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Guys I need recommendations on the next TV series I should start watching.


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On 4/29/2022 at 12:52 PM, purbeast said:

Just watched first episode of the new Ozark episodes.


HOLY ****ING **** is all I can say about it!


Well that, and god damn Ruth's musical taste is incredible in this show.  

one of the best hours of TV ever. This is an all-time show and Ruth is an all-time character. Actually gonna start at the beginning this evening. 

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2 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

****ing Wendy, man. If I have to see her smug half melted ice cream cone of a face after all tnis is done I’m going to hate this show 

Shes going to leave Marty for Omar and run the cartel.

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17 hours ago, Die Hard said:

Shes going to leave Marty for Omar and run the cartel.


3 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

marty is going to kill her to get the kids out, maybe even himself in the process but he’s taking her down 


I'm pretty sure the series is over so we won't see these play out.

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13 minutes ago, The Almighty Buzz said:



I'm pretty sure the series is over so we won't see these play out.

Im only 2 episodes into this last part.


I’m just jokingly forecasting an unpredictable ending.


You already finished it?

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Meh, this season completely sucked imo. 


The entire season felt rushed. Everything happened so fast, especially with Ruth’s storyline and buying the casino and clearing her name, all of which happened in like a day. The parts that weren’t rushed felt like filler like the stuff with Wendy’s dad. What was the point of any of that? So we could learn her dad is a drunk and Wendy was a slut when she was younger? It had no impact. and we bring in an active sheriff that nobody knows or cares about because why? Why couldn’t the existing woman sheriff just stick around? What about the new guy added anything to the story? Same thing with Camilla. You shouldn’t introduce new characters in the final 4 episodes that are that impactful. There is no attachment with them. No stakes. We had time to know Omar and even Javi. I wanted Javi to die even as part of me didn’t because he was a good and entertaining character. Camilla has none of those things and no writing and opportunity to be anything more than something to push the plot forward. The entire season was nothing but “he knows she knows they know he know she knows we know what.” And there was no payoff to any of that back and forth. People find out their family is killed or their family tried to kill them and it’s like Popeyes messed up their order, just another Tuesday. 

Also, what was the point of the flash forward showing a car wreck that was so random and had no consequence to the story or characters at all? It felt like a cheap trick to build tension and theories for the final season but in reality since it led to nothing at all and there was 0 payoff, it just felt like a waste and was frustrating. It gave us nothing about the characters at all, no development no new information and it didn’t push the plot forward. It just happened, was shown an “oh ****” preview and was a total dud. Also, instead of adding tension it killed tension.  Breaking Bad did this for its final season too but it worked. The reason it worked is because it only showed Walter and what happened to him and he was doing in the flash forward ended up meaning something in the end.  The Ozark flash forward  showed the entire Byrd family together and happy and having a great time so all the drama and build up throughout the season felt so empty and hollow because we knew everything was going to be fine for them at least until that moment. 

while the first episode was great and the really the only good episode of the half season imo, it lost all of the tension left from the cliffhanger which hurt it and was disappointing. 

Nothing mattered in this series. That’s been my biggest complaint from day 1 aside from Wendy. Nothing ever mattered because everything is always immediately fixed and that’s  frustrating copout. Everything is solved with a phone call and a smile. Nothing ever felt earned for the Byrds or any characters like Ruth and the casino. They’re at their wits end and have nowhere to go. Oh, it’s ok Jim randomly secured 80% of the US Senate for Wendy Byrd because she apparently promised money to them in the future. And that’s all that we are ever given. It works because Jim said it works, no other explanation needed. Oh, and Jim, “I never want to see you again because you almost had me killed by the cartel but I’ll listen to this one conversation and immediately I’m back in and we will never touch on it again” Sure they say things are big deals but they are always resolved damn near effortlessly and conveniently with no consequence within the hour. 

they spend all season driving a massive wedge between Marty and Wendy and in the end Marty just puts his balls back in a box and hands them over to Wendy. Started the show by cucking himself watching videos of his wife sleeping around and that’s pretty much how he finished it. What a **** way for Marty to go. 

Also, do we really need to fade to black and gunshot afterwards? That’s so cliche and adds nothing to the story or ending of the show. It’s not like anybody is going to theorize about what happened. ending it with the cop Mel that nobody cares about was a bad decision. Things should build to an appropriate climax and killing Ruth wasnt that because the way it was written was neither shocking or suspenseful. It was a forgone conclusion once a few things started to go her way and you see the way it was setup with the Byrds stuck at the casino. There was no way it was going to work. Then you get this halfhearted stab at some drama in the final seconds when nobody actually believes Marty or Wendy are in danger at that point. 

and I get it, Mel at the end beats us over the head with it. This is how families like the Kochs and Kennedys etc are built and now the Byrds have their children involved deep so a new generation of corruption and power is built and established. Evidently opening a foundation for 6 months means you become the most important person in politics.  

it’s just not a satisfying story imo. This season felt so unfulfilling and pointless. I’ve always had big flaws with the show and it was never what I would consider “prestige” it was just entertaining mindless fun, but I was hoping for a solid conclusion and I don’t think this was close to that. It had potential but kinda whimpered out. They threw in Ruth’s death for shock value and nothing more. Supremely disappointing 



Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Ozark suffered from the same thing Game of Thrones did - it felt super rushed towards the end.  On the last episode I knew there was no way they could wrap up everything in a satisfying way and yeah, that is exactly what happened.  The very very end of it was also just really stupid. 



