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What is the likelihood of RG3 returning at full strength next season?

AJ Down at the One

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It is a very, very simple question. I have no problem with him coming back before he is 100% what he was or could be.

The question is this...

Is he at more of a risk to further injury than any other player? If the answer to that question is "yes" then you hold him out until the answer is "no."

If they say his knee is healed and stable and not stressed, but it might be awhile before all the explosion is back.... I say go ahead and play. If his knee is still shaky structurally, then he should sit

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I think physically he will be 100% or close to it. But as with most injuries there is a mental hurdle to overcome. Iexpect he will be a bit timid in trusting his knee fully. He'll likely ease up on his knee when planting and cutting. I expect him to not fully have confidence until 2014. However i think that apprehension could work in his favor. 2013 he may compensate for his injury and play more conservative, rely more on his arm then his legs. He may be forced to further develop as a passer. then in 2014 he will be flat out dangerous.

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For me, the only "fascination with the pocket" that I have is that I want Griffin to be just as dangerous throwing the ball in a traditional drop back situation as he is throwing on the move or running with the ball. Not because I think it staying in the pocket will extend his career, but because being able to play from the pocket will. I would love to see Griffin having the following type of career:

Ages 22-28ish he will be ridiculously versatile and explosive, similar to Steve Young, but more dangerous

Ages 29-33ish he will be able to run the traditional Shanahan offense with roll outs and picking up yardage with his legs, similar to Aaron Rodgers or John Elway

Ages 34-38ish he will be a pocket passer, similar to how Randall Cunningham had a couple great years after he had lost some of his pure speed and elusiveness

So, I want him to be able to do anything out of the QB position. He's already fantastic in most phases of the game, but even great QBs can improve. I expect this kid to revolutionize the position. Not only because of his legs, but because I don't believe that there is anything he can't do.

I imagined the same type of RG3 career in my brain as well, bravo!

As for the OP, I think he'll start the season off at about 90%, which just means he doesn't have his usual explosiveness, but that doesn't mean he still can't throw from the pocket and do simple play action bootlegs. He'll hit 100% by the end of October, and be full speed gunning into the playoffs.

Then again, as long as he stays healthy and doesn't run INTO the pursuit like a madman....

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Here is an article looking at RG3's injury compared to Adrian Peterson's. It also addresses the likelihood of Griffin returning at full strength:


Comments, thoughts?

Article struck me as not being particularly well-researched and certainly brings nothing new or of particular value to this particular board. I thought it was particularly amusing that your partner in crime seemed to come to the conclusion that Griffin regressed in the year after his first knee surgery when the fact of the matter is that he showed clear signs of improvement as a passer and was much more prolific both as a passer and runner even in his first games back. The man's college career was marked by a pretty clear linear progression from year to year even in spite of the injury.

I also found it presumptuous to proclaim the zone read aspect of the scheme dangerous when Griffin's gotten in to the most trouble by far on traditional passing plays. That opinion is one that I've noticed gets trumped up most by fans who are only scarcely familiar with our offense.

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Probably of equal importance is how long will he be unable to practice a complete throwing motion, and keep his "touch." It's one thing to lose a little running speed, and quite another to lose your timing. I'll be following to see when and how often he resumes practicing with his receivers.

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The first two lines start off with the writer admitting he/she is not a doctor and then next admitting that they are a colts fan. I stopped reading there. I don't want to read anymore BS from the Colts fanbase. RG3 will be fine

You didn't miss anything.

His conclusion in the end:


You a Cowboys fan?

Naw, he's just timid.


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If Peterson, Charles, Welker, Brady are any indication, he should be fine. My only concern is the fact he's not going to be able to participate in an off-season throwing program or minicamps, probably a lot of training camp etc. As a QB going into his 2nd year, he's going to miss a lot of time of development. He'll have to really hit the books and develop his mind while rehabbing

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Ugh, I hate idiots like you! Why are you going to rush him back for 2016?!

I know, right? :)

The ES doctors are far more knowledgable than real doctors. That is just a fact.

