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Do the Skins keep the read option with RG3 or scrap it?


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They are going to add to the offense not scrap it.

As it should be. We all saw how the Seattle defense was able to adjust after they realized the read option wasn't available in quarters 2-4. If Robert's our QB, he's our QB 100% and we're going to use his strengths. The read option was unstoppable this year with a healthy RG and Morris.

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But in our current situation one thing we must upgrade is the RT because our OL for pass protection is not what it should be. Wilson had LOADS of time when Atlanta knew he had to pass. Yet with a few moves he has wide open lanes to either pass or 20 yards on a run without anyone around him. Our line can't pass protect half as good as Seattle's line. That is our main problem right now.

this is the main reason why our offense isnt absolutely exploding. you watch the seahawks play, and russell wilson has forever and a day in the pocket and even when he starts to move around to buy time, he doesnt have a defender 10 yards around him. if we upgrade our line this year, we will be competing with the patriots for best offense in the nfl.

it also seemed tho, in the falcons game, they were playing a lot of man coverage, so everybody had their backs to wilson, giving him a lot of room to run. I dunno if teams play more zone against us because they are more afraid of rg3 running, but i never see that kind of space when we play.

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it also seemed tho, in the falcons game, they were playing a lot of man coverage, so everybody had their backs to wilson, giving him a lot of room to run. I dunno if teams play more zone against us because they are more afraid of rg3 running, but i never see that kind of space when we play.

Yeah, most teams played us in zone. If RG3 would of have those wide open fields like CK and RW have been seeing, those would have been easy TD's.

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Now that the Niners rode the read option to the Super Bowl the debate on the long term viability of this offense is in full swing. I think it would be tough for us to ditch it altogether given how effective it can be. I was listening to the FAN on the way to work this morning. One comment really chaffed my behind. "For every Colin Kapernick who is big & strong enough to run the read option, there is an RG3 or Vick who just can't." That just turned my stomach.

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There is no one in my humble opinion who carries out the fake in this offense better than RG3. His handling of the ball helps lead to the confusion the defense experiences. Plain and simple we should continue to run it, the one thing that has to change is that RG3 has got to do a much better job of getting down or getting out of bounds. It needs to be tweaked not scrapped.

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There is no one in my humble opinion who carries out the fake in this offense better than RG3... Plain and simple we should continue to run it, the one thing that has to change is that RG3 has got to do a much better job of getting down or getting out of bounds. It needs to be tweaked not scrapped.

I think you stated exactly what needs to happen.

Maybe we could implement more read option rollout passes rather than read option runs. Could be impossible for the blocking scheme though.

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Yes, the Redskins will keep the read option. They may scale it back some (1-2 fewer calls a game would bring it down to about 6-7 uses per game). They may also use more pistol forms with Morris at FB and some one like Helu at TB and make the second option would be a quick toss to the TB. Of course, RG3 was never hurt running read option variations as all two of his game injuries came when he was trying to extend a play while the third (technically it came off a bad snap) was the result of the Seahags playing dirt ball and hitting RG3 well after the ball was out.

---------- Post added January-21st-2013 at 09:51 AM ----------

I think you stated exactly what needs to happen.

Maybe we could implement more read option rollout passes rather than read option runs. Could be impossible for the blocking scheme though.

This is why we need to go pistol with someone like Helu at TB and Morris at FB. Stretch/Dive option would stay as the FB read, toss option to TB to take it out and a roll out or straight drop pass as the mix option.

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I don't recall a single play this season, either for the redskins or any other team, where a quarterback was injured or even hit hard on a read option play. Every time RG3 was hurt this season were on scrambles when the protection broke down and receivers weren't open.

I urge people to stop listening to media and fans who only watch highlights of games and don't know what they're talking about.

I'm watching Jaws on first take saying you can't run the Pistol as a staple of your offense, saying if you do so your QB will end up like RG3. Neither he nor Stephen A. Smith ever mention that the type of plays Griffin was injured on are the same type of plays that Aaron Rodgers does. It's media bias against anything new, and two years from now when the Pistol/read option is still effective they'll be pretending like it's great and ignoring all the nonsense they said in the past.

