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Movies that you know to be objectively awful, but you like them anyway


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Easily my favorite Will Ferrell movie. I am literally the only person I know of who likes that movie. I watch it every time it's on. I think maybe because I have a rare combo of youth for the humor and knowledge and appreciation of the long extinction ABA subject matter. I know it's a ****ty, all-over-the-place movie but just something about it

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Loved Waterworld. Also like the Mothman Prophecies way too much. And always stop when I see Superman 3 for some reason.

I've always loved Waterworld. Kills me that it gets so much hate.

Anyway, just realized I already posted in this thread and mentioned Semi-Pro (and Waterworld) among others. One that I don't think I mentioned but Braveonawarpath93 did way back at the start is Star Wars Episode 3. I really think that might be the best Star Wars.

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I've always loved Waterworld. Kills me that it gets so much hate.

Anyway, just realized I already posted in this thread and mentioned Semi-Pro (and Waterworld) among others. One that I don't think I mentioned but Braveonawarpath93 did way back at the start is Star Wars Episode 3. I really think that might be the best Star Wars.


I actually enjoyed all of the prequels, though the first 2 obviously weren't on the originals' level.




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I'll admit, Doom was awful, and may have forever ruined it's big screen opportunity, but some of those monsters were awesome. The FPS scene towards the end was pure genius, but the material was terrible, especially when you consider that they pretty much completely warped the storyline. Plus I got goosebumps when The Rock whipped out that plasma rifle.

I always watch it whenever it's on (usually Spike TV)

They need to reboot and try again. It could be an absolutey terrifying movie if they get the right acting, and stay somewhat true to the actual plot, along with the costumes and a little CGI on top.

I hate what they did to the storyline... I hate that Hollywood takes what has succeeded and allows some moron to try to reinvent the wheel. See: World War Z and a Resident Evil for other examples. But... I have watched that crappy movie more times than I like to admit. I complain "no you ****s, demons not this stupid DNA garbage!" every time as I will the next 10 times I watch it when I find it playing on TV.

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I hate what they did to the storyline... I hate that Hollywood takes what has succeeded and allows some moron to try to reinvent the wheel. See: World War Z and a Resident Evil for other examples. But... I have watched that crappy movie more times than I like to admit. I complain "no you ****s, demons not this stupid DNA garbage!" every time as I will the next 10 times I watch it when I find it playing on TV.


The Resident Evil movies were horribly done. The Walking Dead show captured the feel of what the Resident Evil movies should have been like. Those movies weren't gritty enough to fit the mood of the games. There was too much of a techno feel and the characters were shallow.

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I hate what they did to the storyline... I hate that Hollywood takes what has succeeded and allows some moron to try to reinvent the wheel. See: World War Z and a Resident Evil for other examples. But... I have watched that crappy movie more times than I like to admit. I complain "no you ****s, demons not this stupid DNA garbage!" every time as I will the next 10 times I watch it when I find it playing on TV.


Mortal Kombat and Silent Hill are probably the Gold standard. Unfortunately, both sequels were ripped to shreds. I think in order for the adaptation to succeed, the game producers have to have a major say in the direction, script, and screening process. Even then you have to cross your fingers. Even in todays era, people still don't take video games seriously, giving them the amount of respect they deserve.


I hope Assassin's Creed changes everything, but I'm not getting my hopes up too much.

The Resident Evil movies were horribly done. The Walking Dead show captured the feel of what the Resident Evil movies should have been like. Those movies weren't gritty enough to fit the mood of the games. There was too much of a techno feel and the characters were shallow.


Did you see the one that came out last year? My god. I had no idea what the hell I was watching.

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Did you see the one that came out last year? My god. I had no idea what the hell I was watching.

hahaha that movie was like having random bad movie ideas thrown at you. They are making a 6th, I think its because a franchise that bad should end on the devils favorite number.

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Mortal Kombat and Silent Hill are probably the Gold standard. Unfortunately, both sequels were ripped to shreds. I think in order for the adaptation to succeed, the game producers have to have a major say in the direction, script, and screening process. Even then you have to cross your fingers. Even in todays era, people still don't take video games seriously, giving them the amount of respect they deserve.


I hope Assassin's Creed changes everything, but I'm not getting my hopes up too much.


Did you see the one that came out last year? My god. I had no idea what the hell I was watching.



Yeah I saw that BS. Somebody just decided to dump a bunch of money into special effects for the Resident Evil movies and not worry about telling a coherent story.

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hahaha that movie was like having random bad movie ideas thrown at you. They are making a 6th, I think its because a franchise that bad should end on the devils favorite number.


Yeah I have no idea where they go from that ending. It's absurd. They took a gargantuan dump on the RE saga. I think the only reason it hasn't been **** canned it has so many fans (why, I have no clue)

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Yeah I have no idea where they go from that ending. It's absurd. They took a gargantuan dump on the RE saga. I think the only reason it hasn't been **** canned it has so many fans (why, I have no clue)


Because even though the movies totally suck, Milla Jovovich is thoroughly kick-ass as a action hero.

