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Previews of Coming Attractions: Upcoming New Movies (Thoughts and Info on Movies That Don't Have Their Own Thread Yet).


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  • 3 weeks later...

the Independence Day trailer didn't do much for me

Yeah I was underwhelmed. It seems way too serious and try hard ish. I don't remember the trailers or anything for the first one but it didn't feel that way, it was like they embraced the cheesiness. And no Will Smith? F that.

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Yeah the first one was one of the best bad movies ever. It didn't take itself too seriously.

This one doesn't seem to be anywhere near that, it's going for full on serious, dark, and personal. Which may end up being fine, if they want to change the tone.

I do like thay we have used the leftover technology to enhance our technology and weapons so there should be some decent scifi creativity involved.

But where is Captain Hillard? Surely, he would be useful in this scenario.

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Yeah I was underwhelmed. It seems way too serious and try hard ish. I don't remember the trailers or anything for the first one but it didn't feel that way, it was like they embraced the cheesiness. And no Will Smith? F that.

Ya, don't go to the website for the movie if you don't want to find out what happened to Will Smith's character.


Edited by Renegade7
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Ya, don't go to the website for the movie if you don't want to find out what happened to Will Smith's character.


That's a cool site but I clicked around for a min or two and couldn't figure out what happened.  But you can google will smith independence day 2 and you'll see "what happened".  


IMO, it's not much of a sequel without him.  

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He didn't sign on for the project because he had recently completed After Earth and didn't want to do another father/son type sci-fi movie.

After Earth just continues to hurt me...

That's a cool site but I clicked around for a min or two and couldn't figure out what happened. But you can google will smith independence day 2 and you'll see "what happened".

IMO, it's not much of a sequel without him.

Like 10 years afterwards they tried to incorporate alien tech into our fighters. Smith's character was piloting one of the early prototypes and it malfunctioning, killing him. Weak

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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He didn't sign on for the project because he had recently completed After Earth and didn't want to do another father/son type sci-fi movie.

After Earth just continues to hurt me...



so....he chose After Earth, to throw his son in our faces again....over Independence Day 2?!  Where his career started?  Will, you idiot.  Wish Uncle Phil was still here so he could slap the **** outta his dumb ass.  If Smith was in ID2, it'd probably make a billion dollars.


And I have zero interest in Concussion.  Like, depending on reviews, I might not even watch it when it comes on HBO.

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so....he chose After Earth, to throw his son in our faces again....over Independence Day 2?! Where his career started? Will, you idiot. Wish Uncle Phil was still here so he could slap the **** outta his dumb ass. If Smith was in ID2, it'd probably make a billion dollars.

And I have zero interest in Concussion. Like, depending on reviews, I might not even watch it when it comes on HBO.

I know man, I don't get it. He's ok with making MIB 3 but not ID2?

They could have at least not killed off his character so that if this one makes a bunch of money and they make a 3rd he could be brought back in for that one. Because Will Smith loves money.

Concussion looks like a snooze fest. I might redbox with some wine so I won't feel bad when I fall asleep in the middle of it.

He needs to get back on his game. Maybe Suicide Squad will do it. Still can't believe he turned down the role of Django a few years ago.

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Like 10 years afterwards they tried to incorporate alien tech into our fighters. Smith's character was piloting one of the early prototypes and it malfunctioning, killing him. Weak


omg, mega weak.  that's laughable.  

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Sort of fits here--not wanting to start a thread for it







Paramount and Hasbro are making an '80s toy cinematic universe



Considering how in vogue large-scale movie universes are these days, Paramount is already on its way to building its second one. The Hollywood Reporter reports that the studio and Hasbro have teamed up to create a massive, cross-property film universe, where the characters from the G.I. Joe series will collide with heroes and villains from four whole other brands: Micronauts, Visionaries, M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand), and ROM the Space Knight.


Allspark Pictures, Hasbro's film studio, will produce the film, and Paramount and Hasbro plan on assembling a writer's room of some of Hollywood's best talent to get the universe off the ground. This move mirrors Paramount's earlier decision to mount a Transformersuniverse of sequels and spinoffs. That effort is being led by I am Legend writer Akiva Goldsman, and audiences will soon see the product of that work in the coming years.


Cobbling together a summer blockbuster series out of little-known toy brands from the '80s is a bet Paramount is clearly willing to take as it catches up to the rest of the industry. Without a bankable Transformers movie in theaters, the studio performed the worst of the seven major studios this year.


Meanwhile, almost every other studio is either developing a connected universe or reaping the benefits. Marvel is the gold standard by now, but Warner Bros. is poised to make boatloads of cash with its DC Cinematic Universe. Fox has the X-Men and Deadpool. Sony, now forced to share Spider-Man with Marvel, is developing another universe with Valiant Comics characters.


Even Universal, which made the most money of any studio in 2015, is building its own classic monster universe, starting with Dracula and the upcoming The Mummy reboot. It's now clearer than ever that this is the status quo in Hollywood, and Paramount is on the back foot.


(per red highlight) I used to buy Valiant/Charlton/Gold Key superhero titles too as a young dude, and they had some great charterers/stories.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Godzilla Reportedly Goes Through 3 Transformations In Toho's Resurgence Movie



Yesterday, new images of Godzilla from Toho's upcoming Godzilla: Resurgence film leaked online. They gave us new looks a the ferocious creature and revealed its skin was possibly covered in radioactive burns. Now a new report explains that the city-stomping beast will go through three transformations during the film.


BMD reports that "when we first see Godzilla in the film, he is going to be a burnt-out and scarred monster," which is what we saw in the leaked photos. "But he won’t look like that the whole film. Like some of his foes before him, Godzilla will actually change as the film progresses. I’ve been told that by his third form, he should look like a much more standard Godzilla."


"We still don’t know if Godzilla is going to fight other monsters or end up being a good guy," they added. "But I have heard that this new suit is way bigger than normal, almost twice the size of an average person, which is very exciting."






pics & more @ link

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  • 3 weeks later...

Denis Villeneuve's 'Blade Runner 2' Starring Ryan Gosling & Harrison Ford Officially Starts Filming In July


There are many arguments to be made against even the mere idea of a "Blade Runner" sequel. Ridley Scott's 1982 movie is an inarguable classic, a pinnacles of the science-fiction genre and a neo-noir nonpareil. Frankly, a followup could only pale by comparison. But Alcon Entertainment are doing everything it can to get fans to let their guard down.
First, the studio hired Denis Villeneuve ("Sicario," "Prisoners") to direct, then landed Ryan Gosling to star opposite the returning Harrison Ford. Those three names alone would be enough to get me to watch any movie, but … "Blade Runner 2?" Let's just say I'm curious to see where it goes.
Alcon has officially announced that production will be begin in July, with Warner Bros. distributing the picture stateside and Sony around the globe. No word yet on an exact release date, but this will surely be near the top of the Playlist's Most Anticipated Films list for 2017.
Click on the link for more including the press release
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