Why are folks trying to rush RG3 back after he blew all three of his knees out completely? He won't be able able to throw the ball anyway, laying in a fetal position, traumatized by the injury.

Why can't they let the man retire in peace? :silly:

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If Peterson, Charles, Welker, Brady are any indication, he should be fine. My only concern is the fact he's not going to be able to participate in an off-season throwing program or minicamps, probably a lot of training camp etc. As a QB going into his 2nd year, he's going to miss a lot of time of development. He'll have to really hit the books and develop his mind while rehabbing

I dunno, I have a feeling he'll be practicing throwing plenty. It isn't like he is in a wheelchair and can't put any weight on his leg or anything. Remember, in college it was between when he had his ACL injury and came back from it that he went from being a very good passer to being a superb one. I think he's going to come back at least as good if not better than he was before, as far as passing goes. I do agree though that he can use some of this time to study and do film work, etc and I wouldn't be surprised if he were doing just that.

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Some people need to come to terms with the possibilities of 1. RG3 not playing at all next season and 2. RG3 having a not-so-good season if and when he does play. As much as I hate to admit it, that article makes a lot of good points. I'm not saying those scenarios will happen but we, as Redskin fans, have to acknowledge that they're a possibility.

If RG3 comes back and plays as well as this season, great. But let's not get our hopes up folks. It will only hurt us further.

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Hmm.. I'm surprised that nobody mentioned the little girl that jumped in the pool during rehab and told RG3 that she loves him. What if the impact of the splash would have bent Robert's knee the wrong way? She she not be so selfish the next time and think about her actions....:evilg::stir:

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Some people need to come to terms with the possibilities of 1. RG3 not playing at all next season and 2. RG3 having a not-so-good season if and when he does play. As much as I hate to admit it, that article makes a lot of good points. I'm not saying those scenarios will happen but we, as Redskin fans, have to acknowledge that they're a possibility.

If RG3 comes back and plays as well as this season, great. But let's not get our hopes up folks. It will only hurt us further.

Highlighted the wrongness in red. The Dark Ages are over; Snyderatto is no more. Didn't you get the memo? :silly:

---------- Post added February-13th-2013 at 10:37 PM ----------

Hmm.. I'm surprised that nobody mentioned the little girl that jumped in the pool during rehab and told RG3 that she loves him. What if the impact of the splash would have bent Robert's knee the wrong way? She she not be so selfish the next time and think about her actions....:evilg::stir:

I didn't even know we had that "stirring the pot" smiley. Thanks for that.

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Some people need to come to terms with the possibilities of 1. RG3 not playing at all next season

To come to that conclusion is to completely ignore the doctors who actually examined RG3, performed the surgery, and are assisting him in his re-hab now. Those doctors have said RG3 will make a full recovery and will play this season.... possibly at the start of the season.

To come to your conclusion means that you've declared yourself a doctor and are overruling the ones actually working with RG3. But you aren't doing that right? Because that is just silly. :)

and 2. RG3 having a not-so-good season if and when he does play. As much as I hate to admit it, that article makes a lot of good points. I'm not saying those scenarios will happen but we, as Redskin fans, have to acknowledge that they're a possibility.

The whole point is, who are you going to believe? The doctors who have given their diagnosis, or an author of an article, with very little to no insight to RG3's situation, and is obviously a Colts fan.

Colts and Seahawks' fans had better be careful about bragging over RG3's injury. Karma can be a real ***** sometimes. :)

If RG3 comes back and plays as well as this season, great. But let's not get our hopes up folks. It will only hurt us further.

Hurt? What are you? Seven?

I expect RG3 back this year and ready to play because his doctors have said so (barring an unforseen set back). However, whether you think like me, or whether you're an ES doctor, believing your medical knowledge superior to real doctors, dissappointment will hit you either way if RG3 can't go. I won't be devastated or hurt by it, however. I have faith that Cousins will be able to carry the day until RG3 is ready.

Faith, my friend. Something you need to have a little more of. :)

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