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How is RGIII? (merged)

Crazed Bengal

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That's what's so confusing to me at this point. I was under the impression from what the doctors and Mike said that their was no risk for further injury, and his knee was 100%. He clearly didn't look to be 100% right after this was said (I think the Philly game), and hasn't looked close to 100% at any point after the original injury. Now he re- injures his knee and it's possibly worse than the original injury? Something is NOT adding up. Did someone misdiagnose him originally, or were we all given false information in the first place? This doesn't make sense at all.

Well, I assumed by the fact that the doctors made him continue to wear the brace that it said pretty clearly that he wasn't 100%. And Shanahan's not exactly the go-to guy for truthful information. I take everything he says with a grain of salt.

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That's what's so confusing to me at this point. I was under the impression from what the doctors and Mike said that their was no risk for further injury, and his knee was 100%. He clearly didn't look to be 100% right after this was said (I think the Philly game), and hasn't looked close to 100% at any point after the original injury. Now he re- injures his knee and it's possibly worse than the original injury? Something is NOT adding up. Did someone misdiagnose him originally, or were we all given false information in the first place? This doesn't make sense at all.

His ACL wasn't injured iirc. Doctors can't give an estimate on injuring something that is otherwise fine.

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Griffin had a minor sprain of his LCL 3 weeks ago. He's played games since. I seriously doubt Shanahan thought there was a high likelihood that Griffin could blow out his knee as badly as the insiders are suggesting. In hindsight, I'd have pulled Griffin at the half and let Cousins go the second half. But, at the time, I had no problem with Shanahan keeping Griffin in. Griffin gained some play-off experience. And he's the better passer between him and Cousins. Sure, Griffin's accuracy has been off, likely because he can't set right, but coach has faith in Griffin and I do, too. I felt like he could get us that one drive we needed to win the game, and with enough opportunity he'd do it. But I guess that's what happens when you forget, for even a second, that football is a team sport. :(

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People do need to realize that athletes today (especially of RG's caliber) return faster and stronger than ever before.... Even when the diagnosis is very bad.

Peterson tore his knee to shreds on Christmas Eve, was fully ready week one the next year, and had arguably the best season for a RB in NFL history. Wes Welker has tore multiple ligaments in week 17 and was a full go week one the next year....

I agree Shanny should have taken him out, not defending that at all. But the overreactions about his career (or even next year) being ended are a little over the top right now

Thank you. I can leave the computer now and stop refreshing. I was just getting angrier by the post. Needed a bit of calmness..

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People do need to realize that athletes today (especially of RG's caliber) return faster and stronger than ever before.... Even when the diagnosis is very bad.

Peterson tore his knee to shreds on Christmas Eve, was fully ready week one the next year, and had arguably the best season for a RB in NFL history. Wes Welker has tore multiple ligaments in week 17 and was a full go week one the next year....

I agree Shanny should have taken him out, not defending that at all. But the overreactions about his career (or even next year) being ended are a little over the top right now

I'm just concerned with the 2013-14 season.

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ACL plus PCL, if true, really is bad. I had seen people mention MCL earlier, which is usually less serious, but this news is bad.

A quick google search for PCL injury treatment yielded something saying between 4-12 months of recovery, and mentioned that 50% of athletes returned at same strength or better, 33% at lower strength, and I'm assuming 17% did not return at all. I don't know how accurate any of that information is. Here's the link: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/90514-treatment#aw2aab6b6b1aa

So it sounds like best case scenario *if* it's an ACL+PCL, is he's available by the start of the season, but he probably won't be practicing much during the offseason, but it might be more likely he doesn't return until later in the year, if at all.

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That's what's so confusing to me at this point. I was under the impression from what the doctors and Mike said that their was no risk for further injury, and his knee was 100%. He clearly didn't look to be 100% right after this was said (I think the Philly game), and hasn't looked close to 100% at any point after the original injury. Now he re- injures his knee and it's possibly worse than the original injury? Something is NOT adding up. Did someone misdiagnose him originally, or were we all given false information in the first place? This doesn't make sense at all.

I think ppl are forgetting that this injury was not furthered by the original. This injury was because his foot got stuck in the crappy grass on a bad snap, and bent the wrong way. I dont think it had anything to do with the original. I think it was just a freak play

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From the tweets (rumors) I have read it is the ACL/PCL which is quite possibly the worse combo that could happen. Here is hoping the rumors are wrong but I await here for official news

Yea severely devastating injury essentially no support keeping the lower leg from subluxing forward or backward only lateral and medial support and the lcl was already sprained so this really sucks if true

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No crutches for clemons

My bad man I thought you were talking about RGIII today at Redskins park. My head is swirling right now with anger, regret, you name it......someone already said it and, while its not on the same level as ST (nothing can ever be), this is about how I felt when the wind left my lungs in that situation.

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Griffin had a minor sprain of his LCL 3 weeks ago. He's played games since. I seriously doubt Shanahan thought there was a high likelihood that Griffin could blow out his knee as badly as the insiders are suggesting. In hindsight, I'd have pulled Griffin at the half and let Cousins go the second half. But, at the time, I had no problem with Shanahan keeping Griffin in. Griffin gained some play-off experience. And he's the better passer between him and Cousins. Sure, Griffin's accuracy has been off, likely because he can't set right, but coach has faith in Griffin and I do, too. I felt like he could get us that one drive we needed to win the game, and with enough opportunity he'd do it. But I guess that's what happens when you forget, for even a second, that football is a team sport. :(

This. I had no problem with him out there either. Nobody saw him blowing out his knee. That was a freak thing on a bad snap on a bad field with some bad footing.

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it seems the players in the locker room that talked today weren't freaked out and all wanted to come back, if RG3 was out for two years wouldn't they be, i would think they would be

I'm sure they have no idea what the injury is. If it were good news, it would have been leaked already. I think the news is so bad that they are keeping it as close as possible so they can control the message at 3.

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i've been beating this drum for the past 18 hours or so

Yep, me too. He looked better than he has all month running around at Cleveland in the pregame 1 week after the injury and looked worse and worse every week after. I think he messed it up trying to run in the Philly game and everybody just decided to keep quiet about it and grit it out, or Griffin just decided not to say anything about it.

None of it makes sense and it is very suspect...

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Yea severely devastating injury essentially no support keeping the lower leg from subluxing forward or backward only lateral and medial support and the lcl was already sprained so this really sucks if true

Could he walk on a torn ACL AND PCL. I hear a lot of people saying he could on an ACL but what about the combination of both?

I'm also pissed that the damn brace that we've put up with for way too long didn't stop this from happening. I'm also pissed that our field looks like painted mud.... Don't even get me going on Shanny and RG3....

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Sure looks like it could be an ACL/PCL by the way he crumpled to the turf without being touched.

That being said, we have a great head coach, and a world-renowned surgeon on the sidelines, yet...the kid decides himself whether he plays or not? That's ****ing irresponsible and just laughable. I can't fault RG for wanting to play; the kid has tremendous heart.

I can fault his superiors that let this ****ing devastating injury (possibly) happen. Disgusting.

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