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Yahoo Sports: Josh Morgan takes one of the worst penalties in NFL history, costs Redskins a chance at overtime (and related news)


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Just got home from work. Its my my first visit to ES since yesterday's loss, and I log on expecting a very long thread about the Josh Morgan incident on the front page. I am surprised (and disappointed) to find no such thread exists yet, so here is one.

There were a lot of miscues in this game, the second blocked punt in as many weeks was especially irksome, but all the miscues and general ugliness of this contest pale in comparison to the ultimate bonehead move made by Josh Morgan. That **** is positively inexcusable.

This Yahoo sports article took the words right out of my mouth.


There is a whole new level for inexcusable penalties after what receiver Josh Morgan did to sabotage the Washington Redskins.

With the Redskins trailing 31-28, Morgan caught a third-down pass and was short of the first down at the Rams' 29-yard line, but the 7 yards Morgan picked up should have helped Billy Cundiff's chance at a game-tying field goal. Then Morgan had a brain lock for the ages.

Cortland Finnegan, Rams cornerback and professional agitator, gave Morgan a little shove at the end of the play. Morgan inexplicably threw the ball at Finnegan in retaliation. There are certain things an official can let slide in the heat of the moment, especially when he knows a penalty will decide the game, but there's no way an official is going to ignore a player chucking a ball at an opponent after the play.

The flag was worth 15 yards and suddenly the Redskins faced fourth-and-16. Redskins coach Mike Shanahan - whose doghouse door opened up the moment Morgan wound up and fired at Finnegan - decided to let Cundiff try a 62-yard field goal rather than go for it with 1:18 left. It was well short and wide right, and the Rams killed the clock with a couple plays out of victory formation.

What makes the penalty even crazier is Morgan was well aware of Finnegan's reputation for getting under an opponent's skin and talked during the week about not retaliating.

The author goes on to make Dwayne Rudd and Leon Lett comparisons, which I think are apt.

Maybe I'm overreacting, but I think Morgan earned himself a spot on the bench for a week.

---------- Post added September-17th-2012 at 03:38 AM ----------

Some related articles:


It doesn’t take a genius to figure out a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct, moving a very makeable 47-yard field goal into a 62-yard field goal, is a bonehead play. Josh Morgan, the five-year veteran wide receiver for Washington just made such a game-killing play on Sunday.

On the play that caused Morgan to lose his cool, Shanahan had this to say, "It might have been the first down, it was close enough, it was inches. You can't lose your poise. You lose your poise, obviously good things don't happen."

Great call coach. That should go up on a plaque in the locker room, “Lose Your Poise And Good Things Don’t Happen.” Here’s another plaque idea, “You Suck Morgan.” Just a thought.

. . .

This is a team with some talent, but not enough to overcome idiotic penalties in the fourth quarter. The Giants can bounce back from mistakes and Eli tossing 3 picks in the first half. The Redskins, however, can not shoot themselves in the foot if they expect to win enough games to make the playoffs this year.


The Redskins maybe didn’t deserve to beat the Rams this afternoon but they had a chance until one of the dumbest penalties in recent memory.
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I'm hoping he suffers no repercussions from his MISTAKE (That he probably feels horrible about), comes back next week motivated and has a big game for us. This isn't some guy that is a nightmare to deal with like Haynesworth. Give him a break. Finnegan is a dirty player and Morgan let his emotions get the better of him. We weren't on the field guys. We don't know what the hell Finnegan was doing to him all game. All i know is, instead of pointing the finger and asking for his head, why don't we rally around him and lift him up a bit. He probably feels horrible as it is. Jese. Some people are just ruthless. What is everyone going to boo him next Sunday like they do Grossman now? I'd rather have a productive Morgan then have his confidence be shaken. The guy is a really good football player. Great hands, great blocks

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From twitter. (not sure if this is funny or too much, but its out there either way):


My boss gave me a raise, but then I threw a football at him, now I'm unemployed, this #Morganing isn't as fun as #Griffining


My mom said I could have extra dessert, but then I threw a football at her face so now I don't have any dessert #Morganing


Built a ship in a bottle, it took me like 3 years to finally complete the feat, when I was done I threw a football at it #Broken #Morganing


"Oh, we're in field goal range? Let me throw the ball at someone's face to get us back out." - Josh Morgan, maker of questionable decisions



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From twitter. (not sure if this is funny or too much, but its out there either way):


My boss gave me a raise, but then I threw a football at him, now I'm unemployed, this #Morganing isn't as fun as #Griffining


My mom said I could have extra dessert, but then I threw a football at her face so now I don't have any dessert #Morganing


Built a ship in a bottle, it took me like 3 years to finally complete the feat, when I was done I threw a football at it #Broken #Morganing


"Oh, we're in field goal range? Let me throw the ball at someone's face to get us back out." - Josh Morgan, maker of questionable decisions



There's stuff on twitter telling Morgan to go kill himself. Some people are really disgusting

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There's stuff on twitter telling Morgan to go kill himself. Some people are really disgusting

Now that would obviously be too much. I'm very upset about that play, but we would all agree that there is a line you don't cross here in criticizing players.