1. Finally Clare Shaw acted as someone who was "normal" and not in the game by being scared and spilling the beans.  She was acting so irrational the entire time by being okay with everything.

2. Jonah all of a sudden is cool with his mom because she was in a mental ward and took responsibility about Ben.

3. Speaking of mental ward, wtf ... where the hell did that stupid idea come from?  "WAAAAAAH IM NOT LEAVING TILL I GET MY WAY!!"

4. I just did not like the direction Ruth's story arc went.

5. I really wanted something bad to happen to Wendy and possibly Marty, like the kids getting killed or something, but that never happened.

6. The whole thing with Marty going to Mexico and "running the cartel" and pulling in the sister just felt so ... unbelievable/stupid, even for this show where everything conveniently falls into place.

7. It was way too easy to get a cartel boss taken out in prison.


I probably have more gripes with it but that is what I am thinking right now at 7:15 am.  I still REALLY enjoyed the series and even the final season, but damn the earlier seasons are so much better.  It was just disappointing to see how they closed it out and I want more.  I wish more shows had the entire thing mapped out start to finish like Breaking Bad so we can have better endings to shows. 


There is an after show too that I immediately watched and it was interesting to learn different people directed different seasons.  I had no clue Jason Bateman directed season 1.  

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I came in to chop it up with you assholes about the new Ozark and I come to find out that you guys are DISAPPOINTED?!


I'm two episodes in, my mind is blown.  



I wasn't 100% that Ruth was going to go through with it, but I'm glad she did.  Just the way it unfolded, Javi walked into that room and she just stepped out of nowhere, no hesitation, no talking, no lamenting about Wyatt, just POP POP.  Done, down goes Javi.  And Javi sucked, **** that guy.


It brings her character completely...full circle?  Not full circle because that would mean she's back to where she started, that doesn't make sense.  Full criminal?  She's graduated from low level stealing to murder and drug dealing.  In doing so, she's become the best, most interesting character over the course of the show.  




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11 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I came in to chop it up with you assholes about the new Ozark and I come to find out that you guys are DISAPPOINTED?!


I'm two episodes in, my mind is blown.  


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I wasn't 100% that Ruth was going to go through with it, but I'm glad she did.  Just the way it unfolded, Javi walked into that room and she just stepped out of nowhere, no hesitation, no talking, no lamenting about Wyatt, just POP POP.  Done, down goes Javi.  And Javi sucked, **** that guy.


It brings her character completely...full circle?  Not full circle because that would mean she's back to where she started, that doesn't make sense.  Full criminal?  She's graduated from low level stealing to murder and drug dealing.  In doing so, she's become the best, most interesting character over the course of the show.  




Dude, you don’t even know the half of it. It goes  at a breakneck speed. Judging by your post, you’re going to love it.


My wife and I haven’t made any sense of why the cartel henchmen guy was following Ruth where she led him to the police station before he took off to her trailer.


At that point, everything with the FBI and the Belle had worked out so there was no reason to put any further pressure on Ruth about the laundering thru the Belle.


Also, Camille didn’t even know about her at that point.


His outcome was completely unnecessary /irrelevant and inconsequential to the story.

Edited by Die Hard
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49 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I came in to chop it up with you assholes about the new Ozark and I come to find out that you guys are DISAPPOINTED?!


I'm two episodes in, my mind is blown.  


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I wasn't 100% that Ruth was going to go through with it, but I'm glad she did.  Just the way it unfolded, Javi walked into that room and she just stepped out of nowhere, no hesitation, no talking, no lamenting about Wyatt, just POP POP.  Done, down goes Javi.  And Javi sucked, **** that guy.


It brings her character completely...full circle?  Not full circle because that would mean she's back to where she started, that doesn't make sense.  Full criminal?  She's graduated from low level stealing to murder and drug dealing.  In doing so, she's become the best, most interesting character over the course of the show.  




I pretty much felt the same way you did 2 episodes in.


My feelings changed as the season went on.

37 minutes ago, Die Hard said:
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My wife and I haven’t made any sense of why the cartel henchmen guy was following Ruth where she led him to the police station before he took off to her trailer.


At that point, everything with the FBI and the Belle had worked out so there was no reason to put any further pressure on Ruth about the laundering thru the Belle.


Also, Camille didn’t even know about her at that point.


His outcome was completely unnecessary /irrelevant and inconsequential to the story.


Response to your spoiler below...



I don't even understand why he was following her in the first place, and I don't understand why he decided to go to her trailer while she was inside.



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11 minutes ago, purbeast said:


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I don't even understand why he was following her in the first place, and I don't understand why he decided to go to her trailer while she was inside.





Exactly. What was he even going to do? He wasn’t given any orders by anyone to do follow her let alone take any additional action.


Also, I don’t understand why Ruth needed to go to jail to visit the guy who stole Wyatt’s guitar. She already knew he didn’t kill them… what the hell else was she expecting him to say about it?


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