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Get your butts to Fedex on 12/30 (WE WANT DALLAS!!)


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My friend watches all the games there. She says it's the only place to watch a Skins game in NYC. Hope to watch a paloff game there.

**** Dallas!

What is her name? I am there every week except Thanksgiving ( Family obligation) and last week.

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To all those are going... take this as a personal challenge.

I would think it would be downright EMBARRASSING for this franchise... if we can`t duplicate the level of energy the Seahawks fans gave their team last Sunday night against the 49ers.

Perhaps this team hasn`t given its fans many opportunities to rise to the occasion. But it has now. Finally. Let`s give this team a taste of Redskins fandom this weekend....

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I wish I was heading for FedEx tonight, but unfortunately need to be at work in Upstate NY at 8 am on the 12/31 and only admittance to a hospital will get me out of it.

For those going, please get loud on defense and stay on them through 4 quarters! The 12th man can totally confuse Dallas and have an impact on this game. Make those of us stuck watching from home proud and show this team what their effort feels like when its returned to them x 80,000!

I can almost tear up at the thought of how wonderfully crazy it will be in there when the Redskins win!! Enjoy every moment!! (From home- I'll be cheering all of YOU on!!)

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I found out that I had tickets to this in the club level on Friday of last week. I knew that my work schedule was good to go when the game was flexed Sunday night. I have been just full of excitement all week. I can't think about anything else. I feel like a kid at christmas, or when I was little the night before we went to Disney World. I cannot wait to get to this game. I can't wait to cheer this team on. I'm like Bart Scott times a billion.



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Every beavis 'Skins fan in MD and VA better get their butts to this game and scream their faces off (not on offense though, please). I would give a hell of a lot to live back there during times like these and have an opportunity to go to this game. So, if nothing else, go and scream for the rest of us fans around the U.S. who are geographically and/or cost-prohibited from attending this game.

Rest assured, we will be in our homes screaming (and having a few MI's, likely) and cheering along with the FedEx crowd. And just like we wouldn't allow a Dallass fan to step foot into our homes for the game, listen to Pez and don't invite one, single idiot Dallass fan. It would be fun to see our TV screens full of burgundy and gold, instead of chalk full of those crappy blue jerseys from hell.

Anyway, here's to a complete blowout by the Skins tomorrow (I am selfishly requesting this because I don't know if my heart can handle another "good," close game...) :cheers:

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I found out that I had tickets to this in the club level on Friday of last week. I knew that my work schedule was good to go when the game was flexed Sunday night. I have been just full of excitement all week. I can't think about anything else. I feel like a kid at christmas, or when I was little the night before we went to Disney World. I cannot wait to get to this game. I can't wait to cheer this team on. I'm like Bart Scott times a billion.



:ols: so great! Sal Pal crapped his pants when Bart said this!!

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Wow. Just got home from a business trip and my GF said look behind the TV (Christmas Story Style), and guess what was sitting there? A late Christmas present of 4 tickets. Her, myself and two friends. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I plan on not having a voice tomorrow night! HTTR!

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I leave for work in 4 minutes. 6:30-2:00. Then I speed home, grab the wife, and drive the 2.5 hours down to my parent's house in MD. Then we all load in the car and drive the typical 1 to 1.5 hour early drive to FedEx around 4:30-5:00, meet up with some friends who tailgate around 6-6:30, grab some quick food and fun, then into the stadium.

Along with me and my wife I will be in attendance with my mom (rabid Redskins fan) my dad (not a rabid fan of anything, but a source of tickets none the less), my brother (less rabid but still dedicated Redskins fan) and a family friend who is a wounded veteran from the good ole' USMC (he's going to be an honorary Redskins fan and I'm sure won't mind doing a little cheering). Then, assuming the game ends on time around 12:00 or so, its an hour and a half back to my parents, 2.5 hours back up to PA, if we're lucky we get in between 3:30 and 4 am. Then I get up at 9:30 for another 7.5 or 8 hour shift at work.

But it's all worth it. I wouldn't trade this for the world. I'm so excited. I'll cya in a bit D.C.

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Everyone lucky enough to be going needs to remember that they are representing the tens of thousands of us not able to. Get a little less drunk and a little more pumped, rock the lots with "WE WANT DALLAS" before you even go inside, let a national, hell, worldwide audience see the fervor of Redskin nation once again. Rib those 'Boys fans you see but do it with some class and sportsmanship, make even Seattle fans cringe at the noise level when we're on D and then siddown n STFU when our O is on the field................... you know, all that good type stuff :ols:

This is an opportunity for the fanbase as much as it is for the team. These guys have busted their asses to entertain us, to represent us, to come together and make this possible, let's give the support and the energy to rise up and throttle our most hated, most tenured, most deserving foe in our own house! All you "oldtimers' ought to be sharing tales in the lot, the names of Riggins and Manley, Talbert and Allen, remembrances of chickens and funeral wreaths, let it all out for the fans that never knew those days, light a firestorm amongst your burgundy n gold brethren, rock that place like it's RFK!

This it it, Dallas on our turf for the division and a homefield game in the playoffs, if you can't sellout now then climb in the hole and start pullin' the dirt in after ya.

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Today is the day I've been waiting for my nearly 27 years of life. A Redskins-Dallas game that I will vividly remember that truly means something. What more can you ask for than a game against your biggest rival for the NFC East title in Week 17 at home in prime time? Cannot wait to get to FedEx Field!

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