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Cute things your kids say and do


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But one of the cutest thing that this little precious beauty does is fart. I mean she lets them rip. Even during feeding, she'll let off one off those thunderous ground shakers. My wife calls her our little fart blossom. Its soooo effin' cute!!!!

There's not much -- and by "not much" I mean "nothing" -- better in this world than being a new dad. Enjoy it, brother! And congrats!!


Added: This isn't so much something one of my kids did, but seems like a good place to share it. The single greatest moment of my life was taking my oldest daughter to the hospital to meet her baby sister for the first time. She was decked out in her "I'm a big sister" t-shirt, with our new baby in her "I'm the little sister" onesie. Yeah, if you can keep your eyes dry in that moment, you're a real man I guess, but not a human one. :)

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Our god daughter is the most amazing 3 year old that I have ever met. She is 4 now however. Smarter than most adults it seems.

But at the time, I took my wife to visit her friends and family that live in Jersey as a birthday gift.

We spent some time with her and our friends. Good times.

They warned us that she might say bull'crap', but in context with the conversation being had.

Damned if she didn't do it when we were coming back from dinner and having a discussion about one of kids that was misbehaving at the restaurant.

Funnier though was because of all of the potholes in Jersey her Dad made up a song to distract her from them and as the song finished she would say "again" so they would have to sing it. So we all started to take turns singing because she would continue to say "again".

Dad then asks her..."Do you keep saying again because you are neorotic like Mommy ? " She retorted, "Yes, Mommy is neorotic, but not me, I just like to sing".

We all about fell out on the floor.

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The other night while getting my 4 yr old daughter in bed I commented on some bruises she had on her leg from rough housing at the park. "You're one tough cookie" I said. She responded "No Dad, cookies break."

Pretty good answer I thought.

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The other night while getting my 4 yr old daughter in bed I commented on some bruises she had on her leg from rough housing at the park. "You're one tough cookie" I said. She responded "No Dad, cookies break."

Pretty good answer I thought.

It is amazing sometimes how their minds work on things like that.

I was drying my daughter's (3) hair and she was rummaging through a drawer in the bathroom when she saw a pink disposable razor.

<pointing> "What's that?"

"That's a razor. You don't touch that."

"I can't touch razors...<then enthusiastically> but I can touch raisins!"

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The other night while getting my 4 yr old daughter in bed I commented on some bruises she had on her leg from rough housing at the park. "You're one tough cookie" I said. She responded "No Dad, cookies break."

Pretty good answer I thought.


She's a smart cookie too!

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around 3 years ago, when my 4 year old was learning to walk and talk, when he wanted me to pick him up, he would say put his arms up and say '"daddy, i want to carry you", oblivious to the fact he was mixing his subjects and predicates.

makes me smile every time

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Conversation overheard at my house last night:

Daughter to my son: O, did it hurt when the dr took your tonsils out?

O: No, they gave me sleepy medicine and put me to sleep it did not hurt at all.

A: Oh I forgot they did that when I had my heart surgery!

Just a normal dinner conversation between 5 and 6 year old siblings, right?

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Now here's a story you're gonna have a blast telling once she is old enough to date!! :ols:

Oh believe me, I'm going to remind her and any dude that she brings around about the bombs she use to let off.

We've also taken a lot pictures of her wearing poka-dot pants with a stripped shirt and mismatch socks. This will come in handy when she gets older and tries to act too fly for us :o)

There's not much -- and by "not much" I mean "nothing" -- better in this world than being a new dad. Enjoy it, brother! And congrats!!

Thanks HH. Its been a true blessing being a father. I know i'm only three months in, but I'm loving every second of this parent thing.

I found out that doing the electric slide with my daughter stops her from crying.

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I'm walking out of the bathroom this morning and my 4-year-old daughter, who is sitting in my bed watching TV with her mother, turns and says:

"Hey Daddy, did you have fun playing with yourself in the shower?"

I didn't know how to respond so I just said "Yes honey, I did. Thank you."

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"What are their names?"

"'Princess,' 'Monkey,' 'Al' and 'Horsey.'"

:ols: Where did Al come from?

I have a one year old niece who would not say the word cup. She calls it a "pot" :doh:

Me: Say up

Her: Up

Me: What is this? (holding a sippy cup)

Her: Sippy Pot

Me: Cup

Her: Sippy Pot!!

Me: :doh:

Her: trollface.gif

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Not my kids, but my nephew. I was babysitting him about 20 years ago when he was a toddler (about 3) and I thought I'd take him to the playground. Trying to figure out which one he normally went to I asked him if he walked or drove to get to it. His response: "I'm not old enough to drive, Oggen"

:doh: :ols:

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My 4 year old son had an end of year lunch at his school. I was siting with him and some of his other classmates when a little girl in his class pointed and asked what was on my hat. I was wearing on of my Skins hats and before I could tell her what it was my son said "That's the Redskins. Mommy's favorite team is the Steelers but mine and my da like the Redskins!" My kid is awesome.

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Took my daughter to the Rosicrucian Egyptian museum in San Jose when she was three years old. It's a cool place, all dark, silent and full of ancient artifacts. She pulls away from me and goes to stare at a 3000 year old mummy, which has been unwrapped to show how well preserved the body is. She stares for about a minute, without moving. We think that maybe she is getting scared looking at that old dead face with its bony arms crossed on its chest, so we go over and gently pull her away, whispering: "let's go downstairs and get a soda."

She nods, then turns back to the mummy and yells at the top of her lungs: "NIGHTY NIGHT." About 100 people cracked up laughing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm walking out of the bathroom this morning and my 4-year-old daughter, who is sitting in my bed watching TV with her mother, turns and says:

"Hey Daddy, did you have fun playing with yourself in the shower?"

I didn't know how to respond so I just said "Yes honey, I did. Thank you."

Not meaning to bump, but I have to say that's hilarious!:ols:

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