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Yahoo Sports: Josh Morgan takes one of the worst penalties in NFL history, costs Redskins a chance at overtime (and related news)


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The kid made a mistake. He's from around here and grew up a Redskins fan, which makes me even more sick when I read some of those comments on the twitter feed. Grow up, it's one game and one learning opportunity. What if Shanahan didn't try to freeze the Rams kicker? We would have gone to overtime if he hadn't done that as well. Hindsight is 20-20. Give the guy a break, he's probably down on himself enough already.

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Let's not sugar-coat this, by pointing to everyithing else. Morgan was immature and couldn't control his emotions and stay calm to help out his team. During the game, I saw a few other flashes of that mentaility before he got flagged. I'm wondering if he'll ever get a clue. I hope the fans remind him next week at FedEx -- he needs a little feedback, about how actions have repercussions.

Right now, that number "15" seems appropriate for for this guy..

This undisciplined player is in the doghouse of my dog's doghouse.

I admired that everyone is giving him a second chance -- and hopefully he's mature enough to make something from that opportunity. Otherwise, Morgan's the kind of semi-talented WR who's destined to find a way to mess up your teams chances during future games

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Are people really saying to cut Morgan still? Come on everyone makes a mistake, heck just look at our two punt blocks in two games, I guess you got to cut the guys who missed their blocking assignments :ols: Im joking

Heck, probably should of been offset penalties in the first place after seeing Chris Long Taunting the sideline

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That angle clearly shows Jenkins launching against a defenseless receiver. The explanation from the refs post-game that "nobody saw it" is mind boggling. What the **** are they watching if they aren't following the ball? :doh:

Cheerleaders? The guy selling popcorn? Jesus? Sure wasn't the field.

---------- Post added September-17th-2012 at 10:31 PM ----------

Let's not sugar-coat this, by pointing to everyithing else. Morgan was immature and couldn't control his emotions and stay calm to help out his team. During the game, I saw a few other flashes of that mentaility before he got flagged. I'm wondering if he'll ever get a clue. I hope the fans remind him next week at FedEx -- he needs a little feedback, about how actions have repercussions.

Are you advocating we boo a guy on our football team in our home stadium for making a mistake?

Classy. You sure make us look like one of the best fan bases in football with that mentality.

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Are people really saying to cut Morgan still? Come on everyone makes a mistake, heck just look at our two punt blocks in two games, I guess you got to cut the guys who missed their blocking assignments :ols: Im joking

Heck, probably should of been offset penalties in the first place after seeing Chris Long Taunting the sideline

Morgan actually wasn't acting any different than most of the other players on the field did that day. He simply chose an awful time and some extra drama. The replacement referees were allowing a lot of post-play skirmish all day. The tone was set and Morgan was the guy who went too far.

The Rams drew us into an ugly affair and I would not be the least bit surprised if Jeff Fisher planned it that way. We ate the bait- hook, line, and sinker. I mean that as a compliment to Fisher, btw. He's a crafty guy who knows that team will need some attitude to succeed while they rebuild. Against another team like Washington that is still forming it's identity it was a good game plan.

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4th and 16 is realistic. I would have taken my chances with RG3 before I would have tried such a long field goal knowing the odds were better with RG3 either throwing for 16, running for 16, a pass interference, off sides, or roughing the passer. The field goal is either miss or make and at 62 yards there are only two that are remotely close at making the field goal and that is Akers and Janikowski. I am shocked the kick got off the way our special teams have been playing.

Yeah a 63 yard kick has been made 3 times in NFL history I think. This is 1 yard shorter and Cundiff isn't accurate at 50 yards. I guarantee the odds of making the 4th and 16 is much better, probably 10x better.

Hell I would have went for it if it was 53 yards. RG3 could have made a huge play that we'd all remember for a long time.

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Off topic question! I was watching redskins post game show and they were talking about morgan's bone head move.Well B-Mitch said something like if you have a young team or if you have young players you will have immature reactions by the players.My question is is this team young and were do we rank in the league from youngest roster to oldest.

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Off topic question! I was watching redskins post game show and they were talking about morgan's bone head move.Well B-Mitch said something like if you have a young team or if you have young players you will have immature reactions by the players.My question is is this team young and were do we rank in the league from youngest roster to oldest.

Redskins are ranked 24th

1 Rams 25.32 17 Jets 26.21

2 Eagles 25.55 18 Saints 26.34

3 Browns 25.62 19 Raiders 26.38

4 Vikings 25.64 20 Giants 26.4

5 Packers 25.65 21 Ravens 26.4

6 Buccaneers 25.69 22 Texans 26.42

7 Seahawks 25.77 23 Broncos 26.47

8 Chiefs 25.8 24 Redskins 26.53

9 Patriots 25.81 25 Steelers 26.56

10 Titans 25.85 26 Bills 26.57

11 Bengals 25.87 27 49ers 26.64

12 Panthers 25.91 28 Bears 26.66

13 Dolphins 25.91 29 Cardinals 26.91

14 Cowboys 26 30 Lions 26.93

15 Colts 26.02 31 Falcons 26.98

16 Jaguars 26.06 32 Chargers 27.15


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I was at the game and I'm tellin you .... dude took a shot on the previous possession that I'm surprised he got up. I'm telling you ... he hit the ground in a way that I'm surprised he didn't break his leg with the way he fell on it. It looked as if he were asleep before he hit the ground! !!

