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Anybody Else want Robert To chillllll. My Plead


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According to the article, everything I quoted before came right AFTER he said "you take me out"...

The "you" could easily be generally speaking, not specifically "you, coach"....

They are talking about that line right now on 980 ironically. if you take it literally, "you" likely means someone else not him. Could he have meant himself, maybe. But my whole point is its way better if hes clear, considering he's already layed out previously that others are to blame, too. The author of the article believed he was talking about others as opposed to himself there, his guess was he was talking about Shanny.

I bet you none of the politicians you worked with were even half as popular or garnered even one tenth the site hits as RG3 does for sports media. And sports media is little more than mass opinion pieces anyway...they don't have to be accurate, simply opinionated. And I think I'd have to hear your definition of "killing a story".

And for the record, I have relatives in politics and the media who have faced what you've faced...I actually have a relative in Michelle Obama's inner circle and I could tell you stories galore. It's not just opinion I'm spouting.

The fact that you know people who work in politics, great, its not my point. I have relatives who are mechanics. I can tell stories, it doesn't make me a mechanic. And heck my point isn't my expertise versus yours -- it just felt to me that you went there with giving your opinion as if its the definitive answer so was trying to figure where your confidence was coming from. And yeah you do throw stuff at the wall in politics like you do in sports. But for argument sake, lets say I know nothing about dealing with the media. Almost every personality that covers the Redskins have said the same thing, that Robert is helping fuel the story and could put it to rest. I've mentioned one technique as to how to kill a story on this thread, but I think we are wasting our time debating with each other. And it seems like your debate is about defending your hero. And that's cool. I appreciate all your enthusiasm for the man. I've been on pins and needles since 12/11 to get him and you should see my office, my wife goofs on me that its like an RG III shrine. I am not attacking him.

I am saying --

if RG 3 said in the interview look I talked about the issue before, all is good, no one is to blame, we have all moved on and looking forward to next season. If I understand you, First Take, and these national shows will see the statement as sensationalism or fascinating, and they and the media will be all over it. I am saying I doubt it. Is it possible that the media mentions it, sure. Your point to me is about stating the obvious that the media is fascinated by RG 3. Of course it is, and I said so on this thread. Where we disagree is yeah talking about what went down, that refers again to the subject of blame whether he is talking about himself, others, or is vague -- will likely stir the media firestorm -- by a mile over, we covered this, all is cool, we are excited about next season and I'll be ready.

Lets just agree to disagree.:)

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One of my clients (believe it or not, I'm actually a therapist) is a teenage kid who feels like his parents always take what he says out of context or twists it just to get him in trouble. I know the parents, and they don't.

Yesterday I wrote down the following sentence, "I shot the elephant wearing my pajamas" and I had the kid tell me what I meant.

"You shot an elephant who was wearing your pajamas"

"Nope," I said. "I meant that while I was wearing my pajamas, I shot an elephant."

We talked about how even when we say something that is COMPLETELY unambiguous to us, it's not necessarily going to be taken that way by someone else. Now when the media's JOB is to take it the wrong way, he can't win.

However, it is *ALWAYS* the responsibility of the speaker to communicate his point to his audience. If not, then why is he speaking? He could say the most eloquent, beautiful, poignant thing ever spoken, but it won't mean anything if he's talking to someone who doesn't speak English. A speaker has to go where his audience is, and RGIII needs to learn that if he's going to communicate a thought, then he has to do it in a way that works for the audience, not for him.

I think that he probably already knows that, but it's important to keep in mind, especially when discussing something that is inherently controversial, like his injury.

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I love Robert Griffin III with all my heart...but i can no longer stay quiet on this matter...I!!

Stopped reading after that opener, best of luck with all that. j/k Could have went in the How's RGIII thread, not kidding about that.

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Robert is fine. Part of what makes him good is the passion he has for the things he cares about. You cant bridle that. A perfect example is right here in DC how they tried to change Ovechkin's game and reel him in. It didn't work. This year it seems Oates has told him to go out there, hit people and have fun and he went on a tear and is showing his old dominate form again. Robert isn't even saying anything bad, it's the media warping around what he says. Like he said a long time ago everyone knows their role in what happened its pointless for the media to keep bringing it up. Also, he is doing his part to make amends on those mistakes and looks to be full go week 1.

---------- Post added May-1st-2013 at 06:14 PM ----------

Actually, I think we may be talking about two different things lol...

