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Anybody Else want Robert To chillllll. My Plead


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RGIII didn't need to send that hack, Trey Wingo, a text message regarding this situation and being vague about it. He also didn't need to sit down with the ESPN mag writer and/or answer questions regarding the injury situation. Doesn't take a genius to know those questions will be asked.

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The ads are not our doing. They will be gone asap. TK is working with whoever to move from vbulletin. See thread in feedback and tech forum (page 3 is key).

I figured it was an error, because it seemed so odd. I have always appreciated how clean this site looks, without any advertisements. A credit to the people who run the site.

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Is it me, or does Robert have the whole Joe Theismann thing going? Where fans hate that he puts himself out there and want him to be "100% about football", which basically means "shut the **** up and be a blank slate with no personality".

I mean, is Peyton Manning not 100% about football with the amount of commercials he does? Is Tom Brady not about football because he walks red carpets with his wife? Did the Discount Double Check ruin Aaron Rodgers career?

And I know, those guys are different, they've won, they're proven, blah-blah-blah, but if you just want a quiet, demure, unassuming quarterback with the personality of dull sandpaper, then that yokel with the horseshoe on his helmet is more your speed.

Considering that he basically does ZERO interviews during the regular season (to the point where the beat guys are constantly ticked off about it), the fact he's doing stuff in the offseason shouldn't be that big a deal, and should prove he is all about football.

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RG3 is definitely one of my favorite athletes, but I'm getting annoyed by him a little. I rather he just delete his Twitter account and reappear during training camp.

Trust me, him deleting his Twitter account would be an even bigger story than you can imagine.

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Sorry if that came off a little terse, but we can't get worked up over it. If it was not this, it would be something else. It is the offseason and people want to hear about RGIII, so they will stir up some kind of controversy however they can.

It's all good man. And I couldnt agree with you more.

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I agree with the OP's sentiment. Wish he would move on from it. And to those that say its the media, he could or Mike could have stopped this a long time ago by dealing with it properly. This was a dropped ball by the organization, PR staff, and Robert himself. I hope we get passed this sooner than later. Put the issue to bed.

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I agree with the OP's sentiment. Wish he would move on from it. And to those that say its the media, he could or Mike could have stopped this a long time ago by dealing with it properly. This was a dropped ball by the organization, PR staff, and Robert himself. I hope we get passed this sooner than later. Put the issue to bed.

What, exactly, is "deaing with the issue properly?"

How many times do Mike and Robert have to say "We all know who is accountable" for people to stop saying "they had to deal with the issue properly?"

Because it seems to me what people really want to happen is for Mike to take all the blame. And I guess there's some merit to that, except for the fact that Robert has continued to say that he knows he was at least partially at fault.

So it's a case where the organization can't win. If Mike Shanahan took 100% responsibility, every single storyline that's been dragged out of this thing would still be happening. Nothing changes. The story doesn't stop. The story started the second he got hurt. If Kirk comes in and plays well it's "Should Kirk start next season in a traditional offense"? If Kirk comes in and sucks and Robert wants to stay in, it's "Why did Mike Shanahan pull Robert if he felt he was healthy enough to play?". The story was put to ink before the clock hit triple zeroes and we were eliminated from the playoffs.

What is the proper way to stop a story that's going to be a story no matter what you say or do to stop it?

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First let me say that I am totally fine with the decision to keep him in the game and the consequences of that decision.

This is one of those things that's hard to keep in the bag and once it's out it's even harder to wrangle it back in. In my opinion Mike should have taken full responsibility, period. Harder. Not leaving any doors open of well the doc said he's fine, he told me he's not coming out etc. Then in an interview a while back a little while after the fact, Mike almost reaffirmed that yeah the kid needs to learn how to slide better..intimating that its not his fault the kid didn't know his limits, I trusted him.