So .... while I'm disappointed by what he did .... I'm not really sure it is fair to hold it against him when A.) He is concussed and B.) According to fletch in the post game interview "Morgan couldnt remember what set him off"


I dunno what y'all saw on TV but, I just can't be too upset with him. I've never seen anyone get up from a hit like that.

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i may have overreacted when it first happend, but it was still a dumb childish penalty. i think i may have been less upset if he would have retaliated with a shove or something of that matter even if it still cost us 15. with that said, after re watching the game a couple times, with the poor officiating i could see a player letting his emotions get the best of him and i know atleast in my time i may not have been able to stay cool. it should serve as a solid learning experience to a young team

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Redskins are ranked 24th

But if you take out some of the older back ups our only getting up there starters are Fletcher, Rocca (on his second career remember), Cundif and I think Moss possibly Hall and Williams are over 30 . Everyone else is fairly young <30 but having Fletch at 37 pumps up the average a little .

Still I think what is intersting is the Rams are the youngest team in the NFL by average and the coach is a whatever-i-can-get-a-way-with defensive minded coach not known as a disciplinarian .

---------- Post added September-18th-2012 at 01:04 PM ----------

Also I think it is quite interesting as PFT points out that Long was taunting our bench (for at least the second time in the game ) for more than a minute after the Morgan call - another very easy call as turning and gesturing to the bench of the opposing team is not something that can be misconstued in the natural flow of the game ... and he was right in front of the referees, even moved away from two officials by a third and went back to continue the taunting after being moved away ... That should have been called for unsportsman conduct - which it clearly was ... and that would have given us not only the 15 yards back but 1st down as well (i think) .. here is the clip

But the game is over - I hope something is done for next week - but i really doubt it .

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He's human right? Sometimes these things happen. It's quite easy to lose your temper when someone like Finnegan is playing against you. Look at what Andre Johnson did. What Morgan did is amateur compared to that lol. Unfortunately for us, he lost his cool at the worst time. But if Morgan is to be reprimanded, I want Shanahan reprimanded for his bone headed decision on the field goal attempt and Smith reprimanded for the disaster of a punt team.

immature people make mistakes like this.. they react before thinking..just glad he didn't have a gun

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Ok Team, Garcon is in, So Morgan is out. Ok Garcon is out, Morgan is not out because we have a need. You either do it or you don't

So you didn't comprehend when I said, "He should be benched next week, and I think that is exactly what will happen if Garcon is ready to go. I think he should be benched a game anyway, but I have a feeling that it will be less than that if Garcon is not ready. next weekend."?

I was refering to what I would do versuswhat I think the team will do. But I can say that from my high horse, because I am not affiliated with the team except for being a fan. I think the team will weight their options on whether it is a full game or partial game depending on Garcon availability. They are in the business of winning football games and talent-wise, Morgan gives them the best chance to do so...Boneheaded penalty notwithstanding.

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No, no, I'm not one of those fans smart ass. Don't label "a little time" going on twitter and bashing one of our player's family. Don't call a "little time" cursing everyone and everything on this team. That's what I was talking about, so I'm not sure why you felt the friggin need to reply to me in this way. My comments were directly pointed towards those who were taking this too far, as you mention in the final sentence here in your response. So how about you keep the smart ass comments about painting rainbows to yourself and go read my response a bit better? Maybe you need to stop talking to unicorns while reading?

You know, I'm sorry for responding to you like this. I don't want to be this way, but you made it hard not to be. You clearly have the wrong idea about what "stewing" means, and it certainly has nothing to do with whining on a message board. In fact, taking "a little time" as you suggest would mean exactly the opposite going by the common usage of that phrase. Taking a little time means you step back and go calm yourself. It's not flipping out. :doh:

And, sure, different personalities are different. Doesn't mean they're right. It also doesn't mean one can't go off on the foolishness of certain personalities. I'd take the guy with a level-head who can paint some rainbows after a loss over the jackasses stewing like little babies over things they can't control.

So if you want me to let everyone "stew" without giving my opinion on it, how about you not be a hypocrite and allow me to "stew" about the foolish personalities I want to stew about? I'd appreciate a "little time" doing that, thanks. :thumbsup:

My post wasn't trying to be a smartass, but simply pointing out that you may be the type of person who gets over a loss instantly, while others may take longer. I'm not sure why you felt it necessary to name call, which makes your post sound alot more inflammatory than mine. I think we both agree that people reacting by cutting and firing everyone is a bit overreactionary, so I'm not sure why we're even arguing that. I just pretty much ignore those posts as they bring nothing to the site.

