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An Early Plea to Sit RGIII.


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Sometimes the moderator staff gets fiendishly immature pleasure out of leaving certain threads open and just watching who posts in them and what they post. Sometimes it's like watching people at an AA meeting when the topic is "being powerless."

I was wondering why we haven't seen a "hi there" yet!

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You guys act like Andrews has some secret machine that he designed that he can put on a knee and know the % that the knee has recovered.


The likely scenario is that diagnosing the status of RG3's recovery will involve a significant amount of self reporting. What we learned this year is (a) RG3 is an insanely talented football player, and (B) when faced with the choice between playing or self reporting an injury, he will choose to play. He cannot be trusted to report anything that might cause him to miss time. We therefore need to add time onto his recovery in order to be safe. The question, IMO, is how much time that should be.

We don't need to add on a damned thing. The doctor who performed the procedure and his associates will be doing the only decision-making that matters. The rest is just gossip, which is fine and part of the fun of this great forum, but is not relevant to when Rg3 is good to go.

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Because you're looking in the wrong threads. :)

I'm still waiting to hear back on my problems in the other thread you have. I think your professionalism conduct needs to have the priorities put back in it before you are making smart aleck posts and not working on your jobs here.

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Here it is again: The announcement of the expected timetable is "setting an expectation."

Mike Shannahan announcing Rex Grossman/John Beck as his QBs is "putting his entire coaching reputation on the line".

Talking about evaluating the talent of a 3-6 football team is "giving up on the season."

And even, to some people (skip bayless), drafting Kirk Cousins is "a QB controversy"

Fans and media (mostly fans) create all of this drama that we are so 'woe-is-me' about. "oh our poor cursed franchise, why must it always be a circus".

When the Dr says he can play, he will play. For the love of god, will Redskins fans STOP COMPLICATING THINGS.

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You guys act like Andrews has some secret machine that he designed that he can put on a knee and know the % that the knee has recovered.


The likely scenario is that diagnosing the status of RG3's recovery will involve a significant amount of self reporting. What we learned this year is (a) RG3 is an insanely talented football player, and (B) when faced with the choice between playing or self reporting an injury, he will choose to play. He cannot be trusted to report anything that might cause him to miss time. We therefore need to add time onto his recovery in order to be safe. The question, IMO, is how much time that should be.

Yes, he does.

Its called his brain, because hes Dr. James Andrews and hes put people together for 20 years and is one of the best surgeons in the entire country. You don't do as much great work over the years as he has, without having an idea of whether or not someone is healed or not. Hes at the top of his field and is respected worldwide, so hes not going to just throw a guy into a hornets nest by saying hes ready when hes really not. He'll know if and when RGIII is ready to come back from the surgery.

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And all this 'RG3 cannot be trusted' and 'I'm disappointed in RG3'. **** you guys. This is what I'm talking about, this generation of fans doesn't know how to handle success.

You're ****ing welcome for the amazing, electrifying playoff run he just gave you. Can you possibly turn on him quicker. He barely turned the ball over and had amazing accuracy. He has a couple bad games on a bad knee and suddenly you're disappointed and he can't be trusted. Get the **** out of here. You barely deserve to enjoy watching him again when he's healthy.

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And all this 'RG3 cannot be trusted' and 'I'm disappointed in RG3'. **** you guys. This is what I'm talking about, this generation of fans doesn't know how to handle success.

You're ****ing welcome for the amazing, electrifying playoff run he just gave you. Can you possibly turn on him quicker. He barely turned the ball over and had amazing accuracy. He has a couple bad games on a bad knee and suddenly you're disappointed and he can't be trusted. Get the **** out of here. You barely deserve to enjoy watching him again when he's healthy.

And I echo those sentiments, quite honestly. The last week has totally disappointed me when it comes to Redskins fans. If someone's not calling for Shanny's head, they're slamming RGIII or even saying his already done, move on to Cousins etc. etc. Kinda depressing to see the fanbase act so embarrassingly.

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Hail to Dirt. I haven't had this much fun in a season 20 years...when was the last season we won 7 straight? That's why ending the season the way it did stung...we were USED TO WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow, what I saw was amazing, and with many hopes and prayers, will continue to be!!


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Lets put this to bed early this decision will be left up to DR. JAMES R. ANDREWS, M.D if Dr. Andrews says he can play week 1 he will play week 1 if Dr. Andrews says he cannot go in until Week 6 then Shanny will sit him until then. But I could assure you this Danny boy will have RG III getting the best rehab during the off season that his money could buy

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I'm sure that would go over just great with the competition committee.... Star player? Healthy enough? Not playing?

Enjoy not having a 2nd round pick in 2014 either!

Screw you Mara!!!

I'm pretty sure this was sarcasm, but in all honesty,the player's union would throw a **** fit if something like this happened. Hell, they threw one when Shanahan benched Haynesworth - imagine what would happen if he benched a healthy RG3...

---------- Post added January-9th-2013 at 09:49 PM ----------

And all this 'RG3 cannot be trusted' and 'I'm disappointed in RG3'. **** you guys. This is what I'm talking about, this generation of fans doesn't know how to handle success.

You're ****ing welcome for the amazing, electrifying playoff run he just gave you. Can you possibly turn on him quicker. He barely turned the ball over and had amazing accuracy. He has a couple bad games on a bad knee and suddenly you're disappointed and he can't be trusted. Get the **** out of here. You barely deserve to enjoy watching him again when he's healthy.