I would not so much as boo him, to be honest, but I do reserve the right to be mad at him (and make fun of him).

I'm not ready to just give him a pass on this. He totally lost his wits out there. It was a colossal mistake, and it cost us the game. He deserves to take some heat for it.

I can see why you would feel bad for him. I always felt bad for Bill Buckner, but I have no problem saying he cost the Sox a World Series.

The thing for me is that Morgan was very unprofessional and that is a real problem for the coaches to address. I do not know how they should address it, but they should definitely address it somehow. I think benching him would be perfectly appropriate, maybe you think not, but I would be very upset if I thought the coaches would just let this go without any disciplinary action.

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The worst thing about the Morgan incident for me was that it brought back memories of Michael Westbrook. Life can be cruel enough without having that POS occupying any part of my conscious mind. I hope the "Morganing" thing really takes off. The guy does deserve a degree of humiliation (humiliation=cool, death threats=very uncool) for acting like a Norv Turner coached player.

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Now that would obviously be too much. I'm very upset about that play, but we would all agree that there is a line you don't cross here in criticizing players.

I would not so much as boo him, to be honest, but I do reserve the right to be mad at him (and make fun of him).

I'm not ready to just give him a pass on this. He totally lost his wits out there. It was a colossal mistake, and it cost us the game. He deserves to take some heat for this.

He was very unprofessional and that is a real problem for the coaches to address. I do not know how they should address it, but they should definitely address it somehow. I think benching him would be perfectly appropriate, maybe you think not, but I would be very upset if I thought the coaches would just let this go without any disciplinary action.

He's human right? Sometimes these things happen. It's quite easy to lose your temper when someone like Finnegan is playing against you. Look at what Andre Johnson did. What Morgan did is amateur compared to that lol. Unfortunately for us, he lost his cool at the worst time. But if Morgan is to be reprimanded, I want Shanahan reprimanded for his bone headed decision on the field goal attempt and Smith reprimanded for the disaster of a punt team.

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Reminds me of Zidane/Materrazi, they both knew what those clowns were up to but nevertheless they fell into the trap. Plain stupid and inexcusable. The Rams took advantage of our major weakness our secondary, but what pissed me off is that they were no better than us, they used dirty tricks to get the win such as trying to hurt Robert early, and Finnegan being his old self.

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Reminds me of Zidane/Materrazi, they both knew what those clowns were up to but nevertheless they fell into the trap. Plain stupid and inexcusable. The Rams took advantage of our major weakness our secondary, but what pissed me off is that they were no better than us, they used dirty tricks to get the win such as trying to hurt Robert early, and Finnegan being his old self.

The Rams did play a dirty game, and believe me when I say that I now consider the Rams one of the dirtiest teams in the league after today.

My concern here is that we stooped to their level to a large extent, and it ended up costing us the game.

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The Rams did play a dirty game, and believe me when I say that I now consider the Rams one of the dirtiest teams in the league after today.

My concern here is that we stooped to their level to a large extent, and it ended up costing us the game.

A copycat of the Ravens-Eagles game, dirty hits, fights and both games being dominated by out of control refs.

"Mike Pereira, the NFL’s former vice president of officiating and a rules analyst for Fox Sports, tweeted: “I’m officially over it. The regular refs need to get back on the field. Enough is enough.”

I'd like to hear Goodell about this.

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He's human right? Sometimes these things happen. It's quite easy to lose your temper when someone like Finnegan is playing against you. Look at what Andre Johnson did. What Morgan did is amateur compared to that lol. Unfortunately for us, he lost his cool at the worst time. But if Morgan is to be reprimanded, I want Shanahan reprimanded for his bone headed decision on the field goal attempt and Smith reprimanded for the disaster of a punt team.

I suspect the team will have a lot to address this week. I am in no way suggesting that there is not plenty of blame to go around here, as clearly there is. The blocked punts, the problems in the secondary, and perhaps even a few questionable decisions by the coaches are all legitimate concerns.

There were plenty of mistakes that need to be corrected, but my thing is that none of those mistakes were as glaring or dim-witted as Morgan's.

