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Guys I need recommendations on the next TV series I should start watching.


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I know this isn't a Mr Robot thread per se, so one last post about the show and I'll shut up about it.  Thing is, this comment is centered on exactly that: shutting up about Mr. Robot.  


Allow me to reset this post by our own Moco:




Here Moco is talking about Kanye West and his unwanted input toward Beck during an awards show.   By way of tribute to a fallen comrade I wanted to cop Moco's particular turn of phrase a bit to underscore the notion of shutting up about Mr. Robot. 


See, if I were asked to give any constructive criticism of any sort about the show I would have to simply reply by {slight paraphrase here}  [sitting quietly] my ass would be in my seat, hands on my lap and a big ass smile on my face.


Not because if I talked askew about Mr. Robot I fear a Lil Reese or Chief Keef (I honestly never heard of them prior to reading Moco's post)  would issue physical  torment.  No,  it's because personal sanity forfend I directly contradict my viewing experience.   


How... well it isn't to say it's a perfect or flawless show... but HOW can I think to pick with any bit of it when... I mean... dude.



This guy:



...Rami Malek plays a character who shows up on screen with a flat affect most of the time.  The only other role I've seen played in a

similar way and with the same genius is title  character of Rainman.  Yes I said it  Malek is throwing down  with Dustin Hoffman level mastery.  When you've got that going on in a show maaaaaaaaaaaaan....


Um... complaints, criticisms... nah.


I'll just sit here quietly my ass in my seat with my hands in my lap and a big ass smile on my face...






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  • 2 weeks later...

I kind of liked it after the battle scene, although it was so obvious that the Mrs Sutter's prophetess character would be more important than she seemed. 

If they make this show all about her manipulating people....ugh.



Not sure what's going on with the magical girl that keeps showing up in his visions. 

Edited by visionary
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I kind of liked it after the battle scene, although it was so obvious that the Mrs Sutter's prophetess character would be more important than she seemed. 

If they make this show all about her manipulating people....ugh.



Not sure what's going on with the magical girl that keeps showing up in his visions.


maybe its a bit of art imitating life......

Peg Bundy's accent might be the worst part of the show

Edited by StillUnknown
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  • 1 month later...

Supergirl starts tonight. I expect a lighter version of Arrow/Flash but the previews look solid. We'll see if it can keep an audience on CBS.


Still think it belongs on the CW.

I'll give it a shot since it comes on right after Big Bang Theory(even though that show sucks now, I'm still kinda watching it out of habit).

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Supergirl starts tonight. I expect a lighter version of Arrow/Flash but the previews look solid. We'll see if it can keep an audience on CBS.


Still think it belongs on the CW.

I saw the pilot online over the summer. I liked it.  Will see how it fairs.


Also, Jessica Jones starts soon on NetFlix.

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Pilot wasn't bad albeit had its cringe moments. I'll give it a chance. I just wish it wasn't on CBS. It'd be a lot better on almost any other network.


I saw the pilot online over the summer. I liked it.  Will see how it fairs.



Ok. So I didn't watch the early pilot because I wasn't sure if it was finished. Watched the official one last night. 


Couple of thoughts - they are going to need a better bad than her evil Aunt. Boring. Also, I don't get the point of casting Jimmy Olsen as anything other than a geeky dude. Whatever. That said, I'm going to stick around with it because..it's really not that bad and it beats the hell out of watching overdone comedies.




Also, Jessica Jones starts soon on NetFlix.


Can't wait. I'm about 1/2 of the way through Alias (not the TV show - the comic series that this show is based on).


If the show is 1/2 as good as that, I'm sold. Plus, I'm really interested in how deliciously evil they let David Tennant be in the show. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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The trailers didn't do much for me, but I liked the opener more than I thought I would. Its light, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.





Here are the early numbers on CBS' "Supergirl": 3.2 in adults 18-49 and 12.94 million viewers. Both numbers are the best for a series premiere this fall, and a little higher than most readers predicted in the guess-the-ratings poll.


Those are great numbers, now it just has to show it has staying power.

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