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Don't know if any of you watched First Take earlier or not, but I about threw my remote at the tv. The moderator posed the question to Jaworski, Stephen A and Skip: "Do you think the read option will be around for awhile?" I'm paraphrasing, but that's the jist of what she asked. Anyway, Jaws was up first and he said that the read option would likely only stay around if it is used sparingly, like 7-8 times a game. He then went onto state that if teams use it as their main offense going forward then their QB would end up like Robert Griffin III..:doh:

I expected that kind of idiocy to spew from Stephen A (idiot doesn't know anything about the NFL) or Skip's mouth, but Jaws? How can this guy cover the NFL for a living and not know that RG3 didn't get injured EITHER TIME while running the read option. Or at least, the read option wasn't the cause. He was injured BOTH TIMES because of his unwillingness to either go down sooner, or get out of bounds. I seriously couldn't believe what I was hearing.

And par for the course, Stephen A pretty much echoed what Jaws had stated. Skip, to his credit, actually disagreed with both of them and said that he felt like the read option was here to stay, and that it could be used as a primary set in an offense.

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Don't know if any of you watched First Take earlier or not, but I about threw my remote at the tv. The moderator posed the question to Jaworski, Stephen A and Skip: "Do you think the read option will be around for awhile?" I'm paraphrasing, but that's the jist of what she asked. Anyway, Jaws was up first and he said that the read option would likely only stay around if it is used sparingly, like 7-8 times a game. He then went onto state that if teams use it as their main offense going forward then their QB would end up like Robert Griffin III..:doh:

I expected that kind of idiocy to spew from Stephen A (idiot knows zilch about the NFL) or Skip's mouth, but Jaws? How can this guy cover the NFL for a living and not know that RG3 didn't get injured EITHER TIME while running the read option. Or at least, the read option wasn't the cause. He was injured BOTH TIMES because of his unwillingness to either go down sooner, or get out of bounds. I seriously couldn't believe what I was hearing.

And par for the course, Stephen A pretty much echoed what Jaws had stated. Skip, to his credit, actually disagreed with both of them and said that he felt like the read option was here to stay, and that it could be used as a primary set in an offense.

What is funny is that the number Jaws thinks it should be run is about as often as we run it, well about 1 or 2 times less.

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He then went onto state that if teams use it as their main offense going forward then their QB would end up like Robert Griffin III..:doh:

I expected that kind of idiocy to spew from Stephen A (idiot doesn't know anything about the NFL) or Skip's mouth, but Jaws? How can this guy cover the NFL for a living and not know that RG3 didn't get injured EITHER TIME while running the read option. Or at least, the read option wasn't the cause. He was injured BOTH TIMES because of his unwillingness to either go down sooner, or get out of bounds. I seriously couldn't believe what I was hearing.

It has nothing to do with whether he was injured running the read option or not and I didn't think that was the point he was making. He was just stating that exposing your QB to more hits by running the read option could easily and quickly lead to a QB with an ACL injury like RG3. And he is correct. Kaepernick and Cam are not built like RG3, they are much more capable of withstanding that kind of beating longer but freak injuries can happen to them too the more they expose themselves to a 300lb falling on them or rolling on their leg while they are already tackled.

You can do it all you want and I think we should but it is a gamble anytime you call it especially with the face of the franchise who is coming back from his 2nd ACL surgery in 4 years.

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Now that the Niners rode the read option to the Super Bowl the debate on the long term viability of this offense is in full swing. I think it would be tough for us to ditch it altogether given how effective it can be. I was listening to the FAN on the way to work this morning. One comment really chaffed my behind. "For every Colin Kapernick who is big & strong enough to run the read option, there is an RG3 or Vick who just can't." That just turned my stomach.

why does Redskins fans hate the truth? My Son and I were talking this morning and I asked him to compare RG3 VS. CK and who he would rather have.... he stated(of course) RG3!!!

This is the criteria I used-

Leadership- Tie. Both have showed to be field Generals

Running/Scrambling- RG3 (at least pre injury)

Down field touch- CK

Pocket presence- CK

Play action/ball handling- RG3. he's a magician with the fakes.