You make 1 fully concrete statement about the injury EARLY and leave no question, or outs, or doubts about what happened, how and why and how can we avoid from this ever happening again. Then not speak about that part of the issue ever again. That's the past we've moved forward my rehab and the future looks great.

That's what I mean. Everyone in this situation rg3, shanny, our PR staff has contributed to this still being a story. Reporters are smart, they sense there are still issues there and they are right.

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That's what I mean. Everyone in this situation rg3, shanny, our PR staff has contributed to this still being a story. Reporters are smart, they sense there are still issues there and they are right.

There are no issues, period. The issues are made up by a media pretty much designed to make up issues, and they're eaten up by paranoid fans who's natural reaction to anything good happening is waiting for the other shoe to drop and for the bottom to fall out.

Again, every story is easy to poke holes in.

Statement #1: "As head coach of the Washington Redskins, I am responsible for everything that happens on the football team. I take 100% reponsibility for any and all actions that occured Sunday."

Is Mike Shanahan the right head coach for the Washington Redskins? Can Mike Shanahan be trusted in this situation again? Why didn't Mike Shanahan bench Robert Griffin III? Does Mike Shanahan have RG3's best interest in mind? Does Mike Shanahan really like RG3, or is it the owner that likes him?

(And before anyone says that last one wouldn't happen, it was just last month that Stephen A. Smith bold-faced lied about exactly that, saying that "based on a source", Mike Shanahan wanted to draft Ryan Tannehill but was forced to draft Robert Griffin III by Dan Snyder. All of us know that's bull****, but it didn't stop Stephen A. Smith from saying exactly that. And by the way, that was AFTER Robert Griffin III said that all parties responsible for his injury knew what their role in the incident was and that he was ready to move on.)

Statement #2: ...Well, I could just copy and paste Robert's original statement about all parties knowing who was responsible. That tweet to Trey Wingo sent off about a week of talk about how Robert was taking a swipe at Mike Shanahan (which he wasn't).

It doesn't matter how much it is or isn't talked about. Everything he says is a story. If Robert were to suddenly go silent, or delete Twitter and stop doing interviews, I guarantee you the next story would be "Why did the Washington Redskins put a muzzle on Robert Griffin III?". "Why won't Robert Griffin III talk about his injury?" "Did Mike Shanahan force Robert Griffin III to delete his Twitter?"

We as a fanbase have to get used to this. With Robert, everything is a story. His ****in' socks were a story a year ago. His friggin glove was a story last year; the same glove on the same hand he'd worn it all through his collegiate career at Baylor. "Is Robert having trouble handling snaps?" was like a thing for like a week. Not a big thing, but still a thing.

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It's by no means the end of the world. And yes alot of what Robert says is a story. I still don't feel we handled the post injury PR issues well jmo. But whatever, life goes on. People get injured all the time on other teams and most do not go through what the skins have, it's not just cause it was Robert it's cause it was handled poorly. And the only time this will cease to be a story at this point is when Robert gets back and plays well. Which I hope happens asap.

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it was just last month that Stephen A. Smith bold-faced lied about exactly that, saying that "based on a source", Mike Shanahan wanted to draft Ryan Tannehill but was forced to draft Robert Griffin III by Dan Snyder. All of us know that's bull****, but it didn't stop Stephen A. Smith from saying exactly that. And by the way, that was AFTER Robert Griffin III said that all parties responsible for his injury knew what their role in the incident was and that he was ready to move on.) .

Smith has been saying that for more than a year but it hasn't caught on. But yeah you'll always get media stragglers with off beat stories in the mix. If your point is you can't control the story with every media guy, someone is going to go bonkers with some weird, stuff. That's true.

But IMO -- the intensity, the tone and volume of media people covering a story, can be influenced (not controlled but influenced) by the subject.

We as a fanbase have to get used to this. With Robert, everything is a story. His ****in' socks were a story a year ago. His friggin glove was a story last year; the same glove on the same hand he'd worn it all through his collegiate career at Baylor. "Is Robert having trouble handling snaps?" was like a thing for like a week. Not a big thing, but still a thing.

