no other choice but to take action. Will it take teams continuing to set team or NFL records on a consistent basis? A player 'no confidence' vote? A mass fan refusal to attend games?


blame players? ok, say they get some players in the offseason, and its the same results? Then the excuse would be 'well they need to become familiar with our system, and it takes time' crap.


Bottom line is, there IS no legitimate excuse to keep Haslett here. His track record speaks for itself, and the other teams he worked for fired him much quicker after he ruined their defenses. If the season becomes mathematically impossible to turn around, he should be shown the door at that moment, if not sooner. the excuses have been run into the ground,  and there's no one to blame except Haslett.


I'm not very happy with him, as you all may tell by now.  ****ing loser....

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Welp, my worst fear going into this season was that the defense would go back to being ran like before and we'd stop doing all the creative stuff we did last year during the winning stretch. I'm not 100% sure, but I feel like it's happening. 


Raheem Morris is no longer rotating the secondary to play to their strengths like before.


Fletcher isn't making half the adjustments at the line he was making before.


Haslett isn't calling nearly as many exotic blitzes as before and, when he does, it's basically the slot corner coming in. (Josh Wilson had a couple nice ones by the way)


I don't know... I could be totally wrong. This is so saddening. God willing they wake up and get this corrected. Maybe it is just a matter of better execution. We certainly have been awful at tackling.


I was on board with firing Haslett and Slowik last season when that was the word coming from the insiders during the bye. But then they got it together, and our D was a bright spot especially the last two games we played last season.


But this is ridiculous. We've got to get better than this and quickly.      

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Sorry for the large quote, but it does show where we were in terms of the sheer scale of the injuries, coupled with our big defensive improvements.

I'm not a Haslett fan by any means, but credit where credit is due.

Same here. One person, whether player or coach, doesn't make or break a team. I thought for what he had to work with he did well last year and in this season's opening game.

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The Skins have never been, nor should they try and be a 3-4 team!


We won our Championships under Coach Gibbs using 4-3 defense. 


We just don't have the personnel ... and, the numerous talented players on the roster are being forced to play other positions than what they have played all thru their college careers.  Take Ryan and Brian ... they would better serve our defense by being DEs.

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The Skins have never been, nor should they try and be a 3-4 team!

We won our Championships under Coach Gibbs using 4-3 defense.

We just don't have the personnel ... and, the numerous talented players on the roster are being forced to play other positions than what they have played all thru their college careers. Take Ryan and Brian ... they would better serve our defense by being DEs.

In all due fairness Orakpo was moved to linebacker even when the D was a 4-3. Gregg Blache converted him first. But at least the def was a top 10 unit under his watch.

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Bring in a coordinator like Rex Ryan and just watch the changes unfold before your eyes.  Say what you will, but the man knows how to get the very best out of a group of defenders.  Haslett has shown us something, and it's that the game has mentally left him behind.  He cannot game plan, and he doesn't get the best out of his players.  He needs to hit the bricks after the season unless he can't right the ship and fast.

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More excuses for him? Are you friggin kidding me?


Considering it's a fool's errand to accurately dissect a coach's gameplan without access to the coach's tape, I think criticizing our inability to tackle and cover all game long has more merit.


It's not like the plays Haslett called today are uniquely his -- these are more or less the same plays that everyone runs throughout the league. But when you have linebackers, corners and safeties who can't tackle, or cover, or generally make any gamebreaking plays whatsoever (Kerrigan notwithstanding), there isn't a defensive coordinator in the league who could scheme a winning gameplan.


Of course this won't mean anything to you, but Mike McCarthy and his coaching staff highly regard Jim Haslett -- he's "very, very, very respected" by the Green Bay brass. And no, there's absolutely no need to laud anyone in the media who doesn't deserve it.


I think a fair argument to make is that a coach like Gregg Williams or Rex Ryan seems to inspire passion from his men, and judging from purely these first two games, Haslett hasn't had that effect. Schematically? Our failures derive more from players getting beaten and not making plays, routinely, across the board, throughout the game. Hopefully we see a better effort next week.



ALSO -- for all this crap about "3-4" vs "4-3" -- our base defense was Orakpo and Kerrigan rushing from the edges with Bowen and Cofield in the middle.

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First GB rusher with a 100 yard game in the last 44 games...

'Nuff said.

He should have been let go after the Monday Night Massacre.

and guess what team was the last to give up that rusher...  us!

Isn't there some sort of bingo playing retired Defensive Coord we can consult with?

lol, our defensive now is basically like how our offense was in 2009.

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The pyramids, Stonehenge, the longevity of Steven Seagal's acting career, and the hiring of Jim Haslett as our D-Coordinator --- these are among the greatest mysteries of our time. His track record was clear, and it continues to perplex me that he was offered the post when Shanahan came on board. I think about our starting personnel on defense before Shanahan arrived. How many of them are starting elsewhere in the league now? How many are even on someone else's roster? Haslett is the coaching version of the players we once had on defense. There's a reason he was not coaching in the league when Shanahan gave him a call.

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I think one of the problems might be that Jim Haslett rely too much one the pass rush of Kerrigan and Orakpo, where as without Orakpo last year, he was force to come up with better defensive schemes. We also have to consider the undeveloped rookies playing huge roles in this defense as well.

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The pyramids, Stonehenge, the longevity of Steven Seagal's acting career, and the hiring of Jim Haslett as our D-Coordinator --- these are among the

greatest mysteries of our time. His track record was clear, and it continues to perplex me that he was offered the post when Shanahan came on board.


From what I have read here over the last few years, but it hasn't been said in a while.  Haslett was not Shanahan's first choice.   

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