Arm strength- Seems to pretty equal

Strength/durability- CK he's got 20 lbs on RG3

Smarts- knowing when to slide, run OB, throw the ball away etc... CK

I said all things equal I have to give the edge to CK, especially considering the current comparitive health of the two. CK seems to know how to get down and avoid the hits, RG3 doesnt and it's cost him(and us)

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why does Redskins fans hate the truth? My Son and I were talking this morning and I asked him to compare RG3 VS. CK and who he would rather have.... he stated(of course) RG3!!!

This is the criteria I used-

Leadership- Tie. Both have showed to be field Generals

Running/Scrambling- RG3 (at least pre injury)

Down field touch- CK

Pocket presence- CK

Play action/ball handling- RG3. he's a magician with the fakes.

Arm strength- Seems to pretty equal

Strength/durability- CK he's got 20 lbs on RG3

Smarts- knowing when to slide, run OB, throw the ball away etc... CK

I said all things equal I have to give the edge to CK, especially considering the current comparitive health of the two. CK seems to know how to get down and avoid the hits, RG3 doesnt and it's cost him(and us)


It's easy to have pocket presence and down the field touch when you have the best Oline in the league. Also touch ? All most all of CK's passes are on a rope Ala Mike Vick RG3 has a better deep ball. Did you forget what he did before he hurt his knee??? Also you left out how CK release is much longer than RG3's but it doesn't get noticed because most of the time his line doesn't allow pressure to develop.

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why does Redskins fans hate the truth? My Son and I were talking this morning and I asked him to compare RG3 VS. CK and who he would rather have.... he stated(of course) RG3!!!

This is the criteria I used-

Leadership- Tie. Both have showed to be field Generals

Running/Scrambling- RG3 (at least pre injury)

Down field touch- CK

Pocket presence- CK

Play action/ball handling- RG3. he's a magician with the fakes.

Arm strength- Seems to pretty equal

Strength/durability- CK he's got 20 lbs on RG3

Smarts- knowing when to slide, run OB, throw the ball away etc... CK

I said all things equal I have to give the edge to CK, especially considering the current comparitive health of the two. CK seems to know how to get down and avoid the hits, RG3 doesnt and it's cost him(and us)

Cost us our first division title in 13 years? I see people talking as if his injury held us back. We over achieved everyone's expectations this year. His injury was unfortunate, but it did not hold us back or cost us anything. We were playing with house money after winning the East.

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IMHO it's not the read option that was the problem. It was Griffin refusing to slide before being hit. He corrected that somewhat after the Ravens game but he's got to learn to give up the play before giving up the knee.

Man, I hope he's close to what he was... I remember reading an article about halfway through the season that asked the question "are we seeing the best of RG3 now?" be interesting how it plays out. I hope if he will sit next year out if he is not fully rehabbed and ready next year. Come back with a passion in 14

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I do not think we should (or will) scrap the read option. Now, it may continue to be modified as RGIII becomes a more mature QB at reading and understanding defenses....becoming more of a field general....but that will take time. Most of the times I saw RGIII get lit up this season it was while standing in the pocket, and trying to find an open receiver/make a play via the pass. He would invariably hold the ball too long, and would pay the price by getting clocked. His internal clock may need a little adjustment.

Was listening to several mediots comment on the read option now that San Fran is in the SB, and they have implemented this offense with CK as QB. Most of the ones I heard (like Dilfer) think the RO will be around in the league for a long time, certainly longer than the wildcat lasted.

In comparing RGIII and CK.....CK has several advantages. First, as mentioned, his Oline is far superior in talent to ours. Second, think the WR/TE's overall are better than ours. CK does take longer to get rid of the ball, that really struck me as I was watching the game vs the Falcons the other day. Also, think it was Dilfer today that commented CK does not get beyond his first read often.....normally if the first read is covered, then he takes off. I do not know enough (do not study tape) to do anything other than pass this comment on.

