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Yahoo Sports: Josh Morgan takes one of the worst penalties in NFL history, costs Redskins a chance at overtime (and related news)


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I was agitated to say the least. London Fletcher is taking the blame for Morgan, saying he is the captain and that's his job to make sure his teammates don't loose their composure.

Video link of Redskins post game press conference.

London's a class act. Even after he got cheap shotted (is that even a word), he didn't retaliate or seek retribution. He left it up to the refs, but unfortunately they couldn't get anything right.

London shouldn't feel bad about Morgan, you can't fix stupid.

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London's a class act. Even after he got cheap shotted (is that even a word), he didn't retaliate or seek retribution. He left it up to the refs, but unfortunately they couldn't get anything right.

London shouldn't feel bad about Morgan, you can't fix stupid.

Exactly. He set's an excellent example for that team, let alone the defense. That in NO way was London's fault IMO.

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Ditka on Mike and Mike: [Finnegan] isn't a good player, but he's a great antagonizer. That's all he can do.

He then went on to castigate Morgan, but I'm glad people in the know get Finnegan.

I think Finnegan's on field personality detracts from his actual ability as a physical cornerback and tackler. He's actually a pretty good player, but he is hated around the league because of the things he does that don't really have anything to do with the game. He is the Rodman of the NFL.

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Jeff Fisher coached teams aren't exactly known for their class.

Got to say I always thought Fishers teams were not nice teams .. this is a guy (Fisher) who has a reputation for being a disciplinarian but when Haynesworth came back after the head stomp - an on field incident that created a public oppinion swam ulike any other in recent times - welcomed him back with open arms and played him at his first opportunity .

It is his MO for his defenses to play past the whitsle and with the replacement refs it is like christmas for these kinds of teams . This was a tick tacky game all afternoon with fights breaking out and shoving and pushing after each play . I also noticed when we were driving in the 4th with no time outs i saw rams players getting up then falling again onto the skins player they had tackled to run the clock .. driving players heads into the grounds (Griffin on more than one occasion) and going for the head kill shots (like on one of Griffins early runs) and the Jenkins shot on Davis ..

I will not be rooting for the Rams any time soon .

But I think that was a "what we can get away with" attitude . The refs were terrible on both sides of the game . They lost control early and never stomped their authority .

When I watched the game I thought although we were winning there was no way we should have been . Morgan lost it at the end of the game but there were lots of reasons we should not have won that game starting with the attrocious defense, none exisitant pass or run blocking and really not special teams coughing the ball up again on a blocked punt .

The only bright spot was Griffin, who when everything was falling apart around him kept the team positive and looked like a grizzled vet coming back without fear after that interception .

The thing which angered me as much as Morgan was Shanahan not going putting the ball back into Griffins hand . It was an unlikley 4th and 16 against an imposible 62 yard FG try - I know what I would have done ..

Morgan was dumb and he probably will be shuffled down the depth chart over the next week, but come sunday Shanahan has to get his best team on the field and if that means Morgan starting then that is fine with me ...

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Morgan was dumb and he probably will be shuffled down the depth chart over the next week, but come sunday Shanahan has to get his best team on the field and if that means Morgan starting then that is fine with me ...

I agree. It's not like Morgan didn't realize what he did was incredibly stupid, he said it himself a bunch of times. It was a chippy game, that the refs lost control of early; it's no suprise someone finally lost it, it was bound to happen it's just unfortunate that it took place when it did. Yes, it's inexcusable, but he admitted his mistake and we just need to move on

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I'm hoping he suffers no repercussions from his MISTAKE (That he probably feels horrible about), comes back next week motivated and has a big game for us. This isn't some guy that is a nightmare to deal with like Haynesworth. Give him a break. Finnegan is a dirty player and Morgan let his emotions get the better of him. We weren't on the field guys. We don't know what the hell Finnegan was doing to him all game. All i know is, instead of pointing the finger and asking for his head, why don't we rally around him and lift him up a bit. He probably feels horrible as it is. Jese. Some people are just ruthless. What is everyone going to boo him next Sunday like they do Grossman now? I'd rather have a productive Morgan then have his confidence be shaken. The guy is a really good football player. Great hands, great blocks

So what if it was a mistake? So every dumb play in sports should go unpunished as long as he says my bad? Shanahan should sit him a quarter. That would be enough to make an example and tell the other players this kind of crap will cost us games and cannot happen, period. He certainly doesn't need to be cut. Sitting a player for a quarter hurts enough.

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I agree. It's not like Morgan didn't realize what he did was incredibly stupid, he said it himself a bunch of times. It was a chippy game, that the refs lost control of early; it's no suprise someone finally lost it, it was bound to happen it's just unfortunate that it took place when it did. Yes, it's inexcusable, but he admitted his mistake and we just need to move on

So did Steven Jackson...Fisher still showed his team he will not stand for any nonsense that puts yourself before the team.

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A quarter? That's like telling little Johnny to sit in timeout for 30 seconds for drawing on the fridge with a permanent marker. No, at the very least he deserves a half. If it were me, Briscoe would suit up the next game and Morgan would sit for one week.

I would have no issue sitting him for a half. The apologetic attitude here is sickening. Let's just move on because I'm sure he feels bad, lol. I would hope so. That's not enough. You are creating a culture of winning here and if that means sitting your #2 receiver for one of the dumbest penalties in the last few seasons so be it.

Those saying he should be cut though, that's a bit much.

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I could see sitting him a quarter, but for a whole game would be too long. Half might be ok too, if Hank is 100% ready to start at the Y spot. Yes, he made a mistake, but he'd been antagonized the whole game. I'm not saying he should be excused, but he definitely didn't do this out of thin air.

If I'm Shanahan, what I'm doing this morning (besides sitting down Haslett and Danny Smith for nice long talks), is walking into Snyder's office and telling him to throw some of his financial weight around and force Goodell to get the refs back. The real refs wouldn't have missed all the calls that got missed, and the game would have never gotten so out of control.

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it was a terrible mistake, but at this point i'd give Morgan a chance next week to make up for it. he's an asset to our WR corps and even more important if Garcon is out another week. If he does something like that again, then you can't trust the guy and decisions will have to be made. Its one thing for it to happen one time in a game that had been out of control all game, although certainly not excusable. I'd like to see us concentrate on next week at this point and bounce back with a win and even have Josh Morgan contribute in the game

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I'm all for discipline and no player being above it, but sitting Morgan would be cutting our nose off to spite our face IMHO.

He'll get chewed a new one this week behind closed doors at the park by the HC. He may even get dropped down the depth chart and lose his start next week. But no more needs doing than that. He knows he let his teammates, coaches, organization and fans down. It happened. It's past.

Provided it doesn't happen again, we move on with Josh learning a very public, very embarrassing, and VERY costly lesson.


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I'm sure Morgan already feels punished because of public embarrassment and the feeling that he is personally responsible for losing the game for his team. I'm actually ready to part ways from the Morgan incident. It is rare for a team to win every game the season. You win some, you lose some. Losing our first game doesn't define our season. We have the Bengals coming to our home to worry about. Beat them and we are 2-1 looking forward.

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