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An Early Plea to Sit RGIII.


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Didn't Andrews say wearing the brace would not allow the LCL to be further injured?

Just because he announces mid-August that RG3 is 100%, it may not be necessarily true...

Not agreeing with the OP, just playing devil's advocate.

One would hope that Shanny would be extremely cautious with putting him back on the field. I think his tenure here at DC will be riding on it. If he trotted him out again before he was ready and it happened again this town would be calling for his head.

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Do you understand the rammifications of what you are suggesting?

1. Teammates would not appreciate him being held out

2. Free agents woudln't want to waste a year with the best QB being benched

3. RGIII would probably, and rightly so, demand a trade

4. Think before you post, please.

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Didn't Andrews say wearing the brace would not allow the LCL to be further injured?

Just because he announces mid-August that RG3 is 100%, it may not be necessarily true...

Not agreeing with the OP, just playing devil's advocate.

I'm pretty sure he never said the brace would prevent any injury, it just helps support the knee. Any number of plays where he gets hit or taken to the ground from the Eagles game on could have caused minor injuries to it, we don't know. Either way, I wouldn't really say Andrews was wrong about anything.

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Didn't Andrews say wearing the brace would not allow the LCL to be further injured?

Just because he announces mid-August that RG3 is 100%, it may not be necessarily true...

Not agreeing with the OP, just playing devil's advocate.

Who says it wasn't already injured when he took the hit from Ngata? All indications are that it was already damaged and nobody said anything.

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I expect articles about this in the summer, etc -- from sort of the sports politically correct crowd like UnWise Mike -- rest him no matter what, be cautious, etc. But IMO while its understandable to have an emotional response like this, hey we all want to protect him health wise, it might be overreactive and doesn't really have any basis in any facts specific to the patient.

I am no expert but from the stuff i've been reading, we just don't know how the rehab is going to go until it happens. To say he will be ready or not ready and we should play or not play him, its mostly a wild guess for the moment. If Andrews thinks he can play and he's good to go then play him. The Vikings didn't sit own Adrian Peterson for the next season just to be cautious. If Andrews says in August he isn't good to go, then don't play him.

This is different from the sprained LCL situation where RG III was playing hurt and we kept our fingers crossed. In this case, I gather, he's either healed or not healed in time for the season. If he's not healed, he's not going to play. If he's healed, I can't see how you tell RG III sorry dude, yeah I know other players come back and play next season, yeah I get it you rehabbed great, Andrews said you are ready to go, but we are afraid you might get reinjured, see ya in 2014.

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The only way we are sitting RG3 out for nearly two years is if there is a major setback during his rehabilitation. Also, I noticed that everyone is assuming we will have the same success with Kirk as the starter. Well what happens if we have only won 2 or 3 games in the month of December with a healthy RG3 sitting on the sidelines and the crowd chanting R-G-3?? Will you still want him benched until next season? Who will you point your fingers at and want fired if we have another losing season playing the "keep it safe" game? Of course some will respond and say they will take the losing season, but I doubt that when emotions get mixed in.

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I vote RG3 retires, gets voted into the hall of fame, and the Skins are automatically awarded the 4 Super Bowls he would have won anyway. That way Griff doesn't get hurt again.

This! That would be much better than having to wring my hands every time he goes on the field. Who wants to have to sit through that?!?!

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I really, really don't understand this sentiment of sitting RG3 IF he's healthy enough to play. For this to be the case, we have to accept the premise that for knee surgery, if a player is deemed by Dr. Andrews to be 100% healthy, that he can get even healthier with more rest. That makes zero sense.

I think most agree here that if he is not nearly 100% healthy, you don't play him. We saw where that got us this year, pushing it is not a good idea with a knee injury. So if he recovery time for 100% healthy means he misses the season, so be it. But let's not make arbitrary presumptions that someone should take much more time for recovery than recommended by a doctor.