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It has nothing to do with whether he was injured running the read option or not and I didn't think that was the point he was making. He was just stating that exposing your QB to more hits by running the read option could easily and quickly lead to a QB with an ACL injury like RG3. And he is correct. Kaepernick and Cam are not built like RG3, they are much more capable of withstanding that kind of beating longer but freak injuries can happen to them too the more they expose themselves to a 300lb falling on them or rolling on their leg while they are already tackled.

You can do it all you want and I think we should but it is a gamble anytime you call it especially with the face of the franchise who is coming back from his 2nd ACL surgery in 4 years.

It is not a gamble, because the play is designed to give the quarterback as much space and time as possible to slide or get out of bunds before a defender can even touch him. This is why even RG3, who's the boldest QB in the NFL when it comes to taking on defenders, never even got hit running it. NOBODY got hit this season running a read option. The play is designed to so the QB only runs when the defense is completely sold out on trying to stop the tailback. Which is why undisciplined defenses, who suck at keeping containment, get destroyed by it. We still don't have a problem with defense who are disciplined and play their assignments well, because in those cases Griffin DOESN'T RUN IT. I'm still waiting for an explanation, grounded in facts and not nonsense that is only relevant to the wildcat, that can prove how a quarterback can get injured on a play where NO ONE is in a position to hit him.

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I expect the read option will be part of the Redskins offensive gameplan in 2013 and in 2014. So I'm really hoping the Skins are extremely careful in when they let Griffin start playing again, and that they have Griffin focus less on running for the first down.

(Frankly, I'd be okay if Griffin was alllowed to continue his rehab deep into the 2013 season -- I don't want to this promising star's career ruined by being rushed into NFL 'battle conditions' before he's really ready.)

A drop back passer gets hit a lot, unless he can get rid of the ball quickly. Option QBs turning it upfield ususally get hit, unless they go into their slide quickly. Griffin got hit alot, trying to move the chains or getting that positive play for the offense.

The Read Option WILL be part of the gameplan ---so hopefully Griffin gets enough time to heal up, and also acquires a veteran's sense of when to throw the ball away or get down quickly into his slide.

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why does Redskins fans hate the truth? My Son and I were talking this morning and I asked him to compare RG3 VS. CK and who he would rather have.... he stated(of course) RG3!!!

This is the criteria I used-

Leadership- Tie. Both have showed to be field Generals

Running/Scrambling- RG3 (at least pre injury)

Down field touch- CK

Pocket presence- CK

Play action/ball handling- RG3. he's a magician with the fakes.

Arm strength- Seems to pretty equal

Strength/durability- CK he's got 20 lbs on RG3

Smarts- knowing when to slide, run OB, throw the ball away etc... CK

I said all things equal I have to give the edge to CK, especially considering the current comparitive health of the two. CK seems to know how to get down and avoid the hits, RG3 doesnt and it's cost him(and us)

I would give RG3 the edge on downfield touch, but ok. I would only give the edge to CK in knowing when to get down/get out of bounds. He hasn't proven to be the type of passer Griffin is. He doesn't have the same zip on his passes, nor is he as accurate as Griffin, allowing his receivers to run after the catch. If you switched WR corps, RG3 would've beaten every rookie passing statistic out there.

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It has nothing to do with whether he was injured running the read option or not and I didn't think that was the point he was making. He was just stating that exposing your QB to more hits by running the read option could easily and quickly lead to a QB with an ACL injury like RG3. And he is correct. Kaepernick and Cam are not built like RG3, they are much more capable of withstanding that kind of beating longer but freak injuries can happen to them too the more they expose themselves to a 300lb falling on them or rolling on their leg while they are already tackled.

You can do it all you want and I think we should but it is a gamble anytime you call it especially with the face of the franchise who is coming back from his 2nd ACL surgery in 4 years.

I don't think you watched it today. He was clearly saying that the read option was the cause of RG3's injuries. He even mentioned it twice. And, as the other poster stated, Jaws was clueless to the fact that we only run it 7-8 times a game, as he talked about. I understand that your QB is more succeptible to injury if you run that kind of offense all the time. But we don't. And, like I said, Griffin didn't get hurt either time on read option plays. He got injured on scrambles (all QBs do these), and because he used poor judgement, by not going down sooner, or getting out of bounds.
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