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Looks like Ubisoft has creative control. That's the first step when dealing with the known black hole of videogame adaptations. My only issue is that they appear to be going with the Desmond/ First Civilization storyline, which will convolute the hell out of the plot, and force you to tell two stories at once, meaning that one will surely be watered down. The only person nailed down cast wise is Michael Fassbender so far.


Lets face it, we all know Hollywood is running out of ideas, which I think is the reason for the **** ton of reboots and comic book superhero movies/book adaptations over the last 10 years. They eventually got comic book movies right, recognizing that there is something special there. At some point, someone is going to make game adaptation, and knock it out of the park. I have no doubt that Ubisoft can set the soundtrack/environment There just needs to be quality acting and pacing, and not necessarily 100% following the plot, but staying true to the overall theme of the games.


Why not start here.

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I didn't know Pee Wee was that well liked.


That movie is possibly the most important movie of the last 30 years.


That movie proved that Tim Burton could make a movie that was a hit with a broad audience. Because of that, he was given Batman. Batman pretty much defines what a summer movie is now - even more so that Star Wars. (Star Wars was the singular vision of a weirdo more or less working outside the studios, using a cast of unknowns. Batman was a corporate creation that had Jack Nicholson). By 2013, the only kind of movie studios really make at this point is "summer movies."


So....all this is because of Large Marge.

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You could probably write a thesis on the Summer of 1989 and how it set the template for every summer since.


Look at the top hits of the Summer of '88

Die Hard

Bull Durham


Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Coming to America

A Fish Called Wanda

Midnight Run


Original scripts (with the exception of Roger Rabbit, but that was a pretty fascinating interpretation). No sequels. A variety of genres. Some pretty deep themes.


Now look at 1989


Ghostbusters II


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Lethal Weapon II

Dead Poets Society

Do the Right Thing


Sequels, tentpole movies, comic books, big broad kids movies and maybe one smaller movie aimed at grownups.


That was the future.

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Interesting take. I wonder how much the economic crisis also played into how companies operate nowadays. I think less directors/actors are thinking big, willing to take risks, and are more apt to go with safer movies and roles. I'd be curious to see how various film students/aspiring directors approach it as well when it comes to film.


I mean I could pretty much boil almost every movie down to:



Historical movies

Novel based movies

Movies based on true stories

Superhero movies


I will say that sometimes, when looking at the past, you can get a warped sense of reality because only important things are remembered, which begs the question of how were things were in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, '80s, etc when you sift past all of the timeless classics.


I still think that lack of originality above all else is one of the biggest reasons why the film industry is the way it is at the moment, and I think horror movies suffer the most. I mean, out of all of the ways (internal/external) people can be frightened, it just seems that every time I go to watch a new one, it's always the latest "Troubled little girl/boy" or "Exorcism" related movie. I think audiences (myself included) factor into it as well, because the main reason most people go to the movies is to have fun/let off some stress. I think thought provoking movies (unless almost legendarily done) are much better suited for the home experience. I think that's why the "Summer blockbuster" has reached its current status. People get out more when it's warm, everybody's all bunned up, and they want to either laugh their ass off, or get entertained by faced paced action.

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I didn't know Pee Wee was that well liked. I thought nobody really enjoyed that movie except me because it was so silly.

Its one of those movies that kinda flew under the radar of a lot of people, I think. It's not exactly Ghostbusters where everybody to this day still knows what it is (interesting correlation: Paul Reubens was originally supposed to play Gozer), but I've found most people who have watched it--that I am aware of--have enjoyed it. It's silly and enjoyable for kids, but there's also a bunch of adult humor mixed in that kids are completely oblivious to.

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That movie is possibly the most important movie of the last 30 years.


That movie proved that Tim Burton could make a movie that was a hit with a broad audience. Because of that, he was given Batman. Batman pretty much defines what a summer movie is now - even more so that Star Wars. (Star Wars was the singular vision of a weirdo more or less working outside the studios, using a cast of unknowns. Batman was a corporate creation that had Jack Nicholson). By 2013, the only kind of movie studios really make at this point is "summer movies."


So....all this is because of Large Marge.



Yeah, we used to talk about the "seminal" work and Burton's impact re: Pee Wee but we knew we were just wasted on some excellent stuff. :lol: Pee Wee still rocks. "Dottie" (Pee Wee's gf in movie) is a contestant on The Voice this season. 

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Jumbo, you must have eaten your Wheaties this morning.


Did you see the Counselor last night?  I did, I would like to throw it into this thread.  I think the movie was terrible, my wife hated it, the audience sighed in disappointment at the ending, but I somehow came out happy to have seen it.

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