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What is the likelihood of RG3 returning at full strength next season?

AJ Down at the One

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Some people need to come to terms with the possibilities of 1. RG3 not playing at all next season and 2. RG3 having a not-so-good season if and when he does play. As much as I hate to admit it, that article makes a lot of good points. I'm not saying those scenarios will happen but we, as Redskin fans, have to acknowledge that they're a possibility.

If RG3 comes back and plays as well as this season, great. But let's not get our hopes up folks. It will only hurt us further.

Nothing, literally *NOTHING*, since the day after the game has indicated that he won't be playing this season. Stop trying to stir **** up.

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I have no clue when he'll be ready. But one thing should be clear. He should be held out until the doctors are completely satisfied that he's ready. When he does come back, the team should take all plays where he runs the ball by design out of the playbook and make him a pocket passer. In situations where he has a wide running lane, he should exercise caution and use the slide whenever there's any chance of a hit. The Redskins have waited a long time for a quality qb. They'd be nothing but completely stupid to do anything else but handle this situation with caution.

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I have no clue when he'll be ready. But one thing should be clear. He should be held out until the doctors are completely satisfied that he's ready. When he does come back, the team should take all plays where he runs the ball by design out of the playbook and make him a pocket passer. In situations where he has a wide running lane, he should exercise caution and use the slide whenever there's any chance of a hit. The Redskins have waited a long time for a quality qb. They'd be nothing but completely stupid to do anything else but handle this situation with caution.

You do realize that its just as possible for a QB to get injured inside the pocket as it is outside, right? Brady, Palmer, Brees, Rivers, Big Ben, etc. All got injuries while in the pocket.

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I have no clue when he'll be ready. But one thing should be clear. He should be held out until the doctors are completely satisfied that he's ready. When he does come back, the team should take all plays where he runs the ball by design out of the playbook and make him a pocket passer. In situations where he has a wide running lane, he should exercise caution and use the slide whenever there's any chance of a hit. The Redskins have waited a long time for a quality qb. They'd be nothing but completely stupid to do anything else but handle this situation with caution.

You also realize that when he had the concussion, hurt his knee and hurt his knee again, they were all passing plays that required him to be in the pocket, until the line broke down? He never got hurt on running plays.

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You also realize that when he had the concussion, hurt his knee and hurt his knee again, they were all passing plays that required him to be in the pocket, until the line broke down? I never got hurt on running plays.

That fact is ignored by the media and non-Skins fans. I am tired of constantly telling co-workers and friends that.

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RG lll should never be made into a pocket passer.....what makes him great is his combination of running with that bazooka arm. Making him a pocket passer would be like telling Lebron James to start taking all outside shots and stop driving to the hole because he could get hurt more easily.

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RG lll should never be made into a pocket passer.....what makes him great is his combination of running with that bazooka arm. Making him a pocket passer would be like telling Lebron James to start taking all outside shots and stop driving to the hole because he could get hurt more easily.

I think that Griffin should develop as any QB would. I think that, at some point, he'll need to be much more of a pocket passer than he is now. It might be when he's 30 or 35, but that day will come.

I would like to see this type of evolution (which I believe would prolong his career):

Now through age 28ish: About the same Griffin we saw last year with a little more self-protection

Age 29 through 34ish: Evolve into a Rodgers- or Elway-type QB who makes plays all over the field but probably can't take it 75 yards like he could today

Age 35 through Retirement: Pure pocket passer...a similar transition to what Cunningham did in Minnesota toward the end of his career

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You make a good point -

Carson Palmer:


Tom Brady:


Ben Roethlisberger:


What do they have in common? They were all in the pocket. This fallacy that pocket QBs are so much safer from injury is just wrong, particularly knee injuries! Linemen falling all over the ground around the QBs feet... Offensive, defensive, it don't matter.

That Brady injury is tough to look at.

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RG lll should never be made into a pocket passer.....what makes him great is his combination of running with that bazooka arm. Making him a pocket passer would be like telling Lebron James to start taking all outside shots and stop driving to the hole because he could get hurt more easily.

that is exactly what ive always said about vick. they tried to make him a pocket passer, and now he sucks. let these players do what they do and whatever happens, happens.

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RG lll should never be made into a pocket passer.....what makes him great is his combination of running with that bazooka arm. Making him a pocket passer would be like telling Lebron James to start taking all outside shots and stop driving to the hole because he could get hurt more easily.

That argument might make a lot more sense if Lebron had 2 knee injuries/surgeries while driving to the basket. He is an indestructible force that has physical attributes never seen before. Its not a fair comparison at all.

Also, the fact that RG3 never got hurt on a called running play is irrelevant. He was still hurt 3 times this year because he was running the ball, all 3 times trying to extend a play longer than it should have been. I dont want to make him a pocket passer, I want to use his dangerous mobility as the true weapon it is but the coaches and most especially RG3 need to be a lot more careful about running next season and beyond.

