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An Early Plea to Sit RGIII.


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This was the worst case scenario.

Robert Griffin's inspiring rookie season disappeared in a cloud of uncertainty with his second major knee operation in three years. In the heat of a hotly contested playoff game, with the Redskins leading by a single point, Mike Shanahan's responsibility to win the game overruled his responsibility to protect his quarterback. Whether you blame Mike Shanahan or chalk the injury up to tough luck or even sub-par field conditions, it doesn't change the situation the Redskins are in now. The question has become where does the organization go from here? How do we, as fans, set our expectations for 2013 without knowing what condition Griffin's knee will be in come September?

For me, the answer could not be more clear. I put RGIII on the shelf until 2014 and I waste no time in making this announcement. This decision will not be popular with many people. It won't be popular with season-ticket holders, it won't be popular with current players (especially aging veterans), and most of all it won't be popular with Griffin himself.

Any timetable for returning from a major surgery is somewhat arbitrary. Some athletes recover faster (Adrian Peterson) and some recover slower (Tim Hightower). The worst thing the organization can do now is state a timetable for Griffin to return and create an expectation for everyone following the situation. I wrote on the message board a couple weeks ago about the organization teetering on the edge of relevance; another game-time injury to Robert Griffin's knee would undo all of the progress the Redskins have made since April 2012.

Rolling into 2013 with Kirk Cousins under center also can be extremely beneficial to the Redskins organization. We know that he can play a little bit. Letting him take the reigns for the entirety of 2013 potentially could significantly increase his trade value around the league. If he is able to play well, the Redskins can recoup a couple of picks and he will have earned a starting job somewhere. At worst, we know and Kirk knows what he is: a capable spot starter and young backup at a reasonable salary. Further benefiting the organization will be the $18 million which will be created with Mara penalties expiring.

Aside from the patience the fanbase and ownership will have to show waiting on the Robert Griffin extravaganza to return, I really don't see a downside to taking every precaution with the knee. During the game, I didn't want him to come out. Until I saw RG collapse on the field I

never thought Kirk Cousins gave us the best opportunity to win. Players play. They play hurt. Passes were dropped which could have extended drives. Griffin was a warrior out there; he laid it all on the line for

us. Now that we know about his heart, let's give him the time to heal and come back to us as close to full strength as he ever can be.

Anyway, I'm kind of curious to see what Cousins can do over a full season as starter.

I can endure another 6-10 season knowing that RGIII is on the horizon, can you?

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Not sure I follow. The news was better than expected and he'll likely be able to recover in the 6-8 month timeframe that Mortenson had floated around last night, so even if he waits the full 8 months, he could theoretically be ready for Week 1. If hes totally healed, theres not reason to be extra cautious if there is no risk to further injury.

Obviously you don't want him on the field if hes not 100%, but by all accounts theres still a chance he COULD be 100% before the season starts so I see no reason to announce now that he can't play.

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If he's 100% healthy what is the difference between 2013 and 2014? This makes no sense... just another ES doctor in the office.

---------- Post added January-9th-2013 at 04:31 PM ----------

The knee may heal, but what about strength and range of motion? What is 100% healthy?

100% healthy means it's as good as his knee is gonna get. Otherwise it wouldn't be 100%... right?

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Um, no. There is absolutely no reason to scrap the entire 2013 season if Dr. Andrews says he will be ready for the beginning of the season. If he's not, then you just roll with Cousins until RG3 is ready (and by ready, I do mean 110% ready). He should absolutely sit on the bench until his knee is 110% healed. Once the knee is healed, then just ease him back into the game plan. Don't start week 1 with a bunch of option plays as if nothing changed. Slowly work him back into it. So no....no way we should scrap the entire season.

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I say we put him a glass case and perch him on a pedestal in front of Fed Ex.

C'mon the guy is a football player. If he's ready, get him going ASAP.

How do you think the rest of the team would react to that?

It certainly wouldn't inspire confidence or push players to play through injury like Trent and London did this season.

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I think it's possible that he's ready to go by mid-season next year. I think it's even more likely that Cousins will be doing way too good of a job to be benched. I can easily see RG3 failing to play in the 2013 season as a result of these two factors.

No way. We paid too much for Griff. Having him sit on the bench would kill him (and most likely the fan base who want to see him back).

...of course, if Kirk is throwing 4 TDs a game as III heals... that's a nice problem to have.


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The knee may heal, but what about strength and range of motion? What is 100% healthy?

Well we don't know the full details yet. I could speculate about Dr. Andrews using the phrase "re-do" about the ACL inferring that he used the same attachment points as the previous graft, which would to me, be a good sign that his knee can easily return to form pre-injury. It just depends on what is done. Like I said, if his ACL didn't completely tear and wasn't in awful shape, the new graft SHOULD be as good as the old one, just designed to last longer (not sure on those details obviously, I don't have a medical degree).

Basically his knees not as bad as it could be if he had just completely blew out his ACL again, so theres no reason not to be hopeful of a complete return ala Adrian Peterson.

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Didn't Andrews say wearing the brace would not allow the LCL to be further injured?

Just because he announces mid-August that RG3 is 100%, it may not be necessarily true...

Not agreeing with the OP, just playing devil's advocate.

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I feel like I'm in the twilight zone with these threads. Why sit him, because he had a knee injury? So should we sit Merriweather too, or how about Orakpo? Should we sit them.

This is football ladies and gentlemen. These things happen. Injuries happen to star players. So what makes Robert exempt and the other IR players not exempt?

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