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Political Spectrum Quiz


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Man, y'all are way off

Here it is:

Right: 2.07, Libertarian: 7.22

Foreign: -6.21

culture: -6.98

Day-um. :ols:

I was right taking a bigger swing at libertarian, but still didn't get close.

BTW, how does it feel to be WAY right of twa? :silly:

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BTW, how does it feel to be WAY right of twa? :silly:

I always had a tough time placing TWA. He certainly has the right-wing reputation around here, but there are definitely times that I'll see posts of his that tell me that his reputation isn't entirely accurate.

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I always had a tough time placing TWA. He certainly has the right-wing reputation around here, but there are definitely times that I'll see posts of his that tell me that his reputation isn't entirely accurate.

See, I'm more that way with Predicto. I don't think he's the uber-lib he comes off as sometimes. And fundamentally, I think we agree on a good bit. But t-dub? I'd respectfully disagree with you there.

---------- Post added June-22nd-2012 at 09:36 PM ----------

I wish Sarge and MSF were still around to take this....as well as chomerics and CrazyHorse1 on the other side. They'd break the website. :ols:

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it's just confirmation bias. i remember that my pro gun statements (they were actually anti-antigun) on one thread lead someone to say that i was conservative on another thread, even though what i said in that thread wouldn't paint that picture at all.

but when you hear pro gun, you think right wing.

i have two uncles that love guns and the right to own them, one is a hippie to the extreme left and the other is an ultra-conserative to the extreme right.

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it's just confirmation bias. i remember that my pro gun statements (they were actually anti-antigun) on one thread lead someone to say that i was conservative on another thread, even though what i said in that thread wouldn't paint that picture at all.

but when you hear pro gun, you think right wing.

I respect outside-the-party-line stances. And not just because I'm pro-gay marriage.

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I respect outside-the-party-line stances. And not just because I'm pro-gay marriage.

we NEED to have that from our leaders on both sides.

i grew up catholic in a small town, but went to a big college and it certainly changed the way i think about things, but how can we expect other people to change their way of thinking if our leaders will pander to whichever belief system will get them the most votes?

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Guest Spearfeather

You are a center-right social moderate.

Right: 2.87, Libertarian: 0.51


Foreign Policy:

On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: 1.67


Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: 1.67

Pretty much where I thought.

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My call is that if I gave Riggo-toni an MMPI 2 his validity scores would be of a nature to make the profile most useful. As one o f my role models (Clint) would say, he is truly a straight shooter.

Ah thanks dude, but to be honest, I did struggle with this test. Too many variables come into my head with a lot of the questions - i.e. I do think it's the govt's job to regulate pollution, but I also think there should be some kind of cost-benefit analysis done with every such proposal. I am generally against foreign intervention, but I got no problem with drones nailing terrorists, although I am quite concerned that the Yemeni govt may be playing us to wipe out their opposition.

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Definitely didn't realize there were this many lefties on this board. Always got the impression that this was some kind of right-leaning centrist board with a couple of people solidly on the left. Cool to see the makeup of the board.

You are a far-right social libertarian.

Right: 9.13, Libertarian: 8.12

Foreign Policy: -8.62

Culture: -3.14

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stuck in the middle with you

You are a centrist moderate social authoritarian.

Left: 0.33, Authoritarian: 1.55

why do I always get put to the Left ? :beatdeadhorse:

Foreign Policy:

On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: 1.93


Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: 2.36

Every time I see on of these in the tailgate, and read the responses from posters, it supports what's accepted as endlessly repeated and verifiable fact in my profession. People frequently misrepresent themselves (i.e. lie about or posture or self-deceive) on such surveys. People often answer for how they want to be perceived in manners that often don't reflect their most genuine feelings or thoughts. That's why state of the art assessment tools like the MMPI 2 have such extensive attention devoted to identifying and factoring in such falsehoods common to such self-reporting. :)


twa, there's hope for you yet, but I guess that's how you've survived so well on such a left leaning board with your posting style.

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Every time I see on of these in the tailgate, and read the responses from posters, it supports what's accepted as endlessly repeated and verifiable fact in my profession. People frequently misrepresent themselves (i.e. lie about or posture or self-deceive) on such surveys. People often answer for how they want to be perceived in manners that often don't reflect their most genuine feelings or thoughts. That's why state of the art assessment tools like the MMPI 2 have such extensive attention devoted to identifying and factoring in such falsehoods common to such self-reporting. :)


no doubt. it's hilarious, almost a tool for some of the people in this thread to assure themselves they're not far-wing lunatics. :ols:

the fact that so many of our political pugilists / punching bags have "centrist" in their description is very telling and very funny.

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like an idiot, I closed the page before I could post my results. and I'm to lazy to redo it. But I was very surprised by what it said. To the point that I question the accuracy. I consider my self slightly right. it called me mid-left. The only major thing I disagree with the right on is abortion.

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You are a right social libertarian.

Right: 6.44, Libertarian: 4.53

On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: 0.97

Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -4.54

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