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Cute things your kids say and do


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I started a thread like this a few years ago, but I can't seem to find it. Anyway, thought it'd be nice to have a feel good thread for sharing those things about our kids that maybe don't warrant a thread of their own. I always enjoy reading other parents' anecdotes, and it's a nice break from the hostility of the election-year threads.

One from a while back....

My daughter predicted Boise State's rise to prominence. She was three or four when they played Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. I was watching the game when she came into the living room, and jumped up on my lap.

"What are you doing, Daddy?"

"Watching football, honey."

"Who's 'payin''?"

"Boise State and Oklahoma. Who do you think's gonna win?"

"Boise Steak."

And last night....

I was talking to my youngest (5) on the phone. She was uber excited to tell me about the four new fishies grandmommy and granddaddy got her.

"Did you name them yet?"

"Uh huh."

"What are their names?"

"'Princess,' 'Monkey,' 'Al' and 'Horsey.'"

She'd be really good at the random thought thread. :ols:

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Just a second ago....our kids are suppose to be in bed, then I hear a loud crash in my 3 y/o's room, then I hear a minor cry so I sit and wait. A minute later he is still crying, I asked him if he was alright and what happened....his response...."I fell off my batman house"..:ols: and I thought he was sleeping for the past 30 minutes.

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Just a second ago....our kids are suppose to be in bed, then I hear a loud crash in my 3 y/o's room, then I hear a minor cry so I sit and wait. A minute later he is still crying, I asked him if he was alright and what happened....his response...."I fell off my batman house"..:ols: and I thought he was sleeping for the past 30 minutes.


It's not usually as funny when mommy and daddy think they're asleep. :)

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My nephew back when he was very little and still learning to talk,(he only had the kids words for mom and dad at the time),looked at me and said "Cowsh uc!" :rubeyes: :wtf: His dad translated for me since he was the one who had queued the little to say this to me,(His dad had apparently been working with him on this that day). Translation: "Cowboys Suck!"



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When my daughter was 6/7 we lived in a townhouse development where there were alot of young kids running around until 10-11 every night of the week.

We explained to our daughter that we didnt allow her to play outside after the street lights came on because bad things happen to little girls after dark.

Fast forward a couple weeks, we arrive back to the house after a late evening wal-mart visit. Some of our daughter's friends come running up and want her to play outside.

She explains to them "My parents love me and don't want bad things to happen to me so I can't play outside after dark"

Might I add that most of the kids parents were sitting on their porches and well within earshot of this lovely comment.


And of course there's the nearly famous...

"If I let him go, he's gonna kick your ***"

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Jay, I'm sure you've heard this one before, but it bears repeating. And even if it doesn't, I'm going to anyway.

I was getting my oldest dressed one day when she was 2. As I put her socks on, I said, "Go tell mommy you're wearing your Dallas socks."

She goes to my wife and says, "Look, Mommy! Dallas socks!" Sounded a lot like "sucks." First haha.

The next evening we're having a family dinner, and my grandmother is a huge Skins fan. So I went for it again. "Lacy, go show Mom Mom your Dallas socks."

She looks at me with the most annoyed stare I had ever seen from her and said, "No, Daddy. Not Dallas socks. Dallas SUCKS!!"


---------- Post added May-14th-2012 at 09:10 PM ----------

And of course there's the nearly famous...

"If I let him go, he's gonna kick your ***"

Easily my favorite "Skins kid" story. :)

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We're pretty old fashioned about manners at our house. So when my son was 4, we were out at a restaurant for breakfast. He got up from his chair and walked over to the next table and as polite as can be says "Excuse me sir, no hats at the table." I about fell out of my chair. The guy's wife was like "yeah, even a little boy knows that."

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I was watching the Cowboys once when my little cousin came in an asked what I was doing. I told her and she asked who I was going for.

"I'm going for the Cowboys. Who are you going for?" I asked.

"I'm going for whoever wins," she replied in the most smug attitude possible

I could only laugh and say that that was a pretty flawless strategy.

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My son has this new thing with manners (he's 4). So, he wanted to come with me to Home Depot when I had to get some yard supplies. After we got our stuff and checked out we were walking to the car and I said to him, "Hey buddy, thank you very much for helping Daddy at the store today." And he replied, "Daddy, thank YOU for helping ME today."

For some reason that really made me smile and laugh.

