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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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To all the posters on here that think that the name Redskins is racist and think we should change the name.  I have two questions for you:


1.  Do you own any Redskins merchandise (jerseys, hats, car flags, car magnets, stickers, t-shirts, etc.)?

2.  Do you wear/show any Redskins merchandise out in public or at all for that matter (wear a tshirt/hat, have a car plate, etc.)?


If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, then you are all hypocrites.  Because by your own logic, you are supporting a racist term by purchasing merchandise with a "racial slur" on it.  If you wear or flaunt any of said merchandise, then you don't care about the feelings of Native Americans that you are claiming to defend, because if you did, you wouldn't take the chance that one might find it offensive if you crossed paths in public.


You either think its a racist term or you don't, no in-between.  You can't claim that its offensive and racist but think it's ok to wear a jersey on game day because you are "supporting the team/players" and not the team name.  There isn't a switch.

im confused by this statement

what if a person has gotten educated on the name and learned that it offends people? There was a time when it was perfectly fine for us to have 2 separate bathrooms for each race. Does a person who entered a whites only bathroom as a younger person, but now is bothered by it and wants it changed, does that make them a hypocrite?

You're right. If it was 50-50, of course a name change would be warranted. But most, if not all, factual documentation says it's not.

we dont really have any factual evidence either way.
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You're right. If it was 50-50, of course a name change would be warranted. But most, if not all, factual documentation says it's not. 

Please change your post. Rod Gardner is offended.

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"Our identity and heritage"

what about Native American peoples identity and heritage?

Look at this image, for goodness sake


its a joke.


Now, I don't know what that Native American gentleman is thinking, but in that moment, I'd bet money he's not thinking "Well, this is respectful of my heritage."  


What team is that dude even trying to represent?  

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Maybe someone knowledgeable with law can help me understand this. If we lost the trademark before in 1999, then appealing it, having it overturned by the courts, why aren't there any protections for the team that prevents this again?  Why can they keep on doing this if we won the appeal the first time?

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Your wife wakes up one day and decides to change her name, hair color, colored contacts, how she dresses. She is still your wife. Same memories, same personality, same mannerisms. Does your love for her change in any way at all?

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Now, I don't know what that Native American gentleman is thinking, but in that moment, I'd bet money he's not thinking "Well, this is respectful of my heritage."  


What team is that dude even trying to represent?  

Based on the names, the Cleveland Indians



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Do you, by any chance, talk about football with any of them? If so, do you use the term, "Redskins?"


Though not directed towards me,I'll answer this question as well. Yes. Yes I do. Hard not to do so with some members of the local branch of the Washoe considering they're Washington Redskins fans as well.  Or in a few cases getting ribbed because they're Niners fans. In my 31 years outside of the Washington D.C. area,only once have I ever had someone say something about the Redskins name. It was 3 years ago in Park City and it was a 30ish white guy who said it. Hell I lived South Florida for 4 years and 25 in Utah and never had an issue. Few members of the UTE population in Utah had their Washington Redskins hats was about as much play as I got out of the name there. Well there was the one time the one very much activist member of the Utah Ute population gave me some crap about the Redskins back in like 94. Worked for my brother at the time. He was a Raiders fan and man he just loved giving my brother and **** about THAT Superbowl. Sigh.....oh.... He could care less about the name. 

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Your wife wakes up one day and decides to change her name, hair color, colored contacts, how she dresses. She is still your wife. Same memories, same personality, same mannerisms. Does your love for her change in any way at all?

It shouldn't, but I can't be mad at anybody if they did...


But if you (not you, just in general) love your wife as much as you love your football team, that is a whole different level of problems right there lol

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Your wife wakes up one day and decides to change her name, hair color, colored contacts, how she dresses. She is still your wife. Same memories, same personality, same mannerisms. Does your love for her change in any way at all?

Horrible analogy.  Those changes are simply superficial and can be altered at any time.

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It shouldn't, but I can't be mad at anybody if they did...

But if you (not you, just in general) love your wife as much as you love your football team, that is a whole different level of problems right there lol

I have been married to the redskins longer ;)

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Maybe someone knowledgeable with law can help me understand this. If we lost the trademark before in 1999, then appealing it, having it overturned by the courts, why aren't their any protections for the team that prevents this again?  Why can they keep on doing this if we won the appeal the first time?

It was overruled by a technicallity based on the time it took the plaintiff to file the suit.   The judge ruled the plaintiff waited to long after becoming a consenting adult.      These new plaintiffs have since closed that loophole by involving young adults close to the age of 18,


What worked in the 90s won't work again.  Snyder would need to find new loopholes to exploit.

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The same people show up dressed like that to Chiefs games, Seminoles games, blackhawks games.... should we change them as well?

i would. I actually find what the Chiefs and Braves do very offensive. The "tomahawk chop" and head dress all that. Its terrible.

Just crazy how that guy could sit there, in that gear and tell a Native American that he doesnt get it.

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