This post needs to be stickied. It is spot on.

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This whole thing smells.. smells of the Danny... He wants to raise ticket prices and wants people to think our franchise QB will be ready to go before next season.. i agree 100% with the OP. i'd rather go through a 4-12 season and win multiple SB's afterward than take a risk bringing him back too soon... 100% health everyone seems to argue as the reason he should be ready .. well guess what... he was said to be 100% on his LCL before the last game.... and by the way, his ACL had no issues on his initial MRI when the grade 1 LCL was diagnosed... i mean, seriously? and then a 1am est announcement after 48 hours? this smells.. and it doesn't smell good.... let's think about the franchise going forward...

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I agree, this is about the worst possible news. LCL reconstruction plus a 2nd ACL reconstruction. Since it happened so late in the season, I think next year is a wash. Doubt he will play at all.

Certainly this is the end of the pistol sets. These worked pretty well last 7 games, but what defense will care if he goes around the end anymore. Shanny will get killed by media and fans next time we run a read option play.

BTW Shanny lost this game with horrible play calling. Sure Seattle stacked the box, but you have got to run the ball.

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I agree, this is about the worst possible news. LCL reconstruction plus a 2nd ACL reconstruction. Since it happened so late in the season, I think next year is a wash. Doubt he will play at all.

Certainly this is the end of the pistol sets. These worked pretty well last 7 games, but what defense will care if he goes around the end anymore. Shanny will get killed by media and fans next time we run a read option play.

BTW Shanny lost this game with horrible play calling. Sure Seattle stacked the box, but you have got to run the ball.

Yeah so I'm guessing you haven't been paying much attention the last couple of days....

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Here it is again: The announcement of the expected timetable is "setting an expectation."

Mike Shannahan announcing Rex Grossman/John Beck as his QBs is "putting his entire coaching reputation on the line".

Talking about evaluating the talent of a 3-6 football team is "giving up on the season."

And even, to some people (skip bayless), drafting Kirk Cousins is "a QB controversy"

Fans and media (mostly fans) create all of this drama that we are so 'woe-is-me' about. "oh our poor cursed franchise, why must it always be a circus".

When the Dr says he can play, he will play. For the love of god, will Redskins fans STOP COMPLICATING THINGS.

I don't see how these comments relate.

Setting an aggressive timetable day of the surgery does create an expectation. 8 months from now, won't we all be asking "why?" if Griffin is not back full speed? Aside from protecting ticket sales, what purpose does this serve?

I knew I was going to get killed for this thread. Look, I think we can all agree that the offense and Griffins general mindset when running needs to be tweaked. I don't know why our offense doesn't more closely resemble what Shanahan ran in Denver or even what Kirk Cousins ran during his start. I know the read option is a weapon, but I feel like at some point it will become a crutch. Putting Griffin back in the starting lineup at the earliest opportunity gives him really no significant field or game time to work on making the transition to being a more traditional NFL quarterback.

Steve Young was a runner when he entered the league with Tampa. He got the opportunity to sit and learn and got hundreds and hundreds of practice reps to transition into what he was for the 49ers. Had he played all out all the time from the jump there is no telling how much shorter his career would have been.

The situation with Roberts knee could be a blessing in disguise if we use it as an opportunity to give him the time and practice some quarterbacking techniques that, frankly, he has never had to rely on. We know he can deliver the ball accurately from the pocket. We know he can throw well in the run. Lets give him some time to hone these skills while his knee reacclimates itself to the rigors of moving on a football field.

If he is deemed "100%" healthy by week one, does that mean he will be able to play brace-free? Furthermore, doesn't it make sense that the Redskins will have to put him in many of the same situations that forced him out of the pocket or had him tucking the ball in the first place?

I know it sucks to think about not seeing him on the field next season but if he is going to continue to put himself in harms way then perhaps even his ridiculous talent and work ethic needs some seasoning before he's really ready to be the type of player the organization can rely on for a 16 game season.

---------- Post added January-10th-2013 at 09:18 AM ----------

If Griffin is 100% healed and is able to play, he plays. No need to sit him. We know because of his style of play, he will probably miss games- hopefully not for the injury he just sustained. I think the backup QB will be a very important position for the Skins as long as Robert is here.

Why fall back on this? Wouldn't it be a better investment to give him time to alter his style of play to be more conducive to surviving a whole 16-game season? Certainly he is capable and would be willing given the opportunity.

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This whole thing smells.. smells of the Danny... He wants to raise ticket prices and wants people to think our franchise QB will be ready to go before next season.. i agree 100% with the OP. i'd rather go through a 4-12 season and win multiple SB's afterward than take a risk bringing him back too soon... 100% health everyone seems to argue as the reason he should be ready .. well guess what... he was said to be 100% on his LCL before the last game.... and by the way, his ACL had no issues on his initial MRI when the grade 1 LCL was diagnosed... i mean, seriously? and then a 1am est announcement after 48 hours? this smells.. and it doesn't smell good.... let's think about the franchise going forward...

It may have smelt like old Danny. I think as an owner he has finally learned that if he wants a winning orginization then he needs to take a step back. I think he will be the one pushing to keep Robert on the bench until Dr. A fully clears him to play. This is a multi million $$ decision.

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