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*My 4-year old son is laying on the floor, curled up against the side of my couch"

Me: Ummm, you know we have 2 couches, 3 beds and a recliner, right?

Jake: Yea.

Me: Soooo, you're just gonna keep laying there on the floor against the couch...

Jake: Yup.

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Out of the blue the other day, my 3 year old daughter explained the life cycle of a chicken to me:

"The mommy chicken sits on her eggs and she never gets up except to get food and water, then the baby chicken pecks out of the egg, then they grow up and become big chickens and then they walk over to Chick Fil'A and turn into chicken nuggets."

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Two quick examples where words get mangled, but they almost make sense.

-My 3 year old knew we keep leftovers in the "fridgilater."

-Summertime at the swimming pool. Break time. My 5 year old wants a snack. "Can I have money for the confession stand?"


In 2003, my nephew, who was 4 at the time, won the family NCAA March Madness bracket challenge. To fill out the brackets, his dad read the names to him and he made his picks. One of his upset picks was Butler, which came out of nowhere to advance the regional semifinal that year. He picked Butler to go far because they had "butt" in their name.

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You're getting kind of soft on us lately HH. :ols:

Anyway, I'll contribute. Our kids daycare is right next to my wife's work so she generally picks them up and drops them off, but I'll do so on occasion if I have the day off or get home early from work. There's one kid in my daughters group who started the "mine" thing and all the other kids picked it up. The kids are at the age where they actually like being picked up and seeing their parents (age 2-3) and there are often a few small tears if it's someone elses parents, so I've been told. Anyway, I go to pick my daughter, open the door to the room, all the kids heads turn to see who it is.

She notices it's me, comes running over with a smile and a big hug, and I scoop her up. She turns in my arms, faces all the other kids, looks down at them, and in a voice with a little vicious edge to it...

"MY DADDY" complete with stone faced glare.

Two of the other kids immediately started crying.

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This one isn't so "cute" and my kid is almost 16, so he's not so 'cute' either.. but i got a kick out of this.

Yesterday he asked if I'd take him and his girlfriend to see Dark Shadows this Friday.

Well, this is the weekend he spends at his mom's house, so I said, "you will be there, why not have her take you"

and he told me that

A/ he didn't want his girlfriend to ride in her filthy car (the woman is allergic to trash bags.), and

B/ he would rather I take them because.. as he put it "I'd rather her meet this side of my family."

I must say, that brought a secret smile to my face.


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Well my daughter will be 3 months tomorrow. And any father here that has a daughter will agree, that everything she does is freagin' cute. She is starting to talk, obviously goo-goo-gaa-gaa stuff.

But one of the cutest thing that this little precious beauty does is fart. I mean she lets them rip. Even during feeding, she'll let off one off those thunderous ground shakers. My wife calls her our little fart blossom. Its soooo effin' cute!!!!

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I have quite a few of these but I'll put my favorite one.

Our son (5) was 4 years old during my wifes preganancy with our daughter. We were discussing baby names and he overheard us talking about the girls names so when we asked what he liked for a girls name he said he really liked Evelyn, which is what we ended up going with. Here is the conversation that followed:

Me: Ok, well what would you want the name to be if you had a baby brother.

Tagen: Batman! (The seriousness in his tone and in his face is what made this hilarious. I laughed for a good while at this one.)

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When we go on trips, both kids got to pack their own carry-on bag so they can theoretically entertain themselves. When my daughter was almost three, this is what she put in her backpack (1.5hr flight):

Three books

A stuffed animal lorikeet

A stuffed animal puffin

A wris****ch

Elmer's glue

Two cough drops

Scotch tape

A Phillips screwdriver (how did she reach that?)

A walkie-talkie

A container of hair detangler

A pirate eye patch

I told her the screwdriver wouldn't make it through security.

Never hurts to be prepared, though.

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Well my daughter will be 3 months tomorrow. And any father here that has a daughter will agree, that everything she does is freagin' cute. She is starting to talk, obviously goo-goo-gaa-gaa stuff.

But one of the cutest thing that this little precious beauty does is fart. I mean she lets them rip. Even during feeding, she'll let off one off those thunderous ground shakers. My wife calls her our little fart blossom. Its soooo effin' cute!!!!

Now here's a story you're gonna have a blast telling once she is old enough to date!! :ols:

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