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as crazy as this first sounded to me (can’t believe I’m typing this) I would at least consider if I was the redskins …

The obvious to consider is how much “health” are you buying if you rest him up for all of next year? If it means his knee will only be 20% stronger by sitting him all of next year vs. bring him back in 2013, I say no. But if he will gain a considerable amount of stability in that knee, then again, I say consider it.

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Anyone, no matter what condition, is one play away from never playing again.

If RG3 is medically cleared for contact, he should play. if he is not, he shouldnt.

If you want to IR him in October, fine, but not a second earlier. If RG3 knows he's not playing, would he rehab as hard? Would anybody?

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Didn't Andrews say wearing the brace would not allow the LCL to be further injured?

Just because he announces mid-August that RG3 is 100%, it may not be necessarily true...

Not agreeing with the OP, just playing devil's advocate.

EXACLTY!!! People (not saying all of you) are so quick to accpet words of experts and those in authority as gospel … but when things do not work out right, they are so quick to condemn them and disassociate themselves from their original stance to back them up. Easy to say, "all I need to hear is a 100% and we should play him." There’s more to it.

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Anyone, no matter what condition, is one play away from never playing again.

you know as well as I that based on circumstance and host of other factors, some players have a much higher probabilty of that carreer ending play happening over other players.

Right now, RG3 is going to be at a much higher probability of a play ending his career vs. Russell Wilson ... that is soley based on the fact that Robert's knee probably won't be able to withstand more ligament damage. Whereas RW probably has pretty healthy knees.

My question is ...if you rest him for a year, despite being 100% at the start of the season ... how much does that probabilty go down??? If it is a lot, and I'm not sure how one quantifys this, but again, if it lowers that probability ... then at minimum you consider sitting him.

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EXACLTY!!! People (not saying all of you) are so quick to accpet words of experts and those in authority as gospel … but when things do not work out right, they are so quick to condemn them and disassociate themselves from their original stance to back them up. Easy to say, "all I need to hear is a 100% and we should play him." There’s more to it.

Right... but that's why it comes down to Shanny. He needs to evaluate the risks involved and make the call. I'm sure Andrews will give him full disclosure. So, if he trots RG3 out we should have confidence that the risk is acceptable.

If Griff gets hurt soon after (1-4 games) returning there will be a witch hunt.

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If Griff gets hurt soon after (1-4 games) returning there will be a witch hunt.

Exactly. There'll be a lot of CYA in the case where he could get injured next season. I doubt they'll play him before the 5th game of the season, even if he's healthy for it. All about perception.

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EXACLTY!!! People (not saying all of you) are so quick to accpet words of experts and those in authority as gospel … but when things do not work out right, they are so quick to condemn them and disassociate themselves from their original stance to back them up. Easy to say, "all I need to hear is a 100% and we should play him." There’s more to it.

First of all Andrews never guaranteed a brace is going to prevent any sort of injury, it just helps stabilize the knee and HELPS prevent injury. .Which if you see what actually happened to RGIII's knee, no complete tears of anything, you could infer it did just that. Regardless, I don't get this "well Andrews could be wrong so lets be cautious because I think he could be" approach. If hes 100%, that means the knee is as stable as it can get. If hes 100% there is no point in sitting him.

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Didn't Andrews say wearing the brace would not allow the LCL to be further injured?

Just because he announces mid-August that RG3 is 100%, it may not be necessarily true...

They also said MRI's aren't necessarily conclusive.. So he could of had/got ACL damage v Baltimore that they couldnt decifer from the old injury, (same as they were wondering about this time, before opening the knee up.) Now that he's been surgically repaired, they'll be able to deem him 100% with much more confidence then before, imo..

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If hes 100%, that means the knee is as stable as it can get.

This is what I'm asking ... is this statement true?? I'm assuming you are not a doctor, god knows I'm not.

but if what you are saying is true ... then let'em rip. However, if a doctor were to say that RG3's knee would be X% much more stable and healthy if he took 2013 off ... then what?

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