I'm on my iPhone and can't type worth **** on this thing so I'll wait till I'm on my laptop b4 I follow upon this.

Happens to me too auto spell just changes words around so i edit 100xs :ols:. The unwanted ads doesn't make things any easier on an IPAD either but i know the staff is working on it and probably more annoyed than anyone.

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They are talking about that line right now on 980 ironically. if you take it literally, "you" likely means someone else not him. Could he have meant himself, maybe. But my whole point is its way better if hes clear, considering he's already layed out previously that others are to blame, too. The author of the article believed he was talking about others as opposed to himself there, his guess was he was talking about Shanny.

The fact that you know people who work in politics, great, its not my point. I have relatives who are mechanics. I can tell stories, it doesn't make me a mechanic. And heck my point isn't my expertise versus yours -- it just felt to me that you went there with giving your opinion as if its the definitive answer so was trying to figure where your confidence was coming from. And yeah you do throw stuff at the wall in politics like you do in sports. But for argument sake, lets say I know nothing about dealing with the media. Almost every personality that covers the Redskins have said the same thing, that Robert is helping fuel the story and could put it to rest. I've mentioned one technique as to how to kill a story on this thread, but I think we are wasting our time debating with each other. And it seems like your debate is about defending your hero. And that's cool. I appreciate all your enthusiasm for the man. I've been on pins and needles since 12/11 to get him and you should see my office, my wife goofs on me that its like an RG III shrine. I am not attacking him.

I am saying --

if RG 3 said in the interview look I talked about the issue before, all is good, no one is to blame, we have all moved on and looking forward to next season. If I understand you, First Take, and these national shows will see the statement as sensationalism or fascinating, and they and the media will be all over it. I am saying I doubt it. Is it possible that the media mentions it, sure. Your point to me is about stating the obvious that the media is fascinated by RG 3. Of course it is, and I said so on this thread. Where we disagree is yeah talking about what went down, that refers again to the subject of blame whether he is talking about himself, others, or is vague -- will likely stir the media firestorm -- by a mile over, we covered this, all is cool, we are excited about next season and I'll be ready.

Lets just agree to disagree.:)

This is exactly what i was trying to say...Robert has the power to dead all of this...and ironically enough he hasnt...you dont have to send text msgs to trey wingo at ESPN lol who is that guy...if anything that text should have been sent to John Keim or another trusted local beat reporter that would have been gracious enough to break the story and maybe also had the organization best wishes in mind. This team was able to get away from the yearly distractions last year during training camp. This year its going to be a mess. Robert is a very smart guy, the right words would have defused this whole situation.

Sidenote: 980 is the official station of the Washington Redskins...i cant believe that any of there personalities are aloud to speculate on a issue like this...clearly they dont have a filter like many of us thought that they did.

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It's the media and culture we live. Kim Kardashian makes a fortune because stations like TMZ, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, all the gossip magazines keep them in the news with their every move. They "Clown" them, but they keep them in the news. We have a ton a media today and everyone is under pressure to "Find 'A Story." This is what happened here. This is old news dug up.

The answer is simple. Mike should have pulled Robert. That's it! Save Robert from himself. Lesson learned. Won't happen again. Move on. Roberts career and future is too valuable. That's it. Non story.

When I hear it brought up on the local talk sports. To me it's lazy journalism. They're like "I can kill an easy couple hours rehashing this again."

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It's the media and culture we live. Kim Kardashian makes a fortune because stations like TMZ, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, all the gossip magazines keep them in the news with their every move. They "Clown" them, but they keep them in the news. We have a ton a media today and everyone is under pressure to "Find 'A Story." This is what happened here. This is old news dug up.

This answer is simple. Mike should have pulled Robert. That's it! Save Robert from himself. Lesson learned. Won't happen again. Move on. Roberts career and future is too valuable. That's it. Non story.

Bingo, hence the everyone knows their role statement.

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You can avoid it, don't listen. That's what the media does. Create someting out of nothing.

I'm aware, and I did change the station. Just noting this is exactly the type of crapstorm that was going to be drummed up over ambiguous comments made to a member of the media.

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You grow up, you change, you look back at your younger self and just shake your head at some of the beliefs you had, some of things you said.

That's why very young and very famous and twitter isn't a great combo in my opinion. Even for an incredibly smart, poised 23 year old like RG3.

If nothing else, it takes up too much of your time and makes you angry about stupid little things you wouldn't have been aware of otherwise.

