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Anybody Else want Robert To chillllll. My Plead


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I love Robert Griffin III with all my heart...but i can no longer stay quiet on this matter...Is anyone else tired of hearing about what happened durin the Seattle game. Every week there are new stories or comments from Robert in regards to the game, and every week he leaves plenty of room for misinterpretation. I dont understand...he is extremely polised so it lead me to think that he his doing it for a reason...I just dont see how it help the organization one bit. We all feel Robert's pain...we have to go threw that surgery with him. We have to endure the critics, Me personally i care about the kids well being I just want him to stop letting members of the media take advantage of his outgoing personality and just fall back. stop fieilding questions on what took place last year. Actions speak louder then words...lets your actions dictate how you feel on the field....Tis all. HTTMFR!!!

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The franchise savior can throw away a napkin and someone will sell/buy it on ebay.

It's not his fault. Let him live his life.

We've got people posting that they saw him jogging at church. If anyone needs to chill it's media and uneducated johnny-come-lately fans.

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He can't stop "fielding questions" from the media.

There's no answer he can give to their injury questions that will silence them. None.

Unless he says something that's obscene, bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic or just flat-out, insanely stupid, I couldn't give a rat's ass what he says about anything--other than the normal enjoying hearing from our franchise QB on occasion, that is.

I care even less how the media decides to spin his words. I immediately flushed the media's take on Shanahan's words after the Panthers' loss straight down the toilet, I couldn't have cared any less about what THEY thought he meant. Their take on RG3's occasional comments about his injuries last year are far, FAR more innocuous and mean far, FAR FARRR less.

One thing I experienced by not being on Extremeskins for the season was that the reality of what matters and what's being discussed concerning the NFL rarely matched what you get when online. If I were not on here I would have had to search to even know Bob made any comments whatsoever about his injury to Sports Illustrated. I wouldn't have heard about it from anyone, I wouldn't have gotten into any type of dicsussion about it with anyone...and I damn sure wouldn't have been worried about what people online "might" think of his words. This place and all message boards are a distilled version of reality. So everything seems stronger and more important than it really is.

This is nothing.

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I refuse to care about the media or it's coverage/opinions on anything, and that doesn't just include sports. I refuse. Every single thing they write or say I look at with the utmost suspicion.

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Your frustration is really with the media in general than it is with RGIII. He's constantly being asked the questions and he continues to answer them honestly. I don't want anything less from him.

Its the media that won't drop the subject. You see, its the pack mentality of the media that created the narrative that RGIII and Shanahan screwed up. The media ran with that narrative and continues to ask the questions about the Seattle game for one simple reason....... RGIII and Shanny never capitulated to the media narrative. They never conceded the point to the media publicly and sought forgiveness from the mediots. And, until Shanny and RGIII bow to the alter of all powerful media and offer full declarations of guilt that comply with media narravtive, we will NEVER hear the end or it. Because the media is going to continue to bring up the point.

This is how the American Media operates, in general. Its a pack mentaility with no pack leader that only serves the enrichment of its own ego.

Now, whether or not anyone personally agrees with media narrative is irrelevant. The only thing we can be sure of is that we will not hear the end of it until RGIII or Shanny genuflects in the presence of the all knowing mediots.

So, don't rip RGIII for answering the same questions over and over with honesty and class. Rip idiots who keep asking the same questions until they get the answer they want.

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I love Robert Griffin III with all my heart..!



not sure if Seattle is that big of an issue any more really ... I initially thought this thread was going to be about his FB posts yesterday about the Redtails thing.

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my response to that is you dont have to speak to the media...you can be extremly selective on who you talk to or what you say...it just seems like robert is allowing the media to run wild instead of keeping them all in check. Great your having a sitdown for ESPN to be on the cover....but at what cost...so they can interview you about the Seattle Game. you can pass on that cover...their will be plenty other chances to grace the cover of ESPN...

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Your frustration is really with the media in general than it is with RGIII. He's constantly being asked the questions and he continues to answer them honestly. I don't want anything less from him.

Love RG 3, been pounding the pavement for him to come here since Dec 2011. But if he is going to continue to flat out say besides himself there are others at fault for this -- the bottom line is its unusual for a player to be comfortable for it to be implied that their head coach or health staff deserves some blame for an injury -- so IMO it is a legit story. He's a smart guy, this issue has been simmering for awhile. He knows the media has taken Shanny to task for what went down. He could of layed it to rest by saying no one is to blame, lets move on. So as much as I love RG III, I don't feel bad for him on this story, he could shut it down and he has chosen not to. The guy who interviewed (Pulitzer prize journalist) him for the ESPN story was on the Sports Fix today -- he seems to be impressed with RG III the person but the vibe he got on this issue is that there are people around RG III, whispering to him that people let him down and he's conflicted about the injury. If so its all cool, he has the right to feel that way but IMO he has clearly chosen to let the issue live as opposed to kill the story.