I really don't care what the literal definition of "stewing" is, it's just a phrase that people throw around when they are upset about something. And yes, people react to things differently then others do, and I'd take the level headed guy over the ranter and raver anyday, but you can't change people. As long as the mods don't tihnk they' breaking any rules by acting like a baby, who cares.

Maybe you should take a day before coming in here (just advice- don't take it as a shot or personall) so that the initial jackass responses will be gone by Tuesday morning. I did that a couple of years ago. Things got me so worked up, not only about the loss, but the reactions, that I decided that I would not come in here on Mondays. But as I've gotten older, my reactions to losses have gotten better. I don't need all of Monday to get over a loss. Usually about 12-15 hours and I'm good. When I was younger, I would go on for a couple of days.

You seem to have lost your temper about one post of mine. Reading it again, I can see why you may have taken it the wrong way, but it was intended to be more sarcastic then inflammatory and if you took it that way I apoligize. I just wanted you to realize the some people react in different ways and the best thing to do is put some pads on the walls and let them have at it. Time for the Ben-Gals.

---------- Post added September-18th-2012 at 09:50 AM ----------

Morgan made a double-dumb play. First, instead of moving straight forward for an easy first down, he dances like Randle-El and comes up short. Next, he gets the brain-dead penalty to end any realistic chance of winning the game.

Frankly I've seen nothing special about Morgan. Even disregarding this play, he seems like a very average possession receiver to me.

Robinson dropped a big pass, but it's obvious he has big potential. He's fast and seems to be able to get open. What do we need Morgan for? Cut his ass!

^^^ Padded Wall

---------- Post added September-18th-2012 at 09:52 AM ----------

Lucky you're a mod so you can get away with being a jerk to people and insulting them. You seem to enjoy that. I certainly have no "long history" of "idiotic" posts football-wise. Most of my serious posts in the past were in the Jason Campbell debate, where I was proven correct, along with the other "agenda boyz". Nothing idiotic about that.

Go ahead and ban me if you want, big man.

And stupid to boot!

---------- Post added September-18th-2012 at 10:01 AM ----------

After flagging Josh Morgan, refs let Chris Long get away with taunting



I was thinking the same thing to myself.

Wish we could bounty his ass. His Dad played for the dirty Raiders, so this is expected.

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Good luck running a team that way. Zero tolerance usually works wonders.

It actually does, and players of Morgans caliber are perfect for sending a message to the rest of the boy's, zero tolerance to anyone who deliberately costs you a game for nothing more than showing the world what a tough guy he is, when you put your pettiness before the team your gone, or you better be irreplaceable talent wise.

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i love how everyone is conveniently neglecting the realize he has a concussion from a play about 3 minutes before he made the bonehead move and according to LF59 in the locker room after the game when asked by larry about what had set morgan off..... london stated that when he spoke to morgan he couldnt remember what pissed him off....

im telling you... this wasnt just some immature player being stupid... this was a player with a concussion "head trauma" from a previous play only minutes before from a helmet to face hit on an unprotected receiver that should have been a penalty as well as a fine...

i really dont think josh would have done that had he not been concussed...

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It actually does' date=' and players of Morgans caliber are perfect for sending a message to the rest of the boy's, zero tolerance to anyone who deliberately costs you a game for nothing more than showing the world what a tough guy he is, when you put your pettiness before the team your gone, or you better be irreplaceable talent wise.[/quote']

This has been another episode of "Why Fans Shouldn't Be General Managers. Or Head Coaches."

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i love how everyone is conveniently neglecting the realize he has a concussion from a play about 3 minutes before he made the bonehead move and according to LF59 in the locker room after the game when asked by larry about what had set morgan off..... london stated that when he spoke to morgan he couldnt remember what pissed him off....

im telling you... this wasnt just some immature player being stupid... this was a player with a concussion "head trauma" from a previous play only minutes before from a helmet to face hit on an unprotected receiver that should have been a penalty as well as a fine...

i really dont think josh would have done that had he not been concussed...

If it is true he was concussed, then he should not have been in the game.

If the team knows he has a concussion and does not disclose it, I think we can get in a lot of trouble, so let's hope that is not the case. If we do list him with a concussion on the injury report, we will likely have to sit him anyway. I think. Not sure of the specific rules, but that is my impression of how the NFL is handling these concussions nowadays.

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If it is true he was concussed, then he should not have been in the game.

according to espn 980 , which i listened to on the way home from the game, it was reported within 20 minutes from the end of the game it wa reported that he was concussed.... and had i been the coach, after watching that hit looped 50 times on the jumbotron, i would have known this kid is most likely concussed.... it was a BAD hit that didnt get called and should be cause of a hefty fine

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