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Previews of Coming Attractions: Upcoming New Movies (Thoughts and Info on Movies That Don't Have Their Own Thread Yet).


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I'll say it. I like Daniel Craig as Bond. He's unlike any of the previous actors. He's tougher and grittier. I still dig Connery and Pierce. Sometimes Roger Moore was funny. Still, I hope Craig stays for a few more before somebody else takes over.

No arguments there. Compared to Moore and Connery, Craig is ripped. Manly man

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I'll say it. I like Daniel Craig as Bond. He's unlike any of the previous actors. He's tougher and grittier. I still dig Connery and Pierce. Sometimes Roger Moore was funny. Still, I hope Craig stays for a few more before somebody else takes over.


I rank the Bonds this way:


#1 Connery

#2 Craig

#3 Bronson

#4 Moore

#5 Dalton

#6 Lazenby



Craig is only signed for one more movie. Odds are that will be his final movie and in a few years; we will be looking at a new Bond.

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I rank the Bonds this way:


#1 Connery

#2 Craig

#3 Bronson

#4 Moore

#5 Dalton

#6 Lazenby

(I've put gaps in the list, where I think there's a dropoff.)

1) Craig.

2) Connery.

3) Dalton (Although, admittedly, that's because of his first one. His second one reeked.)

4) Brosnan.

5) Lazenby

6) David Niven.

7) The Saint.

(Actually, The Saint did some movies that didn't stink. But for a while there, he pretty much drove me away from the entire Bond franchise.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you guys think the Man from UNCLE is going to be a disappointment or maybe good? I wanted to believe it will be good and go see it, but when I saw a preview where they had the commentator to say "just as good as James Bond", it crushed my hopes in this movie and now I am definitely skeptical.  

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Do you guys think the Man from UNCLE is going to be a disappointment or maybe good? I wanted to believe it will be good and go see it, but when I saw a preview where they had the commentator to say "just as good as James Bond", it crushed my hopes in this movie and now I am definitely skeptical.

I wish it was because I like Cavill but I don't think it will be. I'm holding it hope but I'll probably wait until it hits the discount theater before I check it out

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Just read the Wikipedia entry for H8ful 8.  Just had to know it was influenced by old Westerns,but this is cool. 


""It's less inspired by one Western movie than by BonanzaThe VirginianThe High Chaparral", Tarantino said.

"Twice per season, those shows would have an episode where a bunch of outlaws would take the lead characters hostage. They would come to the Ponderosa and hold everybody hostage, or go to Judge Garth's place — Lee J. Cobb played him — in The Virginian and take hostages. There would be a guest star like David CarradineDarren McGavinClaude AkinsRobert CulpCharles Bronson or James Coburn. I don't like that storyline in a modern context, but I love it in a Western, where you would pass halfway through the show to find out if they were good or bad guys, and they all had a past that was revealed. I thought, 'What if I did a movie starring nothing but those characters? No heroes, no Michael Landons. Just a bunch of nefarious guys in a room, all telling backstories that may or may not be true. Trap those guys together in a room with a blizzard outside, give them guns, and see what happens.'"

I remember some a few of those episodes. :)  Very cool that Bruce Dern is playing one of these characters,again,in this movie. Very cool. 

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