He said he will be. We will see.

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I dunno, I have a feeling he'll be practicing throwing plenty. It isn't like he is in a wheelchair and can't put any weight on his leg or anything. Remember, in college it was between when he had his ACL injury and came back from it that he went from being a very good passer to being a superb one. I think he's going to come back at least as good if not better than he was before, as far as passing goes. I do agree though that he can use some of this time to study and do film work, etc and I wouldn't be surprised if he were doing just that.

I remember reading that when he couldnt stand on it, he would sit in a chair and just practice throwing with his dad. My perception of this injury is that if he cant be on the field, he is going to be in the film room, dissecting coverages and defenses. I cant wait to see him be able to run the offense like Rodgers, Peyton, and Brady. He is going to be light years better.

---------- Post added February-15th-2013 at 09:19 AM ----------

Some people need to come to terms with the possibilities of 1. RG3 not playing at all next season and 2. RG3 having a not-so-good season if and when he does play. As much as I hate to admit it, that article makes a lot of good points. I'm not saying those scenarios will happen but we, as Redskin fans, have to acknowledge that they're a possibility.

If RG3 comes back and plays as well as this season, great. But let's not get our hopes up folks. It will only hurt us further.

Not playing next season? Or not having a good season at all? All of the reports have been extremely positive and are projecting him on the field for week 1. If you want to be a negative nancy, be my guest, i wont stop you, but no, we dont have to acknowledge that.

---------- Post added February-15th-2013 at 09:19 AM ----------

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that is exactly what ive always said about vick. they tried to make him a pocket passer, and now he sucks. let these players do what they do and whatever happens, happens.

I guess it depends on how you define "made into" a pocket passer. I think all QBs should continue to try to develop and improve. Griffin isn't really going to improve on his instinct and running ability. He can fine-tune his decision making on when to get down or out of bounds, but that's about it. That means that we can logically expect most of his improvement from today through the end of his career to come in the area of playing QB from within the pocket.

But, just because he continues to get better in the pocket doesn't mean you have to put a shock collar on him or anything. On any given play, he should have the freedom to do whatever he wants. But let's not kid ourselves, it's in everyone's best interests if Griffin is as good as possible in all facets of the position. I wouldn't care if, by his late 20s, he's throwing for 30+ TDs per year while only running for a couple.

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I guess it depends on how you define "made into" a pocket passer. I think all QBs should continue to try to develop and improve. Griffin isn't really going to improve on his instinct and running ability. He can fine-tune his decision making on when to get down or out of bounds, but that's about it. That means that we can logically expect most of his improvement from today through the end of his career to come in the area of playing QB from within the pocket.

But, just because he continues to get better in the pocket doesn't mean you have to put a shock collar on him or anything. On any given play, he should have the freedom to do whatever he wants. But let's not kid ourselves, it's in everyone's best interests if Griffin is as good as possible in all facets of the position. I wouldn't care if, by his late 20s, he's throwing for 30+ TDs per year while only running for a couple.

As long as we win, i dont care if he throws 1 touchdown or 100. Although it may be difficult to win by only throwing 1 td a season. In other words, i completly agree

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Also, the fact that RG3 never got hurt on a called running play is irrelevant. He was still hurt 3 times this year because he was running the ball, all 3 times trying to extend a play longer than it should have been. I dont want to make him a pocket passer, I want to use his dangerous mobility as the true weapon it is but the coaches and most especially RG3 need to be a lot more careful about running next season and beyond.

He said he will be. We will see.

Ira stated in his post that when RG3 comes back "they (coaches) should take out all running plays where he runs the ball by design, out of the playbook and make him a pocket passer." I was reminding him that on all three plays he was hurt, they were passing plays designed to "stay" in the pocket, the blocking broke down and he was forced to run.

That is what we were responding to. We weren't debating whether he got hurt running, scrambling or throwing.

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Ira stated in his post that when RG3 comes back "they (coaches) should take out all running plays where he runs the ball by design, out of the playbook and make him a pocket passer." I was reminding him that on all three plays he was hurt, they were passing plays designed to "stay" in the pocket, the blocking broke down and he was forced to run.

That is what we were responding to. We weren't debating whether he got hurt running, scrambling or throwing.

My mistake. I missed that initial post. Carry on. :silly:

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The article wasn't particularly good -- I mean, talk about beating a dead horse and the inability to interject any entertainment value. Anyway,...

The likelyhood that RGIII returns at full strength next season. Hmmm,....well, I have no F'ing clue. As a fan I hope he can, but, considering the injury and his history of injury I'd guess the likelyhood is not great. 50/50 at best?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I just want him to heal up as well as he possibly can before he ever take the field again in a real game. If that means 12, 14, 18 months, so be it. He's too valuable and we gave up too much for him to be rushed back. A decision was made to play him injured in the Seattle game, the dice were rolled and they lost in more ways than one. Learn from that and move on, but don't make the same mistake twice.

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