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my response to that is you dont have to speak to the media...you can be extremly selective on who you talk to or what you say...it just seems like robert is allowing the media to run wild instead of keeping them all in check. Great your having a sitdown for ESPN to be on the cover....but at what cost...so they can interview you about the Seattle Game. you can pass on that cover...their will be plenty other chances to grace the cover of ESPN...

Ah, the "I don't like what the media is saying so I'm not gonna talk to them anymore" stance...yeah, that'll work. :ols:

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Love RG 3, been pounding the pavement for him to come here since Dec 2011. But if he is going to continue to flat out say besides himself there are others at fault for this -- the bottom line is its unusual for a player to be comfortable for it to be implied that their head coach or health staff deserves some blame for an injury -- so IMO it is a legit story. He's a smart guy, this issue has been simmering for awhile. He knows the media has taken Shanny to task for what went down. He could of layed it to rest by saying no one is to blame, lets move on. So as much as I love RG III, I don't feel bad for him on this story, he could shut it down and he has chosen not to. The guy who interviewed (Pulitzer prize journalist) him for the ESPN story was on the Sports Fix today -- he seems to be impressed with RG III the person but the vibe he got on this issue is that there are people around RG III, whispering to him that people let him down and he's conflicted about the injury. If so its all cool, he has the right to feel that way but IMO he has clearly chosen to let the issue live as opposed to kill the story.

Great Post. Griffin is in control of what he says. Personally, I'm more of a fan of how Andrew Luck has done things. Luck seems to be about football 100% rather than ALSO being a celebrity.

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I know I'll get crucified by some for saying this but I really wish he would shut up about this. I'm usually all about athletes saying what they want, but nothing positive can come from continually discussing this **** and intentionally leaving comments open for interpretation.

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Great Post. Griffin is in control of what he says. Personally, I'm more of a fan of how Andrew Luck has done things. Luck seems to be about football 100% rather than ALSO being a celebrity.

Thanks, though I actually like RG III's personality over Luck. RG III is a leader and has charisma. Luck to me comes off as a likeable dork. I like both guys but rather see RG III leading this team. I am in the business of dealing with stories and the media. This story isn't hard to kill. And he has had multiple chances to kill it. And plenty of people around RG III have said he's ultra media savvy and weighs every word. He has said now in multiple interviews that there are others besides himself who are also to blame for what went down. And IMO heck yeah that's a story. Lets say hypothetically, Peyton Manning said look my neck injury happened I take some responsibility but there are others responsible too and they know their roles in this, and I should have been taken out of the game...he'd be inviting a media firestorm. It's not a common thing to throw out there in sports.

I can ride with the idea that some say here that RG III is just being honest. If so, it implies that he feels there are people around him that mishandled his injury and while being polite and taking some of the blame, deep down he feels that there are others to blame if not more as to what went down. That was the vibe at least I got from the interview on Sports Fix today from the author of the article -- he sort of implied RG III likely does blame others (the authors take was its Shanny who he mostly blames) but he's trying to be careful by dancing around with how he expresses it, but its tough to dance around this subject so the flame keeps burning on this story.

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I'm firmly in the - would prefer not to hear from him until Training Camp - camp. If he's obliged to speak to the media through his endorsements or whatever he needs to do a better job of keeping a low profile. Is it his fault, no? Should he be allowed to say whatever is on his mind, yes. But never the less the media is conjuring stories one way or the other. Just don't give them ANY ammunition. If his ultimate goal is to become as good a football player as possible - then it would be better for him to keep a low profile.

Probably not going to be a popular opinion but meh.

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RG3 has already said everyone involved in the decision-making process was responsible for what happened in the Seattle game (starting with himself).

Going forward, my hope is twofold: (1) RG3 will return as good as before and (2) history will never repeat itself if RG3 gets hurt again, because everyone has learned from their previous mistakes.

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The franchise savior can throw away a napkin and someone will sell/buy it on ebay.

It's not his fault. Let him live his life.

We've got people posting that they saw him jogging at church. If anyone needs to chill it's media and uneducated johnny-come-lately fans.

Right on!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup:

---------- Post added May-1st-2013 at 04:06 PM ----------

I know I'll get crucified by some for saying this but I really wish he would shut up about this. I'm usually all about athletes saying what they want, but nothing positive can come from continually discussing this **** and intentionally leaving comments open for interpretation.

Yup, we would hate to fill in the blanks and find out that RG3 is a stand up guy, a man of character and integrity, a man who lives by a moral decency, and perish the thought: possibly may believe, and honor God....Just imagine if the media discovers he's a "cornball brother", what would everyone do then?

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