I recall the glove as positive story too, references to Michael Jackson, looking cool, etc. By and large from what I observed, the media LOVES RG3. He gets mostly positive press. The media is likewise fascinated by Tebow but most of the stuff on him is negative.

Really the one negative story I recall pre draft was the one where an anonymous scout questioned his character, how he treated people, etc. RG III didn't respond to it. I think that was smart. IMO the story might have had more legs if he did.

Right now, the sexiest negative story surrounding RG3 is the whose to blame for the injury and by extension is there a rift with Shanny. If RG3 responds to that story like he has been and leaves some ambiguity as to whether he does blame others -- it feeds the media beast on the story they find the sexiest right now related to him.

As the guys from 980 said last night, dude be boring on this and it will go away. To your point, yeah you can't control every media guy on the planet and the story might not go away completely. Perhaps so. But the intensity and volume will likely decrease.

And while I agree, the media will cling to something about RG3 -- why have it be this subject? The media are generally upbeat to fawning over RG3. This isn't Tebow where the media is likewise fascinated but most of their stories are about tearing him down.

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He can't stop "fielding questions" from the media.

There's no answer he can give to their injury questions that will silence them. None.

Unless he says something that's obscene, bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic or just flat-out, insanely stupid, I couldn't give a rat's ass what he says about anything--other than the normal enjoying hearing from our franchise QB on occasion, that is.

I care even less how the media decides to spin his words. I immediately flushed the media's take on Shanahan's words after the Panthers' loss straight down the toilet, I couldn't have cared any less about what THEY thought he meant. Their take on RG3's occasional comments about his injuries last year are far, FAR more innocuous and mean far, FAR FARRR less.

One thing I experienced by not being on Extremeskins for the season was that the reality of what matters and what's being discussed concerning the NFL rarely matched what you get when online. If I were not on here I would have had to search to even know Bob made any comments whatsoever about his injury to Sports Illustrated. I wouldn't have heard about it from anyone, I wouldn't have gotten into any type of dicsussion about it with anyone...and I damn sure wouldn't have been worried about what people online "might" think of his words. This place and all message boards are a distilled version of reality. So everything seems stronger and more important than it really is.

This is nothing.

I refuse to care about the media or it's coverage/opinions on anything, and that doesn't just include sports. I refuse. Every single thing they write or say I look at with the utmost suspicion.

Two excellent posts that took the words right out of my mouth. Bravo! I say, Bravo! :cheers:

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actually, now that I read the full article, I think RG 3 statements were fine in terms of quelling the story, he had a key line in there about the buck stops with him. Too bad he said in the mix "you take me out" regardless of what he meant, its the only media fodder in the mix in terms of the blame game. Otherwise, I find his statements good as to helping quash the blame aspect of this story. Like I said earlier on this thread, I support him saying how he feels even if its him thinking its Shanny or the medical staffs fault in part -- personally, I do think Shanny should have taken him out -- but if he wants the story to die down he needs to shift the focus from talking about blame. Reading the whole story, he mostly does, its just that one line that can be construed as shifting blame. I do think now that the full gamut of the story is out, it will quash the story some.

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actually, now that I read the full article, I think RG 3 statements were fine in terms of quelling the story, he had a key line in there about the buck stops with him. Too bad he said in the mix "you take me out" regardless of what he meant, its the only media fodder in the mix in terms of the blame game. Otherwise, I find his statements good as to helping quash the blame aspect of this story. Like I said earlier on this thread, I support him saying how he feels even if its him thinking its Shanny or the medical staffs fault in part -- personally, I do think Shanny should have taken him out -- but if he wants the story to die down he needs to shift the focus from talking about blame. Reading the whole story, he mostly does, its just that one line that can be construed as shifting blame. I do think now that the full gamut of the story is out, it will quash the story some.

