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CSNWashington.com: RG3 will practice on Wednesday


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I just hope that neither RG3 or the Shanny's over correct here:

RG3 is a brilliant runner. It's what sets him apart. He is a fine pocket passer and capable in that department, but at this point in his career and in our team's development we aren't going to be successful dropping back and running traditional pass plays 40 times a game.

His legs are what make him special. I absolutely want him to be smarter, to slide, and to throw the ball out of bounds when there is nothing there.

But if its third and goal from the 3 and the coaches think they have a draw or option play that will work, they should call it... And RG3 should run it. If its a tie game with 4:00 left Sunday and Kyle thinks the Vikes are susceptible to gettin beat by the triple option, he should run it.

It's football. RG3 will get hit. And because of his skillset, he will probably get hit more than other QBs. He just needs to learn that he can limit those hits by making better decisions. But if RG3 or the coaches specifically change their game to avoid hits, then they are doing our opponents a favor.

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Honestly, as weird as this sounds.

The offense should focus around alfred morris. RG3 is a very good qb and will be a great qb in the future. But i would feel alot more comfortable with the team basing the team in the running game. Thats how you win games play good defense and run the ball.

Let morris carry the team and let rg3 manage games. We dont need to put all this pressure on rg3 right now. Let the kid relax hand the ball of and make throws when we need him. Let morris run hes effective and can be a feature back. We made couple playoffs with portis carrying the load. I think we can do the same with Morris.

Morris should be our feature player on offense not RG3.

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Every post has been positive. I'm waiting for the next bunch to be of the "shut him down for a few weeks" variety

I'm going to use the term "cautious." As of right now, he has only been cleared to practice. We don't know yet if he'll actually be able to play on Sunday against Minnesota. This is also supposed to be a "no contact" practice for him. If any of the typical symptoms of a concussion show up later this week (headache, nausea, vomiting), then chances are he won't play Sunday. You can't just throw him back into the game without making sure that he is okay first. IMO, it's a little pre-mature to say that he is a definite go for the Vikings game.

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I'm going to use the term "cautious." As of right now, he has only been cleared to practice. We don't know yet if he'll actually be able to play on Sunday against Minnesota. This is also supposed to be a "no contact" practice for him. If any of the typical symptoms of a concussion show up later this week (headache, nausea, vomiting), then chances are he won't play Sunday. You can't just throw him back into the game without making sure that he is okay first. IMO, it's a little pre-mature to say that he is a definite go for the Vikings game.

Well he's passed everything up until this point. Of course, if any symptoms return he won't play but if he's cleared, then he's cleared.

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This doesn't mean he's 100% going to play this weekend. Sometimes you can feel ok after suffering a concussion yet several days later experience blurred vision, nausea, headaches, etc.

His health is more important, I know Robert is a warrior and will do anything for the team, but if he experiences even the slightest symptoms, then he needs to sit.

Finger Crossed.

Edit: Courier2003 beat me to it!

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I won't go that far. This is definitely great news. I just hope that all of the proper procedures have been followed, and he's legitimately 100% good to go.

I'll be honest. It makes me a little nervous, knowing that two days ago, he didn't know what quarter it was, nor what the score was. That doesn't sound like a "mild" concussion to me. But I have to trust the experts in this case.

Hail, and PLEASE, for the love of all that is good and holy, end this &@#$&%! home losing streak!!!!!!

I used to play squash and in one game I tripped while at full pelt and crashed into the wall head first - after my squash partner stopped lauging and helped me up i for a second could not remember the score or whos serve or which service box we were playing from - but i think there is a element of shock in that . I am confident i never suffered a concusion and was simply daised, as i was able to continue the game and suffered no lingering effects .

From the reports is when RGIII had a few moments to compose himself he was able to answer questions correctly and there are other tests that can be done - such as being able to track a moving object smoothly with his eyes, being able to talk coherently, not sluring or stumbling over their words and be able to maintian a normal converstation . Concusion can be aslo accompined by nausia and or vomiting - and a general feeling of being unwell - these symptoms can occur days or weeks later but these have not been reported .