I find it easier to forgive a guy getting beat on a block, or a guy having trouble covering a receiver, things like that. Sometimes you just get outplayed, and it sucks, but at least you did your best. Whats worse than getting outplayed is getting outwitted. Mental errors like that cost the team games, and there is no excuse for them.

You simply have to be aware of the situation and in control of your own actions when you are on the football field. Morgan was neither.

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I suspect the team will have a lot to address this week. I am in no way suggesting that there is not plenty of blame to go around here, as clearly there is. The blocked punts, the problems in the secondary, and perhaps even a few questionable decisions by the coaches are all legitimate concerns.

There were plenty of mistakes that need to be corrected, but my thing is that none of those mistakes were as glaring or dim-witted as Morgan's.

I find it easier to forgive a guy getting beat on a block, or a guy having trouble covering a receiver, things like that. Sometimes you just get outplayed, and it sucks, but at least you did your best. Whats worse than getting outplayed is getting outwitted. Mental errors like that cost the team games, and there is no excuse for them.

You simply have to be aware of the situation and in control of your own actions when you are on the football field. Morgan was neither.

That's fine, but do you take this Kid, who isn't an off the field problem and arguably our most productive WR with Garcon out and bench him? Garcon might not even be back this week, who knows. Is it really worth it to bench him to prove a point to say You cost us last week, now go think about it on the bench this week? What purpose does that have? Last week is gone, it's over, we lost. We can't go back and change it. The Redskins are a much better offense with him out there, I'll tell you that. He catches everything. If he was an off the field problem to go with that blunder, I would say bench him. But he's not, no sense in weakening our team for something we can't change

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Somewhere Mike Singletary is taking off his glasses and shaking his head. He had to pull Morgan to the side in SanFran and ask him did he want to be great? Then told him that great players keep their composure and makes the play. Singletary said " i dont want to hear any excuses about what happened just make the play" .. How ironic that Morgan's entire last play on Sunday was filled with the same crucial decisions that Singletary talked about..

First he catches the ball one yard from the first down but instead of turning up field and getting the more important first down he decides to reverse his momentum by going the opposite direction losing two yards by trying to get out of bounds. he finds himself 1 yard short of the first down and again with a crucial decision.. But instead of flopping when Finnegan gives him a face shove to get the Redskins an extra 15 yds, he throws the ball to give the Rams 15yds. Its clear that when Finnegan pushes Morgan in the face the entire Redskins sideline errupts and all Josh had to do was pull a Vlade Divac and fall backwards flailing his arms in the air. Balls on the 14yd line instead of the 43yd line, and Griffin has over a minute to score the game winning TD while Josh is the hero and the play maker that Singletary asked him to be.

In that same 49er game where Singletary challenged Josh , Morgan came back to Catch a TD. Maybe next week he can do the same for us!

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That's fine, but do you take this Kid, who isn't an off the field problem and arguably our most productive WR with Garcon out and bench him? Garcon might not even be back this week, who knows. Is it really worth it to bench him to prove a point to say You cost us last week, now go think about it on the bench this week? What purpose does that have? Last week is gone, it's over, we lost. We can't go back and change it. The Redskins are a much better offense with him out there, I'll tell you that. He catches everything. If he was an off the field problem to go with that blunder, I would say bench him. But he's not, no sense in weakening our team for something we can't change

This is where we disagree I guess. I think benching him for a game would be appropriate. There have to be consequences for stuff like this or the team will have no discipline. Maybe some consequence besides benching him would be appropriate instead. In high school the coaches would make players run windsprints or do pushups, maybe something like that is in order. The worst thing to do would be to just let it go as if he did nothing wrong.

---------- Post added September-17th-2012 at 04:59 AM ----------

Somewhere Mike Singletary is taking off his glasses and shaking his head. He had to pull Morgan to the side in SanFran and ask him did he want to be great? Then told him that great players keep their composure and makes the play. Singletary said " i dont want to hear any excuses about what happened just make the play" .. How ironic that Morgan's entire last play on Sunday was filled with the same crucial decisions that Singletary talked about..

First he catches the ball one yard from the first down but instead of turning up field and getting the more important first down he decides to reverse his momentum by going the opposite direction losing two yards by trying to get out of bounds. he finds himself 1 yard short of the first down and again with a crucial decision.. But instead of flopping when Finnegan gives him a face shove to get the Redskins an extra 15 yds, he throws the ball to give the Rams 15yds. Its clear that when Finnegan pushes Morgan in the face the entire Redskins sideline errupts and all Josh had to do was pull a Vlade Divac and fall backwards flailing his arms in the air. Balls on the 14yd line instead of the 43yd line, and Griffin has over a minute to score the game winning TD while Josh is the hero and the play maker that Singletary asked him to be.

