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Movies that you know to be objectively awful, but you like them anyway


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Also, despite the fact that I'm a huge Batman fan and this movie basically killed the franchise until Chris Nolan resurrected it years later, Batman & Robin is so absurdly awful that I just crack up watching it. I can't not watch it if I catch it on TV.

Yeah, if I had a top 10 Strangest Movies You've Ever Seen list, that would definitely be an entry. Uma Thurman was hot though.

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I don't know it if it was trying to be self parody or not. I certainly look at that way now. But when you have dialogue like "If he dies .... he dies!", "I must break you!" :yikes:, and plot devices like the absurdity of a world class athlete being forced to train in abandoned farmhouse for no apparent reason, while his opponent had a whole team of trainers, doctors and top of the line tech/drugs, the Soviet Union "suddenly turning pro-Rocky", etc. that certainly qualifies it in the lame category.

Actually, Rocky was not forced to train there. That is what he asked for. He wanted to "get away" to clear his mind for the fight. If you remember that when they arrive at the cabin, the Russian guy says something like, "everything is here just as you requested," or something like that. Then Paulie starts to complain about not having TV and going crazy with bordom.

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Also, despite the fact that I'm a huge Batman fan and this movie basically killed the franchise until Chris Nolan resurrected it years later, Batman & Robin is so absurdly awful that I just crack up watching it. I can't not watch it if I catch it on TV.

Batman Forever is great too.

The bizarre neon homoerotic world of Gotham is... unique, I'll give the movies that.

Another great terrible movie from the spastic 90's is Boz Lurman's (sp?) Romeo & Juliet. I saw it many times as a kid and never realized how truly bizarre it is until I watched it about a year ago.

---------- Post added October-1st-2012 at 08:04 PM ----------

Drumline with Nick Cannon.

I think I've watched it at least three times all the way through.

Haha! Great movie. Almost as good as You Got Served (which I own on DVD).

---------- Post added October-1st-2012 at 08:24 PM ----------

I forgot to add Howard the Duck. The worst Marvel superhero film ever....but I love it.

I'm just waiting for the Rocket Raccoon movie.


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Weekend at Bernies 1 & 2

Back to School

all the Police Academy movies,

I'm with you on WAB #1, not #2.

Yea, Back to School obviously was geared a certain way and endearing to me. "Triple Lindy."

As per Police Academy, whichever one had the asian dude who hooked up with the booby blonde, that was my favorite. And Bobcat Goldthwait.



Also, robocop

Got to go with both here as well.

I watched some vid which counted the number of dead Arnold killed in Commando, at ridiculous proportions. And I remember reading that Arnold's "lines" were very limited in early drafts but gradually he owned the dialogue, with the birth of the one liners really exploding here: "Let off some steam."

"Detroit is a city in urban decay Alex Murphy is a cop and it's his 1st day."

warning awesome rap (but explicit lyrics)


My personal favorites are Total Recall and Tango and Cash.

I forgot who exactly brought up Tango and Cash, but I absolutely love it too, one of my favorites.

The thing that I noticed early on in the movie was an attempt to recreate the Beverly Hills Cop "type," of music - yet it had that distinctive cheesy aspect to it. Ironically I think it was Stallone who wanted, was in the running, for the lead of BHC, yet of course it went to Murphy and there was history.

Stallone could have never pulled off the humor or irreverent behavior that Eddie Murphy delivered.

And of course BHC #1 had some of that distinctive Bruckheimer grittiness of cinematography, pacing and lighting and everything else, which at the time was good - not an over-the-top, almost self satire that the later ones seemed to have, like ConAir. Whereas T&C was just cheese because it wanted to recreate that, but couldn't, so you knew.

Anyway, just everything from the movie: the club scene with what's her buckets - didn't she have a thing with Howie Long?

The high-five at the end after destroying Jack Palance's mega drug complex.

The fact that Jack Palance (Perret) was able to corrupt enough people to sack Stallone - Ray Tango and Russell - Cash into a Max Penitentiary but the 2 busted out during a thunderstorm by zip-lining to safety.

The dangling of that dude (he had other roles in 80s movies as a bad guy) who had a real cheesy British accent, from the top of a building, while having a grenade duck-taped to his mouth, all the while Stallone and Russell were playing Bad Cop - Worse Cop.

The bathroom scene, which is cut down here.

Kurt Russell getting a massage from Stallone's sister using a theme of a 3s-Company rip of double entendre and sexual innuendo.

I used to quote the hell out of this movie.

OH! Kurt Russell in drag escaping the police drag net out the back of the club. The flicking of the cigarette butts at the homely and weak looking cop, who had the bravado to hit on Russell while dolled up.

Much more ...

The rip-off of the Bond character "Q," with that dude I've seen before ... a bumbling geek, tech virtuoso, idiot savant named "Owen."

James Hong ...

explicit again, but it's Tango & Cash ... so:


Has anyone nominated Over the Top? - I will.

What about Enemy Mine? - I can always watch that one.

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Actually, Rocky was not forced to train there. That is what he asked for. He wanted to "get away" to clear his mind for the fight. If you remember that when they arrive at the cabin, the Russian guy says something like, "everything is here just as you requested," or something like that. Then Paulie starts to complain about not having TV and going crazy with bordom.

Yep, then Paulie falls in the snow. Great comic relief!

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Whereas Kubrick's 2001 was awesome as a film, but awful to actually watch in its entirety.

Oh God, I took a science fiction class a few years back and had to write a paper on 2001. Never could finish it. Feel asleep everytime. Loved the book, the movie though..zzz.

Anyway, I think i'm the only person in the world who loved Semi Pro. Easily my favorite Will Ferrell movie.

Oh and Waterworld. Always liked that movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...
F that. I love Zoolander. But yes. Guilty pleasure.

"What is this? A center for ants??"



OMG...that scene is too much. Me and some buddies of mine wore that out with constant "What is this?" quips.

My movie choice would probably be "The Evil Dead".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, I use Zoolander and Wedding Crashers quotes...all...the...time :ols:

And I fully admit, the whole Twilight series premise is ridiculous, but DAMN I love those movies and went to every midnight opening for all 5 movies.

Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion


16 Candles

Basically every girly chick flick known to mankind...I'm a sucker for

---------- Post added November-26th-2012 at 07:02 PM ----------

Oh, special shout out to Hot Tub Time Machine :ols:

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While I'm on that tip got to shout out the all-time classic, cult ...

Hot Dog (the movie)


I'll never forget the 1st time I watched this.

---------- Post added November-26th-2012 at 10:21 PM ----------

And since Hot Dog reminds me of the past, got to shout out (essentially a remake)

Out Cold

haha, it's about that time of year again, some of you know.

"up in it, lovin' it strong"

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