People are rightly concerned about second impact syndrome - the problem with SIS is it is hard to say it exists (between 1980 and 1995) there were less than 30 cases reported amongst football players and less than half of that were confirmed on investigation .

What i am saying is I belive the NFL and the team will have taken all the precaustions and tests available to safegaurd a high profile players safety - especially in the face of ever treatening litigation on the horizion from ex-players and so if he has been cleared - hurraahh ! let the kid play ..

One final thing - people saying RGIII should learn how to slide - he was sliding - or in the process . If he had not already been on the way down Witherspoon would have hit his midsection and we would not be talking about this . It is a little anoying - RGIII was sliding becasuse he noticed Witherspoon closing in on him - he did just not slide fast enough - had he made for the sideline insted of sliding as Witherspoon closed there was no way Witherspoon was not going to colide with him - RG3 could have been knocked out of bounds and drawn a flag ... possibly ....

It was unfortunate but there it is football - a viloent game - hits are going to happen and there is not much you can do about it . The only way we could garuntee he would not be hit is to give him a headset and tell him to go and sit in the coaches booth and call plays from up there .

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I hope he didn't take sliding lessons from Jason Campbell.

Seriously, I'm expecting to see the OL play above their heads Sunday. We don't want him taking a hit like he took from Dunta Robinson on that blitz, either. I said before and I still think we could keep him out this Sunday, but I'm no doctor and I'm not there, so I hope everything works out.

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I hope he's practicing running out of bounds.

Seriously, why is everyone talking about sliding? Throw it away or run OOB, no need to slide there.

Then again, its easy to say this after the fact. I suppose we should just count our blessings it wasn't worse than it was.

On the play, it looked like he was trying to stop and cut, but his feet slid out undereath him. But you a right in that on that particular play, he should have launched the ball 10 rows up and not even made it to the sidelines.

---------- Post added October-10th-2012 at 08:37 AM ----------

Honestly, as weird as this sounds.

The offense should focus around alfred morris. RG3 is a very good qb and will be a great qb in the future. But i would feel alot more comfortable with the team basing the team in the running game. Thats how you win games play good defense and run the ball.

Let morris carry the team and let rg3 manage games. We dont need to put all this pressure on rg3 right now. Let the kid relax hand the ball of and make throws when we need him. Let morris run hes effective and can be a feature back. We made couple playoffs with portis carrying the load. I think we can do the same with Morris.

Morris should be our feature player on offense not RG3.

If we wanted a game manager, we would have kept Campbell. No thanks. He's a dynamic player and quite frankly I feel like he got hurt because the Shanahans have had the leash on him too much. He shows what he can do when they let him run the 2 minute drill (Rams, Bengals and Bucs games). Take the cuffs off and let him go.

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I haven't seen anyone question the young man's intelligence. But when I do, I will happily make it clear to that poor soul what a fool he/she is.

I was just referring to the "he needs to be smarter with the football" , Hopefully now he knows to slide" or "he needs to be smarter about throwing it away/sliding etc" sentiment in this thread. He knows what he is doing and what he can/can't do better than any of us. Thats all I meant.

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why would they want to sit him for another week if he's medically cleared to play? i don't understand.. that means that we will have a healthy, productive, starter on the bench for what? Especially if he's not showing any post-concussion symptoms.

yea i don't get it either. this is football. he's making millions and is medically cleared with no symptoms. play him

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Knowing my opinion doesn't mean squat, I say sit him for a week. I know he'll wanna play if cleared, but we're gonna need him for years to come...let's play it safe.

why would they want to sit him for another week if he's medically cleared to play? i don't understand.. that means that we will have a healthy, productive, starter on the bench for what? Especially if he's not showing any post-concussion symptoms.

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why would they want to sit him for another week if he's medically cleared to play? i don't understand.. that means that we will have a healthy, productive, starter on the bench for what? Especially if he's not showing any post-concussion symptoms.

yea i don't get it either. this is football. he's making millions and is medically cleared with no symptoms. play him

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