Read the first part before he even said that. You can tell that there is no embellishment upon the word "You."

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Read the first part before he even said that. You can tell that there is no embellishment upon the word "You."

I did, but I still think that specific line is open to interpretation. The author of the actual article was interviewed on 980 yesterday and when asked about what it seemed he meant by "you" -- he said based on his tone and body language, he didn't think he was referring to himself but others when he uttered that line. When the author was pushed on who the others are, he said his best guess was Shanny. Nonetheless, RG3 gave the quote that in my view is key involving the buck stops with him, that's the key line that I've been hoping he'd say for the sake of helping kill or weaken the story.

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The Seattle game was his fault and the coaches fault 40/60

He should have been pulled after the out of bounds play when we grabbed his leg that I blame on the staff. He has to know he cant be the hero all the time sometimes for the sake of himself and team he has to sit. I think they both learned something from this

It is time to move on

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Here's the problem with the idea that Robert should stay quiet or selective.....

First, this only happens in DC, NY and select few other media markets.

This speaks to the power of the media which sucks!!!

That to me is the biggest problem here. Not Robert.

If for once, the fans should tell the media to shut the hell up!!!

For a freakin' buck, the media will twist and turn everything that comes out of anyones mouth - let alone RGIII. They will not do their homework. They'll do the opposite. They'll figure out "openings" in comments in order to create controversy. A "story" where not story is warrented. That's how they roll. **** 'em!!!

Gallible fans will take what the media says as gospel and determine a BS uninformed view of it.

Look, Robert has a twitter account that is his to use his free speech with.

Damn the media for abusing free speech for the all might dollar!!!

I'm glad Robert is comfortable in his own skin.

Get over it media brain washed fans!!!

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Here's the problem with the idea that Robert should stay quiet or selective.....

First, this only happens in DC, NY and select few other media markets.

This speaks to the power of the media which sucks!!!

That to me is the biggest problem here. Not Robert.

If for once, the fans should tell the media to shut the hell up!!!

For a freakin' buck, the media will twist and turn everything that comes out of anyones mouth - let alone RGIII. They will not do their homework. They'll do the opposite. They'll figure out "openings" in comments in order to create controversy. A "story" where not story is warrented. That's how they roll. **** 'em!!!

Gallible fans will take what the media says as gospel and determine a BS uninformed view of it.

Look, Robert has a twitter account that is his to use his free speech with.

Damn the media for abusing free speech for the all might dollar!!!

I'm glad Robert is comfortable in his own skin.

Get over it media brain washed fans!!!

DC or NYC, it doesn't matter since this is a national media publication. Why did he send a friggin' text message to a scrub like Trey Wingo from ESPN? You cannot blame the media when you offer up items for them to dissect. The real issue is why doesn't this franchise get its collective head out of its ass and decide to have one voice that offers up any answers to the media that may have them regarding what happened in Seattle? That way there is no he-said, she-said going on and the media won't have a story to dissect. Why is that so difficult for the guys in Ashburn to figure out? Unless they want the publicity...

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The real issue is why doesn't this franchise get its collective head out of its ass and decide to have one voice that offers up any answers to the media that may have them regarding what happened in Seattle? That way there is no he-said, she-said going on and the media won't have a story to dissect. Why is that so difficult for the guys in Ashburn to figure out? Unless they want the publicity...

I think everyone's point is that it doesn't matter if there's one voice saying it, or twenty voices saying it.

This story started the second RG3 tweaked his knee. Silence from the club and from RG3 is a story in and of itself.

People say "Why can't they just make ONE statement that addresses absolutely everything with no holes?". Because that is a naive and unrealistic way to view media coverage. There are always holes in every story. And like I said, silence in itself is a story;if it looks like the Redskins are reluctant to address what happens, it looks like they have something to hide. There is no "simple" solution to this problem.

Fans just have to realize this is going to be the way it's going to be, at least until the season starts.

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