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2nd Place in the Division Is Still wide open.


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When we win next week, we'll only be two games out. Giants still have Green Bay, us New Orleans, Atlanta, Baltimore, and Philly to play. We have Philly (x2), Dallas (x2), Cleveland, them, and Baltimore. We are FAR from out of it.

true. hopefully giants, girls and eagles continue to suck it up and we start playing well and winning :)

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The Giants have been cursed by the football Gods...John Mara will be punished. they will fold and lose the division. 7-9 8-8 wins the division this year. The Cowboys game going into Thanksgiving will be huge game in the division, but if you know anything about Jason Garrett than you kno he cant coach. and the Cowboys will beat themselves. could be a crazy and intense ride all the way into Monday night playing for first place in the division against the Giants at home in Fedex. NFC East is full of drama every year.

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When we win next week, we'll only be two games out. Giants still have Green Bay, us New Orleans, Atlanta, Baltimore, and Philly to play. We have Philly (x2), Dallas (x2), Cleveland, them, and Baltimore. We are FAR from out of it.

It's SO true. Which is why I'm so furious with Shanahan for the way that he acted after the last game. He brought on a lot of un-needed criticism. Andy Reid stood up there today after getting beat by Dallas, and said, "NFL is crazy, we're far from out of it." That's what Shanahan needs to say. And believe. And get his team to believe.

The Giants are all of a sudden in free-fall, and they have the hardest part of their season left. Dallas, even with the win today, is a bit of a mess. The Eagles are a complete disaster.

The 'Skins need to NOT be a complete disaster. And if they manage to NOT be a complete disaster, get some of their mojo back, and start playing a little smarter, they can win some games even with the deficiencies in the secondary. Hell, with just a little bit of good luck, they might get a player or two back, and that might help as well.

But they have to stick together and play confidently, and stop making stupid mistakes.

What's most frustrating is that this team really can compete and be a player this year and next if they can just stop shooting themselves in the foot. It looks like the Eagles are about to start a full fledged rebuilding period. Dallas isn't that far behind. The Giants, while having 2 SBs, are always between and 8-8 and 10-6 team. The division is not that hard this year, and probably won't be that hard next year.

This is the time to make a move. They just need to DO it and not be the doormat of a bad division.

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We control our own destiny....If they win the next two games, and the Packers beat the Giants.

Not impossible for us to win vs. Philthy. And we can beat the Cowboys.

We getting our starting safety back hopefully, and Garçon needs to man up.

I'm not getting my hopes up, just sayin....

more streaks need to end for the 2 game winning streak...

1968 - Cowboys 28, Redskins 20

1974 - Cowboys 24, Redskins 23

1978 - Cowboys 37, Redskins 10

1990 - Cowboys 27, Redskins 17

1996 - Cowboys 21, Redskins 10

2002 - Cowboys 27, Redskins 20

have not beaten dallas on turkey day ever.

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IF the Giants implode, the division is up for grabs. It would be ugly and slightly embarresing, but it is possible to luck into first place. Philly is on complete implode mode, Dallas still is imploding but they just got outshined by the mess in Philly yesterday, and the Giants and Eli have been terrible lately, at the very least beatable. Just got blown out by the Bengals.

All I'm saying is there is a tinge of hope, not realistic hope, but it is still there...

If we play absolutely perfectly, and everyone else decides to completely implode...


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IF the Giants implode, the division is up for grabs. It would be ugly and slightly embarresing, but it is possible to luck into first place. Philly is on complete implode mode, Dallas still is imploding but they just got outshined by the mess in Philly yesterday, and the Giants and Eli have been terrible lately, at the very least beatable. Just got blown out by the Bengals.

All I'm saying is there is a tinge of hope, not realistic hope, but it is still there...

If we play absolutely perfectly, and everyone else decides to completely implode...


As pointed out, the Giants don't really have to implode. They have the Packers, Saints, Falcons and Ravens left, plus our game and a season finale with the Eagles. It's not hard seeing them at 8-8 with that schedule.

The team with the clearest path is probably Dallas at 4-5 with tough games vs. Pittsburgh and the Saints, potentially easier games with Cleveland and Cincy, and our two games.

Always the eternal optimist, I think 5-2 down the stretch could win the division if the right games are won. Have to go 4-1 in the division and split with Baltimore and Cleveland.

Depending on Vick's health, the two Eagles games are doable, have to split with Dallas, and need the Giants game. 4-2 in the division would probably be enough to win a tiebreaker.

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If we beat Philly it will get interesting. The boys play the browns and thats not a gimme game the Browns have stayed close in most of there games they have a good defense if Weedon can limit turnovers and Richardson has a good game they can win. I want that Thanksgiving game to be a huge game so bad.

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When we win next week, we'll only be two games out. Giants still have Green Bay, us New Orleans, Atlanta, Baltimore, and Philly to play. We have Philly (x2), Dallas (x2), Cleveland, them, and Baltimore. We are FAR from out of it.

It makes that last minute loss to the Giants that much harder to take. We would be 4-5, 1/2 game out of first. Even with all our fans' gloom and doom, we are 1 dropped ball and 1 correct call by the refs from being 1/2 up in the NFC East.

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Huge game for the Skins Sunday. This thing is far from over. Time to find out what RG3 IS ALL ABOUT. I wish I could give the skins a pregame a speech. Mike S, Haslett and the D need to get there head out of there***'s and stop being the NFCE doormat and put the Eagles out of their misery.

Time for someone else to be bottom feeders. Skins are getting a second chance at having a good season. It's all there for the taking. Hey RG3.......Go catch your dream!!!!!!!!

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We're in a tailspin at the moment, but all it'll take to get us out of that is one good game where we execute well.

Let's go out this week, get a win, hope for a Boys loss, and swing into tied for 2nd.

Hopefully Reid gets canned too after this week, and that causes enough trouble that we get the 2nd game too.

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Guys if we somehow win next 3 coupled with a Giants loss to Packers, we are sitting in first place on Dec 4th

I love it...and my instinct is to jump all over these scenarios whenever I read them. The problem is, it's not even remotely likely. Anything is POSSIBLE, but that's about all we're clinging to. If the Dolphins (who just lost to the Titans by 34 points at home) win their next 3 games they will sit at 7-5 and be, at worst, 1 game back of the Patriots in the AFC East. In their locker room, they should be thinking about that. Some of their die hard fans are probably telling themselves that. But, as detached, objective people who understand something about football, you and I know that there is virtually no chance that happens.

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