At worst, you tweet something stupid that fans and sportswriters -- who forget what they were like when they were young -- crucify you for.

A lot of the legends, "class acts" of yesteryear, would be seen in a whole different light had every minute of their lives been under the insane microscope today's famous folks are.

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He just need to SHUT UP about that its like he's spreading out blame just let it go and move on. If he wants to talk about it or let something out he needs to talk to Shanny. This franchise always have to be in the spot light in a negative way we have something good going lets not destroy it with finger pointing it will destroy the most importing relationship on the team (coach & QB) and we can not afford that. So RG3,Shanny,Allen(GM) & the good Dr. Andrews needs to shut up about it.

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I just ignore it , turn the channel, I'm looking forward to the new season. We had a Good draft, RGIII and his teammates are recovering well from their surgeries. All is good.

Only the news media wants it to stick around to leech more ratings.

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You love RG3 with all your heart? What is he, your girlfriend?


We finally have a player worth paying attention to. At the most visible position in the sport, no less. Bear it, enjoy it; your call. The nature of the game isn't going to change.

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I'm aware, and I did change the station. Just noting this is exactly the type of crapstorm that was going to be drummed up over ambiguous comments made to a member of the media.

Sorry if that came off a little terse, but we can't get worked up over it. If it was not this, it would be something else. It is the offseason and people want to hear about RGIII, so they will stir up some kind of controversy however they can.

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I just read this article from Espn. I apologize if someone has already posted it. This man is the real deal. I'm aware that naysayers are out there in droves but this guy will grow far beyond his NFL career. He is a walking cliché. He says what he means and walks a righteous path with minimal stress as it appears. Screw the Seattle game! Here's to lighting up the NFL and reinvigorating a long stagnant franchise! Httr!

I knew that!

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To be honest, I didn't even realize the injury was still getting that much coverage... the people who are bothered by all the press should probably take it easy on the ESPN or wherever they're seeing it. The majority of the football talk I've seen for weeks/months has been about the draft.

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The fact that you know people who work in politics, great, its not my point. I have relatives who are mechanics. I can tell stories, it doesn't make me a mechanic.

I never said it made me a "mechanic", so to speak, I just said that my views aren't just opinion...they're based on literally 40+ years of experience of immediate family members, aunts, uncles and 1st cousins....from my father meeting secretly many times with Nixon and his advisors in 1969 because Nixon wanted to figure out how to manipulate the press to give a more favorable view of him to the Black community (don't ask lol), to (as I had mentioned earlier) having a relative damn near living in Michelle Obama's skin with her right now. I'm well versed in the realities of politics and the press, even if I'm not a press secretary lol... :yes:

Anyway...Let me better 'splain what I am meaning.

There are four storylines the sports media is discussing concerning all of this:

1) Should RG3 have played at all in the Seattle game

2) Should RG3 have been taken out of the Seattle game after he seemed to hurt his knee

3) Is there blame to be given for RG3 staying in that game as long as he did and, if so, who deserves the blame

4) Does RG3 blame Shanahan

The first three storylines were not due to anything RG3 or Shanahan said...they were storylines while the game was still in progress. As someone else said on this thread, damn near everyone was yelling at their TV "TAKE RG3 OUT OF THE GAME!! WHY IS HE STILL IN THERE?!?"...So the sports media was gonna run with that story for as long as it generated site hits and readership. It didn't require any quotes from either Bob or Shanny, and in fact a LOT of sports media members were saying right up front that discussing those three topics was gonna last all offseason...not because they knew RG3 was gonna talk about it lol...but because they knew everyone in the sports world was gonna be talking about it.

So, no, nothing RG3 could say would kill any of those storylines...because they didn't require anything from him to begin with.

As for storyline #4...that was indeed helped along by RG3's interview. Not THIS interview, mind you, but an interview from weeks ago (maybe months?). When RG3 said "everyone involved knows their role in the injury" (or words to that effect), the media created the 4th storyline of him blaming Shanahan. Not everyone in the media, but enough. Now THAT is a site hit generator lol...

Now, could RG3 have said in THIS interview "I've moved on, it's in the past, injuries happen" and killed storyline #4? Highly doubtful...because it would allude to the fact that there was something to move on from...Remember, back after the first interview some mediots were insisting that there was a wedge now between Shanny and RG3. Could Bob's comment about "moving on" be meant as a confirmation that he and Shanahan did indeed have a tense period concerning his injury? Even if they didn't, there's no way in hell the press was gonna ignore that possibility simply because RG3 said it was in the past.

