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How is RGIII? (merged)

Crazed Bengal

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I think ppl are forgetting that this injury was not furthered by the original. This injury was because his foot got stuck in the crappy grass on a bad snap, and bent the wrong way. I dont think it had anything to do with the original. I think it was just a freak play

no way. we would truly be cursed if it had nothing to do with his original injury

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That's what's so confusing to me at this point. I was under the impression from what the doctors and Mike said that their was no risk for further injury, and his knee was 100%. He clearly didn't look to be 100% right after this was said (I think the Philly game), and hasn't looked close to 100% at any point after the original injury. Now he re- injures his knee and it's possibly worse than the original injury? Something is NOT adding up. Did someone misdiagnose him originally, or were we all given false information in the first place? This doesn't make sense at all.

You misunderstood the situation as I think a lot of people did. There were a LOT of indicators that he was not 100% before the Philly game and, while he should have been close to 100% for this game based on what we were told about the injury and the timeframe since the injury occurred, the fact that he's been pushing to get back the entire time since the Ravens game probably hindered his recovery.

That said, I believe the medical staff when they indicated that there was no risk (read: minimal risk, there is always some risk) for re-injury to his LCL. The problem - one that seems to be fairly widespread in professional sports - is that if you don't feel 100% and you're still experiencing pain in an area of the body it has potential to alter your body mechanics in ways that put healthy areas of the body at increased risk. The LCL might have been structurally fine but every supporting structure around it and his entire other leg was going to be put at some level of increased risk if he was favoring his previously injured knee in the slightest.

There also exists the possibility that he actually was good to go and that this most recent injury was completely new and unrelated, though it seems highly unlikely at present.

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I think ppl are forgetting that this injury was not furthered by the original. This injury was because his foot got stuck in the crappy grass on a bad snap, and bent the wrong way. I dont think it had anything to do with the original. I think it was just a freak play

That is soo wrong. His knee was unstable to begin with because it wasn't fully healed, then it was reinjured on the play by the sideline, and finally gave out for good on the bad snap. Neither of those injuries likely happen if the knee was 100% stable.

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Well, I assumed by the fact that the doctors made him continue to wear the brace that it said pretty clearly that he wasn't 100%. And Shanahan's not exactly the go-to guy for truthful information. I take everything he says with a grain of salt.

But the actual doctors DID say his knee was 100%

His ACL wasn't injured iirc. Doctors can't give an estimate on injuring something that is otherwise fine.

I'm talking about the original LCL injury. They said the knee was 100% and it clearly wasn't.

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Not trying to fuel speculation, but given the track record of Redskins park, why hasn't anyone thought yet that they could be leaking the worse case scenario so that if the real news is an ACL and he might miss pre-season, then fans would still be relieved and happy its not PCL? I think people should calm down and wait til we know for certain, but I really don't think its out of the question that they would try and leak the worst so that it could soften the blow.

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Once again this organization has turned into a laughing stock and it pisses me off to no not end. If this young man has suffered a devestating injury, I hold Shanny personally responsible. Anyone with 1/4 a brain knew RG3 should have been taken out of the game. This organization gave up a ton to get him and they let him continue to play on a bum knee? When he limped for that first down, that is when I said, "TAKE HIM OUT!" And I don't want to hear from Shanny that, "RG3 told me he was OK." My question to Shanny would be, "HOW LONG HAS YOU BEEN A COACH!?!? YOU DO HAVE EYES IN YOUR HEAD!" It was so obvious that RG3 was injured.

With that being said, I hope RG3 is alright.

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You misunderstood the situation as I think a lot of people did. There were a LOT of indicators that he was not 100% before the Philly game and, while he should have been close to 100% for this game based on what we were told about the injury and the timeframe since the injury occurred, the fact that he's been pushing to get back the entire time since the Ravens game probably hindered his long-term recovery.

That said, I believe the medical staff when they indicated that there was no risk (read: minimal risk, there is always some risk) for re-injury to his LCL. The problem - one that seems to be fairly widespread in professional sports - is that if you don't feel 100% and you're still experiencing pain in an area of the body it has potential to alter your body mechanics in ways that put healthy areas of the body at increased risk. The LCL might have been structurally fine but everything supporting structure around it and his entire other leg was going to be put at some level of increased risk if he was favoring his previously injured knee in the slightest.

There also exists the possibility that he actually was good to go and that this most recent injury was completely new and unrelated, though it seems highly unlikely at present.

This is also true. If you start favoring something somewhere else then that is also at risk for an injury.

I got a massive bone bruise in my knee six weeks ago, as well as a deep tissue bruise in my calf playing ball. I ended up pulling a muscle in my OTHER leg because I made it a point to put more weight on it.

I want to look at it again (although I really dont) but the way his leg twisted it could have def caught in the turf

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Could he walk on a torn ACL AND PCL. I hear a lot of people saying he could on an ACL but what about the combination of both?

I'm also pissed that the damn brace that we've put up with for way too long didn't stop this from happening. I'm also pissed that our field looks like painted mud.... Don't even get me going on Shanny and RG3....

I don't think so...that's why I think he didn't tear one of the two acl or Pcl...I do think he did injure one and most likely it could be the pcl

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all I know is if RG was 100% in that game.. we win easy !!! and stop abandoning the run when we are driving it down their throat that way.. we were pushing their DL like a blocking sled. I have never seen us move a DL like that except for when the Hogs were blocking and we just started throwing deep passes... Just stupid play calling.

Here's to a healthy RG3 in 2013/14.

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Thank you. So much pessimism in this thread. (Almost) everything is fixable. Robert will work hard to get healthy, and I believe he will.

As much as RG3 uses his legs, it's not nearly as much as Peterson... granted, Peterson can brace for hits as he runs, RG3 make not be able to brace as he passes, but .... no matter what, RG3 will be back 100% Week 1. I'm confident of that much.

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As much as RG3 uses his legs, it's not nearly as much as Peterson... granted, Peterson can brace for hits as he runs, RG3 make not be able to brace as he passes, but .... no matter what, RG3 will be back 100% Week 1. I'm confident of that much.

Week 1 of 2014 maybe.

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I was thinking the same. It has to be some good in that he seemed to walk fine after the game from what I could tell. He has what it takes to do the necessary rehab also. There's still hope.

no kidding and stood up and did a press conference, sorry i don't see how that is possible it this news is true and he was walking around today

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