In that same 49er game where Singletary challenged Josh , Morgan came back to Catch a TD. Maybe next week he can do the same for us!

Never heard this story before. Very relevant and insightful, thanks for that.

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I couldn't believe it when he did it, but then again, I could. Rams played dirty all game, and Josh lost it, finally. It was really a frustrating game to watch, so I can't imagine being on the field and having to accept the BS calls of the stupid replacement refs. We should've had the benefit of the 15 yards in the beginning when Fisher challenged the fumble. I'm not calling for Josh's head, or anyone's. I've ranted about tackling(wrap 'em up and get 'em on the ground, stop trying to make HITS), and if not for letting the Rams get downfield, and the terrible calls (it was whistles still going on in my head that kept me awake all night), we had a decent chance to win.


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Now that I've woke up from the nightmare of a game yesterday, cooler heads and hopefully calmer reactions will begin to surface.

NOT! lol..

This issue with Morgan was attitude-based; a head-inflating 'we're gonna beat the world' mentality sprinkled in with we're better than thou. Attitude is ok to have when playing a game, but yesterday's game was an extremely poor collection of taunting back and forth on both sides, and maybe the hype of the Rams almost beating the Lions last week added fuel to the fire.

But to see this on a Mike Shannahan team is unusual. Josh didn't do the team any favors with his idiotic stunt, but the team as a whole walked into a Fisher bees nest. Fisher is a damn good coach, a great motivator who doesn't take crap from anyone; thats why he was highly prized as a coach. Remember, Haynesworth came from this guy, so we all know there's a bit of a nasty streak in him to get his players to stretch the rules as much as possible, and Finnegan played it to a tee, and Josh fell for it.

The Redskins learned a lesson yesterday, and that was 'they're not invincible'. They are improving, but have a long way to go; if things don't start turning around on the defensive side, the distractions could do alot of damage. The secondary is a glaring problem, even though Wilson and Hall played well IMO, there was no answer for speed, as their little field rat ran crazy through the secondary, due to poor defensive play-calling, which did get better in the second half, but it still needs pieces.

Wilson was brought in for a reason, but thus far, I am waiting to see why he was; a speedster is needed, not a hot head...

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What really got my goat is the thought of Finnegan, who last week thought it would be funny to fake a fight so the female ref would have to break it up, snickering with delight over being a cheap little dick. That, and Howie Long's kid taunting the sideline with his "be smart" gesture after having a bad game. The Rams are not a very classy team.

Last thought: before Morgan threw that ball and it was 4th and 1 I was hoping they'd go for it.

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What really got my goat is the thought of Finnegan, who last week thought it would be funny to fake a fight so the female ref would have to break it up, snickering with delight over being a cheap little dick. That, and Howie Long's kid taunting the sideline with his "be smart" gesture after having a bad game. The Rams are not a very classy team.

Last thought: before Morgan threw that ball and it was 4th and 1 I was hoping they'd go for it.

Jeff Fisher coached teams aren't exactly known for their class.

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The worst thing about the Morgan incident for me was that it brought back memories of Michael Westbrook. Life can be cruel enough without having that POS occupying any part of my conscious mind. I hope the "Morganing" thing really takes off. The guy does deserve a degree of humiliation (humiliation=cool, death threats=very uncool) for acting like a Norv Turner coached player.

I thought of that too, that was the famous headbutt game iirc, Cost the team a chance to win in OT, had to take a tie.

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The look on Shannahan's face and Long's gesture, Josh you've been stupid on this one. Sorry, I'm still upset about a game we should and could have won.

Man I couldn't even sleep last night, because all I could think about was Morgan throwing that F'ing ball and the look and Shannahan's face. He should have chewed his ass out right then and there, and let him know stuff like that ain't flying around here.

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Sometimes it is extremely hard to do but you have to keep your composure, you got to know what is at stake and the time of the game. The team had worked too hard to get into field goal position to tie the game to just give it all back because one players selfish behavior. Tough way to lose one but I understand the frustration given the pathetic officiating the entire game but you still have to KNOW the situation.

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Man I couldn't even sleep last night, because all I could think about was Morgan throwing that F'ing ball and the look and Shannahan's face. He should have chewed his ass out right then and there, and let him know stuff like that ain't flying around here.

I was agitated to say the least. London Fletcher is taking the blame for Morgan, saying he is the captain and that's his job to make sure his teammates don't loose their composure.

Video link of Redskins post game press conference.

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