I'm not saying there's nothing RG3 could have said that would have been better...I'm just saying that this story was rather huge before Griffin utter a single word to the press, and I'm positive it's been garnering tons of traffic to whoever writes about it. The media, as is the norm, determines if this story gets put to bed...not anything RG3 says.

---------- Post added May-1st-2013 at 05:12 PM ----------

To be honest, I didn't even realize the injury was still getting that much coverage... the people who are bothered by all the press should probably take it easy on the ESPN or wherever they're seeing it. The majority of the football talk I've seen for weeks/months has been about the draft.

If you're not wedded to message boards it will definitely seem that way lol :yes:...

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What's up with the ad's on extremeskins? They are in like the worst location; in peoples posts.

Oh well, 'bout time extremeskins became a for-profit organization.

The ads are not our doing. They will be gone asap. TK is working with whoever to move from vbulletin. See thread in feedback and tech forum (page 3 is key).

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I never said it made me a "mechanic", so to speak, I just said that my views aren't just opinion...they're based on literally 40+ years of experience of immediate family members, aunts, uncles and 1st cousins....from my father meeting secretly many times with Nixon and his advisors in 1969 because Nixon wanted to figure out how to manipulate the press to give a more favorable view of him to the Black community (don't ask lol), to (as I had mentioned earlier) having a relative damn near living in Michelle Obama's skin with her right now. I'm well versed in the realities of politics and the press, even if I'm not a press secretary lol... :yes:.

That's cool. I have to do it outright on the fly almost every day, I've won 23 national awards, worked in 15 different states on every type of race big or small. Its cool that its all around you. It's all around me too. I could have run Obama's campaign in Fl but choose not because I was doing 20 other races at the same time, so helped my friend get the job. It's one thing to have an opinion, its another to imply its definitive. And like I said a whole caldron of media guys who cover the Redskins agree with my point, they are saying the same thing. Does it mean you are wrong and we are right. Nope. Just saying can't see how you qualify of having the definitive word on this. For that matter, I don't have the definitive word, either.

Now, could RG3 have said in THIS interview "I've moved on, it's in the past, injuries happen" and killed storyline #4? Highly doubtful...because it would allude to the fact that there was something to move on from...Remember, back after the first interview some mediots were insisting that there was a wedge now between Shanny and RG3. Could Bob's comment about "moving on" be meant as a confirmation that he and Shanahan did indeed have a tense period concerning his injury? Even if they didn't, there's no way in hell the press was gonna ignore that possibility simply because RG3 said it was in the past.

I'm not saying there's nothing RG3 could have said that would have been better...I'm just saying that this story was rather huge before Griffin utter a single word to the press, and I'm positive it's been garnering tons of traffic to whoever writes about it. The media, as is the norm, determines if this story gets put to bed...not anything RG3 says .

Where we agree:

1. no doubt the story had legs pre them both talking about it.

2. My gut is a rift between RG 3 and Shanny is media driven but not really true.

3. The media is fascinated by RG 3 and would likely given him a story regardless of what was said

4. the media takes things out of context and can blow things up

Where we disagree might be a nuance:

A. If you are saying no matter what RG 3 says, the media will still be fascinated by the injury? Agree.

B. If you are saying talking the media will still refer back to what went down with the injury and time moves on? Sort of agree too.

Where I think we disagree is here:

A. if RG 3 says: everything is fine, he's talked about the injury enough, injuries happen, hes ready to move on and be prepared for next season


B. RG 3 talking about what went down assigning blame whether its himself, implying or vague about others in play with what went down

If I read you, A & B are about the same. Because with A the story will turn into some media creation of whatever hits them -- RG 3 says he's over it but what is he over..." I am saying yeah its possible that A gets attention but not nearly to the same degree as B. RG 3 saying B feeds the belly of the media beast in the biggest way because its the sexiest part of the story for them.

As we get more of the story/article, who knows maybe RG 3 did say something definitive about no one is to blame. For me, I think it will help the situation, that's all. I am as big of an RG3 fan as any guy on the board and to a degree Shanny too, so hoping both of them just try to quell the story, am tired of hearing and reading about it.

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Great Post. Griffin is in control of what he says. Personally, I'm more of a fan of how Andrew Luck has done things. Luck seems to be about football 100% rather than ALSO being a celebrity.

Luck also has the personality of a saltine cracker. Apples & Oranges, dude.

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